syl20bnr / spacemacs

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mini buffer is hiding other windows #16317

Closed gopakumar closed 3 months ago

gopakumar commented 3 months ago

Description :octocat:

minibuffer is hiding all other windows

Reproduction guide :beetle:

Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: you can see, when the minibuffer is open its hiding all the windows except that active one

Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile: mini buffer should open without hiding all the other windows

System Info :computer:

Backtrace :paw_prints:

bcc32 commented 3 months ago

I can't reproduce with those layers. Is there maybe something else in your config that might be responsible? (For example, do you still get this problem if you move your .spacemacs to .spacemacs.bak and start with the default settings?)

gopakumar commented 3 months ago

issue is only there if we install spacemacs-base. I used default settings. no addition packages or configs added/chaged

bcc32 commented 3 months ago

Ah, I see, and I was able to reproduce this.

This is helm's default behavior, and is expected. If you enable the spacemacs-completion layer (which sets the helm-display-function variable), it changes this behavior to stop closing the other windows.

gopakumar commented 3 months ago

Issue resolved after adding the spacemacs-completion layer. Thank you very much for the help