syl20bnr / spacemacs

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`git grep` is preferred over `rg` but is massively deficient #16370

Closed zenspider closed 2 months ago

zenspider commented 2 months ago

Without any config, if any project I use that is backed by git, then dumb-jump prefers to use git grep to find definitions via dumb-jump-pick-grep-variant. The problem, in C or ruby or anything else I've tried, is that it doesn't find ANYTHING... 0% hit rate. If I set '(dumb-jump-force-searcher 'rg) then everything works well. I don't know if git grep regexps are deficient or broken because I find dumb-jump hard to navigate but the problem certainly lies with the searcher. For some reason I can't figure out, it chooses git-grep over dumb-jump-prefer-searcher, so I'm not sure what the prefer vs force distinction is for.

I would also suggest that rg be preferred over ag.

bcc32 commented 2 months ago

Spacemacs does pretty minimal configuration for dumb-jump (it just adds integrations for ivy, helm, and xref). I'd suggest filing an issue on that package's repo instead.

zenspider commented 2 months ago

OMG what was I smoking when I filed this??? Sorry! So many tabs open.