Open mhaffner opened 1 week ago
openai layer returns 400 error. I can retrieve the available models and generate images, but other functionality doesn't seem to be working.
SPC $ o g
Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: 400 - Bad request. Please check error message and your parameters
Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile: openai returns a response.
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400 - Bad request. Please check error message and your parameters
Description :octocat:
openai layer returns 400 error. I can retrieve the available models and generate images, but other functionality doesn't seem to be working.
Reproduction guide :beetle:
SPC $ o g
Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: 400 - Bad request. Please check error message and your parameters
Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile: openai returns a response.
System Info :computer:
Backtrace :paw_prints: