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Enable spacemacs-ivy get error "Key sequence h SPC d starts with non-prefix key h SPC" #4569

Closed ghost closed 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

OS version: Mac OS X 10.11.2 Emacs's version: 24.5.1, build with brew Spacemacs's version: lastest develop branch

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Key sequence h SPC d starts with non-prefix key h SPC")
  define-key((keymap (67 keymap (108 . helm-colors)) (f1 . helm-apropos) (103 keymap (73 . helm-gitignore) (116 . spacemacs/time-machine-micro-state) (109 . git-messenger:popup-message) (104 keymap (3 . github-clone) (111 . github-browse-file) (67 . spacemacs/git-link-commit-copy-url-only) (99 . git-link-commit) (76 . spacemacs/git-link-copy-url-only) (108 . git-link)) (103 keymap (82 . gist-region-private) (114 . gist-region) (108 . gist-list) (66 . gist-buffer-private) (98 . gist-buffer))) (83 keymap (99 . helm-flyspell-correct) (110 . flyspell-goto-next-error) (100 . spell-checking/change-dictionary) (98 . flyspell-buffer)) (80 keymap (85 . floobits-share-dir-public) (116 . floobits-follow-mode-toggle) (115 . floobits-summon) (82 . floobits-share-dir-private) (108 . floobits-leave-workspace) (106 . floobits-join-workspace) (102 . floobits-follow-user) (100 . spacemacs/floobits-load-rcfile) (99 . floobits-clear-highlights)) (118 . er/expand-region) (59 . evilnc-comment-operator) (107 keymap (121 . evil-lisp-state-sp-copy-sexp) (87 . evil-lisp-state-sp-unwrap-sexp) (119 . evil-lisp-state-wrap) (22 . evil-lisp-state-evil-visual-block) (86 . evil-lisp-state-evil-visual-line) (118 . evil-lisp-state-evil-visual-char) (18 . evil-lisp-state-undo-tree-redo) (85 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-up-sexp) (117 . evil-lisp-state-undo-tree-undo) (116 . evil-lisp-state-sp-transpose-sexp) (83 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-slurp-sexp) (115 . evil-lisp-state-sp-forward-slurp-sexp) (114 . evil-lisp-state-sp-raise-sexp) (80 . evil-lisp-state-evil-paste-before) (112 . evil-lisp-state-evil-paste-after) (76 . evil-lisp-state-sp-forward-sexp) (74 . evil-lisp-state-sp-join-sexp) (73 . evil-lisp-state-evil-insert-line) (105 . evil-lisp-state-evil-insert-state) (72 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-sexp) (69 . evil-lisp-state-sp-splice-sexp-killing-backward) (101 . evil-lisp-state-sp-splice-sexp-killing-forward) (68 keymap (120 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-kill-sexp) (119 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-kill-word) (115 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-kill-symbol)) (100 keymap (120 . evil-lisp-state-sp-kill-sexp) (119 . evil-lisp-state-sp-kill-word) (115 . evil-lisp-state-sp-kill-symbol)) (99 . evil-lisp-state-sp-convolute-sexp) (66 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-barf-sexp) (98 . evil-lisp-state-sp-forward-barf-sexp) (97 . evil-lisp-state-sp-absorb-sexp) (57 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (56 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (55 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (54 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (53 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (52 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (51 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (50 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (49 . evil-lisp-state-digit-argument) (48 . evil-lisp-state-beginning-of-sexp) (96 keymap (116 . evil-lisp-state-sp-transpose-hybrid-sexp) (115 . evil-lisp-state-sp-slurp-hybrid-sexp) (112 . evil-lisp-state-sp-push-hybrid-sexp) (107 . evil-lisp-state-sp-kill-hybrid-sexp)) (36 . evil-lisp-state-sp-end-of-sexp) (41 . evil-lisp-state-insert-sexp-after) (40 . evil-lisp-state-insert-sexp-before) (58 . evil-lisp-state-evil-ex) (37 . evil-lisp-state-evil-jump-item) (108 . evil-lisp-state-forward-symbol) (107 . evil-lisp-state-prev-opening-paren) (106 . evil-lisp-state-next-closing-paren) (104 . evil-lisp-state-sp-backward-symbol) ...) (100 keymap (72 . helm-dash) (104 . helm-dash-at-point) (68 . dash-at-point-with-docset) (100 . dash-at-point)) (63 . helm-descbinds) (42 . spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search-region-or-symbol) (47 . spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search) (114 keymap (109 . helm-all-mark-rings) (114 . helm-register) (101 . evil-show-registers) (121 . helm-show-kill-ring)) (112 keymap (118 . projectile-vc) (114 . helm-projectile-recentf) (104 . helm-projectile) (102 . helm-projectile-find-file) (100 . helm-projectile-find-dir) (98 . helm-projectile-switch-to-buffer) (108 . spacemacs/helm-persp-switch-project) (112 . helm-projectile-switch-project)) (58 . counsel-M-x) (111 keymap (104 . helm-org-agenda-files-headings) (118 . cb-org/tags-list) (116 . cb-org/todo-list) (119 . cb-org/goto-work) (110 . cb-org/goto-notes) (115 . org-search-view) (107 . org-capture) (100 . cb-org/goto-diary) (99 . org-clock-goto) (98 . org-iswitchb) (97 . cb-org/agenda-dwim)) (115 keymap (19 . helm-multi-swoop-all) (83 . spacemacs/helm-swoop-region-or-symbol) (115 . helm-swoop) (66 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-smart-do-search-region-or-symbol) (98 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-smart-do-search) (96 . helm-ag-pop-stack) (108 . spacemacs/last-search-buffer) (99 . evil-search-highlight-persist-remove-all) (101 . evil-iedit-state/iedit-mode) (107 keymap (66 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-ack-region-or-symbol) (98 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-ack) (80 . spacemacs/helm-project-do-ack-region-or-symbol) (112 . spacemacs/helm-project-do-ack) (70 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-ack-region-or-symbol) (102 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-ack)) (103 keymap (71 . spacemacs/helm-file-do-grep-region-or-symbol) (103 . spacemacs/helm-file-do-grep) (66 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-grep-region-or-symbol) (98 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-grep) (80 . spacemacs/counsel-git-grep-region-or-symbol) (112 . helm-projectile-grep) (70 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-grep-region-or-symbol) (102 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-grep)) (116 keymap (66 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-pt-region-or-symbol) (98 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-pt) (80 . spacemacs/helm-project-do-pt-region-or-symbol) (112 . spacemacs/helm-project-do-pt) (70 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-pt-region-or-symbol) (102 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-pt)) (97 keymap (65 . spacemacs/helm-file-do-ag-region-or-symbol) (97 . helm-ag-this-file) (66 . spacemacs/helm-buffers-do-ag-region-or-symbol) (98 . helm-do-ag-buffers) (80 . spacemacs/helm-project-do-ag-region-or-symbol) (112 . spacemacs/helm-project-do-ag) (70 . spacemacs/helm-files-do-ag-region-or-symbol) (102 . helm-do-ag)) (80 . spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search-region-or-symbol) (112 . spacemacs/helm-project-smart-do-search) (70 . spacemacs/helm-files-smart-do-search-region-or-symbol) (102 . spacemacs/helm-files-smart-do-search) (106 . spacemacs/jump-in-buffer) (119 keymap (103 . spacemacs/helm-google-suggest) (119 . spacemacs/helm-wikipedia-suggest))) (122 keymap (120 . spacemacs/scale-font-micro-state)) (120 keymap (103 keymap (116 . google-translate-at-point) (84 . google-translate-at-point-reverse) (113 . google-translate-query-translate) (81 . google-translate-query-translate-reverse) (108 . spacemacs/set-google-translate-languages)) (119 keymap (100 . define-word-at-point) (99 . spacemacs/count-words-analysis)) (117 . downcase-region) (85 . upcase-region) (116 keymap (119 . transpose-words) (108 . transpose-lines) (99 . transpose-chars)) (108 keymap (117 . spacemacs/uniquify-lines) (115 . spacemacs/sort-lines)) (100 keymap (119 . delete-trailing-whitespace)) (99 . count-region) (97 keymap (41 . spacemacs/align-repeat-right-paren) (40 . spacemacs/align-repeat-left-paren) (124 . spacemacs/align-repeat-bar) (38 . spacemacs/align-repeat-ampersand) (61 . spacemacs/align-repeat-equal) (58 . spacemacs/align-repeat-colon) (59 . spacemacs/align-repeat-semicolon) (44 . spacemacs/align-repeat-comma) (46 . spacemacs/align-repeat-decimal) (109 . spacemacs/align-repeat-math-oper) (114 . spacemacs/align-repeat) (97 . align))) (119 keymap (32 . ace-window) (67 . ace-delete-window) (46 . spacemacs/window-manipulation-micro-state) (61 . balance-windows) (47 . split-window-right) (119 . other-window) (86 . split-window-right-and-focus) (118 . split-window-right) (117 . winner-undo) (85 . winner-redo) (45 . split-window-below) (83 . split-window-below-and-focus) (115 . split-window-below) (82 . spacemacs/rotate-windows) (111 . other-frame) (77 . spacemacs/toggle-maximize-centered-buffer) (109 . spacemacs/toggle-maximize-buffer) (right . evil-window-right) (108 . evil-window-right) (S-right . evil-window-move-far-right) (76 . evil-window-move-far-right) (up . evil-window-up) (107 . evil-window-up) (S-up . evil-window-move-very-top) (75 . evil-window-move-very-top) (down . evil-window-down) (106 . evil-window-down) (S-down . evil-window-move-very-bottom) (74 . evil-window-move-very-bottom) (left . evil-window-left) (104 . evil-window-left) (S-left . evil-window-move-far-left) (72 . evil-window-move-far-left) (100 . spacemacs/toggle-current-window-dedication) (99 . delete-window) (98 . spacemacs/switch-to-minibuffer-window) (51 . spacemacs/layout-triple-columns) (50 . spacemacs/layout-double-columns)) (113 keymap (122 . spacemacs/frame-killer) (81 . spacemacs/kill-emacs) (113 . spacemacs/prompt-kill-emacs) (115 . spacemacs/save-buffers-kill-emacs)) (116 keymap (105 . spacemacs/toggle-indent-guide) (100 . spacemacs/toggle-hungry-delete) (67 keymap (112 . highlight-parentheses-mode)) (103 . spacemacs/toggle-golden-ratio) (83 . spacemacs/toggle-spelling-checking) (115 . spacemacs/toggle-syntax-checking) (102 . spacemacs/toggle-fill-column-indicator) (67108909 . spacemacs/toggle-centered-point-globally) (45 . spacemacs/toggle-centered-point) (9 . spacemacs/toggle-indent-guide-globally) (73 . spacemacs/toggle-aggressive-indent) (69 keymap (104 . spacemacs/toggle-hybrid-mode) (101 . spacemacs/toggle-holy-mode)) (97 . spacemacs/toggle-auto-completion) (109 keymap (98 . spacemacs/toggle-mode-line-battery) (116 . spacemacs/toggle-mode-line)) (68 . spacemacs/toggle-debug-on-error) (70 . spacemacs/toggle-auto-fill-mode) (110 . spacemacs/toggle-line-numbers) (76 . spacemacs/toggle-visual-line-navigation) (108 . spacemacs/toggle-truncate-lines) (104 keymap (99 . spacemacs/toggle-highlight-indentation-current-column) (105 . spacemacs/toggle-highlight-indentation) (97 . spacemacs/toggle-automatic-symbol-highlight) (104 . spacemacs/toggle-highlight-current-line-globally))) (110 keymap (45 . spacemacs/evil-numbers-decrease) (61 . spacemacs/evil-numbers-increase) (43 . spacemacs/evil-numbers-increase) (62 . spacemacs/scroll-micro-state) (60 . spacemacs/scroll-micro-state) (44 . spacemacs/scroll-micro-state) (46 . spacemacs/scroll-micro-state) (119 . widen) (102 . narrow-to-defun) (112 . narrow-to-page) (114 . narrow-to-region)) (99 keymap (109 . helm-make) (99 . helm-make-projectile) (89 . spacemacs/copy-and-comment-lines-inverse) (121 . spacemacs/copy-and-comment-lines) (84 . spacemacs/quick-comment-or-uncomment-to-the-line-inverse) (116 . spacemacs/quick-comment-or-uncomment-to-the-line) (80 . spacemacs/comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs-inverse) (112 . spacemacs/comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs) (76 . spacemacs/comment-or-uncomment-lines-inverse) (108 . spacemacs/comment-or-uncomment-lines) (113 . spacemacs/close-compilation-window) (114 . recompile) (107 . kill-compilation) (67 . compile)) (106 keymap (73 . helm-imenu-in-all-buffers) (119 . evil-avy-goto-word-or-subword-1) (85 . spacemacs/avy-goto-url) (117 . avy-pop-mark) (108 . evil-avy-goto-line) (74 . evil-avy-goto-char-2) (106 . evil-avy-goto-char) (118 . find-variable-at-point) (105 . spacemacs/jump-in-buffer) (102 . find-function-at-point) (68 . dired-jump-other-window) (100 . dired-jump) (98 . bookmark-jump) (36 . spacemacs/push-mark-and-goto-end-of-line) (48 . spacemacs/push-mark-and-goto-beginning-of-line) (107 . spacemacs/evil-goto-next-line-and-indent) (83 . spacemacs/split-and-new-line) (61 . spacemacs/indent-region-or-buffer) (111 . open-line)) (105 keymap (114 . ivy-resume) (115 . spacemacs/helm-yas) (101 . emoji-cheat-sheet-plus-insert) (117 . helm-ucs) (83 keymap (119 . aya-persist-snippet) (101 . spacemacs/auto-yasnippet-expand) (99 . aya-create)) (106 . spacemacs/evil-insert-line-below) (107 . spacemacs/evil-insert-line-above) (75 . spacemacs/insert-line-above-no-indent) (74 . spacemacs/insert-line-below-no-indent)) (104 keymap (32 . helm-spacemacs-help) (13 . helm-enable-minor-mode) (77 . helm-switch-major-mode) (109 . helm-man-woman) (108 . helm-resume) (105 . helm-info-at-point) (98 . helm-filtered-bookmarks) (84 . evil-tutor-start) (76 . spacemacs/helm-locate-library) (100 keymap (75 . describe-keymap) (70 . spacemacs/helm-faces) (109 . spacemacs/describe-mode) (118 . counsel-describe-variable) (116 . describe-theme) (115 . spacemacs/describe-system-info) (112 . describe-package) (108 . spacemacs/describe-last-keys) (107 . describe-key) (102 . counsel-describe-function) (99 . describe-char) (98 . describe-bindings))) (102 keymap (114 . ivy-recentf) (70 . helm-find-files) (97 keymap (115 . fasd-find-file) (102 . fasd-find-file-only) (100 . fasd-find-directory-only)) (76 . helm-locate) (102 . spacemacs/helm-find-files) (121 . spacemacs/show-and-copy-buffer-filename) (118 keymap (112 . add-file-local-variable-prop-line) (102 . add-file-local-variable) (100 . add-dir-local-variable)) (115 . save-buffer) (83 . evil-write-all) (82 . spacemacs/rename-current-buffer-file) (111 . spacemacs/open-in-external-app) (69 . spacemacs/sudo-edit) (108 . find-file-literally) (106 . dired-jump) (103 . rgrep) (67 keymap (117 . spacemacs/dos2unix) (100 . spacemacs/unix2dos)) (101 keymap (102 . helm-spacemacs-help-faq) (104 . spacemacs-base/helm-spacemacs-deprecated) (118 . spacemacs/display-and-copy-version) (82 . dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers) (68 . spacemacs/ediff-dotfile-and-template) (100 . spacemacs/find-dotfile) (105 . spacemacs/find-user-init-file)) (68 . spacemacs/delete-current-buffer-file) (99 . spacemacs/copy-file)) (101 keymap (118 . flycheck-verify-setup) (83 . flycheck-set-checker-executable) (115 . flycheck-select-checker) (108 . spacemacs/toggle-flycheck-error-list) (104 . flycheck-describe-checker) (99 . flycheck-clear) (78 . spacemacs/previous-error) (112 . spacemacs/previous-error) (110 . spacemacs/next-error)) (84 keymap (104 . helm-themes) (99 . counsel-load-theme) (19 . spacemacs/toggle-semantic-stickyfunc-globally) (115 . spacemacs/toggle-semantic-stickyfunc) (109 . spacemacs/toggle-menu-bar) (116 . spacemacs/toggle-tool-bar) (84 . spacemacs/toggle-transparent-frame) (77 . spacemacs/toggle-maximize-frame) (70 . spacemacs/toggle-fullscreen-frame) (102 . spacemacs/toggle-fringe) (110 . spacemacs/cycle-spacemacs-theme)) (9 . spacemacs/alternate-buffer) (98 keymap (66 . ibuffer) (98 . ivy-switch-buffer) (109 keymap (108 . buf-move-right) (107 . buf-move-up) (106 . buf-move-down) (104 . buf-move-left)) (77 . ace-swap-window) (102 . reveal-in-osx-finder) (46 . spacemacs/buffer-micro-state) (119 . read-only-mode) (89 . spacemacs/copy-whole-buffer-to-clipboard) (115 . spacemacs/switch-to-scratch-buffer) (82 . spacemacs/safe-revert-buffer) (112 . spacemacs/previous-useful-buffer) (110 . spacemacs/next-useful-buffer) (80 . spacemacs/copy-clipboard-to-whole-buffer) (11 . spacemacs/kill-matching-buffers-rudely) (107 . ido-kill-buffer) (75 . spacemacs/kill-other-buffers) (101 . spacemacs/safe-erase-buffer) (104 . spacemacs/home) (100 . kill-this-buffer)) (97 keymap (109 keymap (115 keymap (103 . helm-spotify))) (101 keymap (109 . geeknote-move) (114 . geeknote-remove) (115 . geeknote-show) (102 . geeknote-find) (101 . geeknote-edit) (99 . geeknote-create)) (47 . spacemacs/search-engine-select) (69 . emoji-cheat-sheet-plus-buffer) (102 . elfeed) (105 keymap (105 . erc-track-switch-buffer) (69 . erc-tls) (101 . erc) (110 . ein:notebooklist-open)) (110 . spacemacs/deft) (76 . global-command-log-mode) (117 . undo-tree-visualize) (80 . proced) (112 . list-processes) (100 . dired) (99 . calc-dispatch)) (33 . shell-command) (117 . universal-argument)) "h d" ivy-spacemacs-help-docs)
  (while key (define-key spacemacs-default-map (kbd key) def) (setq key (car-safe (prog1 bindings (setq bindings (cdr bindings)))) def (car-safe (prog1 bindings (setq bindings (cdr bindings))))))
  spacemacs/set-leader-keys("h SPC d" ivy-spacemacs-help-docs "h SPC ." ivy-spacemacs-help-dotspacemacs "h SPC l" ivy-spacemacs-help-layers "h SPC SPC" ivy-spacemacs-help "h SPC p" ivy-spacemacs-help-packages "h SPC t" ivy-spacemacs-help-toggles)
  (condition-case err (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "h SPC d" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-docs) "h SPC ." (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-dotspacemacs) "h SPC l" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-layers) "h SPC SPC" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help) "h SPC p" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-packages) "h SPC t" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-toggles)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" ":init" (error-message-string err)) :error))))
  (progn (condition-case err (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "h SPC d" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-docs) "h SPC ." (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-dotspacemacs) "h SPC l" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-layers) "h SPC SPC" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help) "h SPC p" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-packages) "h SPC t" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-toggles)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" ":init" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--ivy-spacemacs-help--post-init-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" "post-:init hook" (error-message-string err)) :error)))))
  (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--ivy-spacemacs-help--pre-init-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" "pre-:init hook" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (progn (condition-case err (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "h SPC d" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-docs) "h SPC ." (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-dotspacemacs) "h SPC l" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-layers) "h SPC SPC" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help) "h SPC p" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-packages) "h SPC t" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-toggles)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" ":init" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--ivy-spacemacs-help--post-init-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" "post-:init hook" (error-message-string err)) :error))))))
  (progn (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--ivy-spacemacs-help--pre-init-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" "pre-:init hook" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (progn (condition-case err (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "h SPC d" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-docs) "h SPC ." (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-dotspacemacs) "h SPC l" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-layers) "h SPC SPC" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help) "h SPC p" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-packages) "h SPC t" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help-toggles)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" ":init" ...) :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--ivy-spacemacs-help--post-init-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "ivy-spacemacs-help" "post-:init hook" ...) :error)))))) (let ((now (current-time))) (message "%s..." "Loading package ivy-spacemacs-help") (prog1 (if (not (require (quote ivy-spacemacs-help) nil (quote noerror))) (ignore (message (format "Could not load %s" (quote ivy-spacemacs-help))))) (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract ... now)))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Loading package ivy-spacemacs-help" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Loading package ivy-spacemacs-help"))))))
  (let* ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name))) (owner (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (owner-layer (object-assoc owner :name configuration-layer--layers)) (disabled-for-layers (eieio-oref owner-layer (quote :disabled-for)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "Configuring %S..." pkg-name)) (mapc (function (lambda (layer) (if (memq layer disabled-for-layers) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> ignored pre-init (%S)..." layer)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> pre-init (%S)..." layer)) (condition-case err (funcall (intern ...)) ((quote error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ...)))))) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :pre-layers))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> init (%S)..." owner)) (funcall (intern (format "%S/init-%S" owner pkg-name))) (mapc (function (lambda (layer) (if (memq layer disabled-for-layers) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> ignored post-init (%S)..." layer)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> post-init (%S)..." layer)) (condition-case err (funcall (intern ...)) ((quote error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ...)))))) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :post-layers))))
  configuration-layer//configure-package([object cfgl-package "ivy-spacemacs-help" ivy-spacemacs-help spacemacs-ivy nil nil local nil nil nil])
  (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))
  (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg (quote :protected)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path)) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Location path for package %S does not exists (value: %s)." pkg location))) ((and (eq (quote local) location) (eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg ...))) (setq load-path (cons (file-name-as-directory ...) load-path))) ((eq (quote local) location) (let* ((owner ...) (dir ...)) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path)) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path)))))) (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))
  (let ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name)))) (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg (quote :protected)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path ...) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Location path for package %S does not exists (value: %s)." pkg location))) ((and (eq ... location) (eq ... ...)) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path))) ((eq (quote local) location) (let* (... ...) (setq load-path ...) (setq load-path ...))))) (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg))))))
  (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg (car --dolist-tail--)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name)))) (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg (quote :protected)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg ...))) (cond ((stringp location) (if ... ... ...)) ((and ... ...) (setq load-path ...)) ((eq ... location) (let* ... ... ...)))) (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg ...)) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
  (let ((--dolist-tail-- packages) pkg) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg (car --dolist-tail--)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name)))) (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg ...))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...))) (cond ((eq ... ...) (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (spacemacs-buffer/message ...)) (t (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name) (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
  configuration-layer//configure-packages-2(([object cfgl-package "ac-ispell" ac-ispell auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-jump-helm-line" ace-jump-helm-line spacemacs-helm nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-link" ace-link spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-window" ace-window spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adaptive-wrap" adaptive-wrap spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adoc-mode" adoc-mode asciidoc nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ag" ag cb-core nil (cb-project) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "aggressive-indent" aggressive-indent spacemacs nil (cb-cpp cb-core) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "alert" alert cb-core nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "align-cljlet" align-cljlet clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "anaconda-mode" anaconda-mode python nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auctex" auctex latex nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auctex-latexmk" auctex-latexmk nil nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-compile" auto-compile emacs-lisp nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-complete" auto-complete auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-dictionary" auto-dictionary spell-checking nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-highlight-symbol" auto-highlight-symbol spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-revert" auto-revert nil nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-yasnippet" auto-yasnippet auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "autoinsert" autoinsert cb-autoinsert nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "avy" avy spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bash-completion" bash-completion zwb nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-key" bind-key spacemacs-base nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bookmark" bookmark spacemacs-base nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "buffer-move" buffer-move spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bundler" bundler ruby nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "case" case cb-core nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cb-org-latex-preview-retina" cb-org-latex-preview-retina cb-org nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cc-mode" cc-mode c-c++ nil (cb-cpp) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "centered-cursor" centered-cursor spacemacs nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "chruby" chruby ruby nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider" cider clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider-eval-sexp-fu" cider-eval-sexp-fu clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clang-format" clang-format c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clean-aindent-mode" clean-aindent-mode spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clj-refactor" clj-refactor clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-mode" clojure-mode clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-mode" cmake-mode c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmm-mode" cmm-mode haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "coffee-mode" coffee-mode javascript nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comint" comint shell nil nil built-in nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log-mode" command-log-mode command-log nil nil (recipe :fetcher github :repo "bmag/command-log-mode" :branch "color") nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comment-dwim-2" comment-dwim-2 zwb nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company" company auto-completion (shell) (org yaml ruby racket python markdown lua latex javascript java html haskell go erlang emacs-lisp clojure c-c++ erc react) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-anaconda" company-anaconda python nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-auctex" company-auctex latex nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-c-headers" company-c-headers c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-cabal" company-cabal haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-emoji" company-emoji emoji nil (org markdown erc) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-ghc" company-ghc haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] ...))
  configuration-layer//configure-packages(([object cfgl-package "ac-ispell" ac-ispell auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-jump-helm-line" ace-jump-helm-line spacemacs-helm nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-link" ace-link spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-window" ace-window spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adaptive-wrap" adaptive-wrap spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adoc-mode" adoc-mode asciidoc nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ag" ag cb-core nil (cb-project) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "aggressive-indent" aggressive-indent spacemacs nil (cb-cpp cb-core) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "alert" alert cb-core nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "align-cljlet" align-cljlet clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "anaconda-mode" anaconda-mode python nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auctex" auctex latex nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auctex-latexmk" auctex-latexmk nil nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-compile" auto-compile emacs-lisp nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-complete" auto-complete auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-dictionary" auto-dictionary spell-checking nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-highlight-symbol" auto-highlight-symbol spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-revert" auto-revert nil nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-yasnippet" auto-yasnippet auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "autoinsert" autoinsert cb-autoinsert nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "avy" avy spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bash-completion" bash-completion zwb nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-key" bind-key spacemacs-base nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-map" bind-map spacemacs-base nil nil elpa pre nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bookmark" bookmark spacemacs-base nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "buffer-move" buffer-move spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bundler" bundler ruby nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "case" case cb-core nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cb-org-latex-preview-retina" cb-org-latex-preview-retina cb-org nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cc-mode" cc-mode c-c++ nil (cb-cpp) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "centered-cursor" centered-cursor spacemacs nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "chruby" chruby ruby nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider" cider clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider-eval-sexp-fu" cider-eval-sexp-fu clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clang-format" clang-format c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clean-aindent-mode" clean-aindent-mode spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clj-refactor" clj-refactor clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-mode" clojure-mode clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-mode" cmake-mode c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmm-mode" cmm-mode haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "coffee-mode" coffee-mode javascript nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comint" comint shell nil nil built-in nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log-mode" command-log-mode command-log nil nil (recipe :fetcher github :repo "bmag/command-log-mode" :branch "color") nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comment-dwim-2" comment-dwim-2 zwb nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company" company auto-completion (shell) (org yaml ruby racket python markdown lua latex javascript java html haskell go erlang emacs-lisp clojure c-c++ erc react) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-anaconda" company-anaconda python nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-auctex" company-auctex latex nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-c-headers" company-c-headers c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-cabal" company-cabal haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-emoji" company-emoji emoji nil (org markdown erc) elpa nil nil nil] ...))
  configuration-layer//load-packages(([object cfgl-package "ac-ispell" ac-ispell auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-jump-helm-line" ace-jump-helm-line spacemacs-helm nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-link" ace-link spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-window" ace-window spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adaptive-wrap" adaptive-wrap spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adoc-mode" adoc-mode asciidoc nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ag" ag cb-core nil (cb-project) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "aggressive-indent" aggressive-indent spacemacs nil (cb-cpp cb-core) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "alert" alert cb-core nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "align-cljlet" align-cljlet clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "anaconda-mode" anaconda-mode python nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auctex" auctex latex nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auctex-latexmk" auctex-latexmk nil nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-compile" auto-compile emacs-lisp nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-complete" auto-complete auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-dictionary" auto-dictionary spell-checking nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-highlight-symbol" auto-highlight-symbol spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-revert" auto-revert nil nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-yasnippet" auto-yasnippet auto-completion nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "autoinsert" autoinsert cb-autoinsert nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "avy" avy spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bash-completion" bash-completion zwb nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-key" bind-key spacemacs-base nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-map" bind-map spacemacs-base nil nil elpa pre nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bookmark" bookmark spacemacs-base nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "buffer-move" buffer-move spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bundler" bundler ruby nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "case" case cb-core nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cb-org-latex-preview-retina" cb-org-latex-preview-retina cb-org nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cc-mode" cc-mode c-c++ nil (cb-cpp) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "centered-cursor" centered-cursor spacemacs nil nil local nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "chruby" chruby ruby nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider" cider clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider-eval-sexp-fu" cider-eval-sexp-fu clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clang-format" clang-format c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clean-aindent-mode" clean-aindent-mode spacemacs nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clj-refactor" clj-refactor clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-mode" clojure-mode clojure nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-mode" cmake-mode c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmm-mode" cmm-mode haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "coffee-mode" coffee-mode javascript nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comint" comint shell nil nil built-in nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log-mode" command-log-mode command-log nil nil (recipe :fetcher github :repo "bmag/command-log-mode" :branch "color") nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comment-dwim-2" comment-dwim-2 zwb nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company" company auto-completion (shell) (org yaml ruby racket python markdown lua latex javascript java html haskell go erlang emacs-lisp clojure c-c++ erc react) elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-anaconda" company-anaconda python nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-auctex" company-auctex latex nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-c-headers" company-c-headers c-c++ nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-cabal" company-cabal haskell nil nil elpa nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-emoji" company-emoji emoji nil (org markdown erc) elpa nil nil nil] ...))
  (if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version)) (message (concat "Your version of Emacs (%s) is too old. " "Spacemacs requires Emacs version %d or above.") emacs-version spacemacs-emacs-min-version) (load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core-load-paths.el")) (require (quote core-spacemacs)) (spacemacs/init) (spacemacs/maybe-install-dotfile) (configuration-layer/sync) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (require (quote server)) (if (server-running-p) nil (server-start)))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*-795643> nil "/Users/zwb/.space.d/init.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 1076
StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

Are you sure you are on the latest develop commit? IIRC this bug have been correctde there:

d12frosted commented 8 years ago

@zwb-ict better to use SPC h d s and paste it here :) So we will see exactly where you are :)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Thank you @d1egoaz , This is the info SPC h d s got:

System Info

(spacemacs-helm spacemacs-ivy dockerfile mu4e django react ruby-on-rails emoji selectric xkcd erc asciidoc
                (c-c++ :variables c-c++-default-mode-for-headers 'c++-mode c-c++-enable-clang-support t)
                (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
                common-lisp emacs-lisp erlang go
                (haskell :variables haskell-enable-ghci-ng-support t haskell-enable-ghc-mod-support nil haskell-enable-hindent-style "gibiansky")
                html ipython-notebook java javascript latex lua markdown python racket ruby scala scheme shell-scripts sql swift yaml git github command-log dash
                (elfeed :variables rmh-elfeed-org-files
                        (list "~/.space.d/private/elfeed/"))
                evernote fasd pandoc ranger tmux eyebrowse spacemacs-layouts
                (auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-help-tooltip t auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t)
                better-defaults chrome colors cscope deft floobits gtags ibuffer
                (org :variables org-enable-github-support t)
                osx prodigy restclient search-engine semantic
                (shell :variables shell-default-shell 'multi-term shell-default-term-shell "/usr/local/bin/zsh")
                smex spell-checking spotify syntax-checking zwb cb-autoinsert cb-core cb-cpp cb-diff cb-git cb-js cb-org cb-org-reveal cb-project cb-scala cb-shell cb-smartparens cb-sunrise-commander cb-yasnippet)
ghost commented 8 years ago

Thank you,@StreakyCobra. I checked again, and make sure it's on the latest develop commit

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

Have you also updated your packages recently? Just to be sure :-)

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

Nevermind, just chose one of spacemacs-helm and spacemacs-ivy, not both, and you would be fine :smile:

d12frosted commented 8 years ago

We need a rule for this. Like, spacemacs-helm and spacemacs-ivy are exclusive. So just want users that it's not allowed to have them both enabled. @StreakyCobra fire up new issue for this :)

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

@d12frosted I already started the discussion with the other devs :-)

justbur commented 8 years ago

I agree. While I think we can possibly make them work together in the future, there's probably too many conflicts at the moment.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@StreakyCobra , after disable spacemacs-helm, all the things are fine. Thank you and all other devs. :) Have a nice day. This issue can be closed right?

justbur commented 8 years ago

Updated #4540 with more information on (the lack of) helm integration

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

@justbur Do we want a safety check or not?

syl20bnr commented 8 years ago

Oh I did not see this issue, I understand now why the check is very restrictive.

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

@syl20bnr :-) It's up to you

syl20bnr commented 8 years ago

Can you test again to mix both layers to see if you have other errors ? The OP's error should be fixed.

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

I don't see the bug anymore.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@syl20bnr @StreakyCobra , after update to the latest, the error is missing, I think this bug has been fixed.

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, it was a develop-only bug, so closing it.