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Error (use-package): counsel config: Symbol's function definition is void: counsel-mode #5380

Closed bobsongplus closed 8 years ago

bobsongplus commented 8 years ago


when i start sapcemacs, i get thie error: Error (use-package): counsel :config: Symbol's function definition is void: counsel-mode

Reproduction guide

Observed behaviour: i track this error, find this error come out because of the last commit in layers/+completion/spacemacs-ivy/packages.el added (counsel-mode 1),

System Info

(spacemacs-helm spacemacs-ivy better-defaults github
                (version-control :variables version-control-diff-tool 'git-gutter  version-control-global-margin t)
                semantic markdown
                (vinegar :variables vinegar-reuse-dired-buffer t)
                org prodigy search-engine
                (syntax-checking :variables syntax-checking-enable-by-default nil)
                (spell-checking :variables spell-checking-enable-by-default nil)
                yaml python lua go c-c   command-log html javascript git emacs-lisp
                (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancify-symbols t)
                ranger gtags
                (spacemacs-layouts :variables layouts-enable-autosave t layouts-autosave-delay 300)
                (colors :variables colors-enable-nyan-cat-progress-bar t)
                (git :variables git-magit-status-fullscreen t magit-push-always-verify nil magit-save-repository-buffers 'dontask magit-revert-buffers 'silent magit-refs-show-commit-count 'all magit-revision-show-gravatars nil)
                (ibuffer :variables ibuffer-group-buffers-by 'projects)
                (c-c   :variables c-c  -default-mode-for-headers 'c  -mode)
                (auto-completion :variables auto-completion-enable-sort-by-usage t)
                (shell :variables shell-default-position 'full shell-default-shell 'ansi-term shell-default-term-shell "/bin/zsh")


Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function counsel-mode)
  (counsel-mode 1)
  (progn (defalias (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) (function (lambda nil "Dummy wrapper to prevent an key binding error from helm.\n\nBy default the emacs leader is M-m, turns out that Helm does this:\n\n   (cl-dolist (k (where-is-internal 'describe-mode global-map))\n        (define-key map k 'helm-help))\n\nafter doing this:\n\n   (define-key map (kbd \"M-m\") 'helm-toggle-all-marks)\n\nSo when Helm is loaded we get the error:\n\n   Key sequence M-m h d m starts with non-prefix key M-m\n\nTo prevent this error we just wrap `describe-mode' to defeat the\nHelm hack." (interactive) (call-interactively (quote describe-mode))))) (define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-h") (quote counsel-up-directory)) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key (quote counsel-M-x) "ff" (quote counsel-find-file) "fL" (quote counsel-locate) "?" (quote counsel-descbinds) "hdf" (quote counsel-describe-function) "hdm" (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) "hdv" (quote counsel-describe-variable) "hR" (quote spacemacs/counsel-search-docs) "iu" (quote counsel-unicode-char) "pp" (quote projectile-switch-project) "pv" (quote projectile-vc) "ry" (quote counsel-yank-pop) "sj" (quote counsel-imenu) "Tc" (quote counsel-load-theme) "/" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "*" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "sf" (quote spacemacs/search-auto) "sF" (quote spacemacs/search-auto-region-or-symbol) "sp" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "sP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "saf" (quote spacemacs/search-ag) "saF" (quote spacemacs/search-ag-region-or-symbol) "sap" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag) "saP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag-region-or-symbol) "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command (quote counsel-descbinds)) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI"))
  (condition-case err (progn (defalias (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) (function (lambda nil "Dummy wrapper to prevent an key binding error from helm.\n\nBy default the emacs leader is M-m, turns out that Helm does this:\n\n   (cl-dolist (k (where-is-internal 'describe-mode global-map))\n        (define-key map k 'helm-help))\n\nafter doing this:\n\n   (define-key map (kbd \"M-m\") 'helm-toggle-all-marks)\n\nSo when Helm is loaded we get the error:\n\n   Key sequence M-m h d m starts with non-prefix key M-m\n\nTo prevent this error we just wrap `describe-mode' to defeat the\nHelm hack." (interactive) (call-interactively (quote describe-mode))))) (define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-h") (quote counsel-up-directory)) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key (quote counsel-M-x) "ff" (quote counsel-find-file) "fL" (quote counsel-locate) "?" (quote counsel-descbinds) "hdf" (quote counsel-describe-function) "hdm" (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) "hdv" (quote counsel-describe-variable) "hR" (quote spacemacs/counsel-search-docs) "iu" (quote counsel-unicode-char) "pp" (quote projectile-switch-project) "pv" (quote projectile-vc) "ry" (quote counsel-yank-pop) "sj" (quote counsel-imenu) "Tc" (quote counsel-load-theme) "/" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "*" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "sf" (quote spacemacs/search-auto) "sF" (quote spacemacs/search-auto-region-or-symbol) "sp" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "sP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "saf" (quote spacemacs/search-ag) "saF" (quote spacemacs/search-ag-region-or-symbol) "sap" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag) "saP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag-region-or-symbol) "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command (quote counsel-descbinds)) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI")) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" ":config" (error-message-string err)) :error))))
  (progn (condition-case err (progn (defalias (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) (function (lambda nil "Dummy wrapper to prevent an key binding error from helm.\n\nBy default the emacs leader is M-m, turns out that Helm does this:\n\n   (cl-dolist (k (where-is-internal 'describe-mode global-map))\n        (define-key map k 'helm-help))\n\nafter doing this:\n\n   (define-key map (kbd \"M-m\") 'helm-toggle-all-marks)\n\nSo when Helm is loaded we get the error:\n\n   Key sequence M-m h d m starts with non-prefix key M-m\n\nTo prevent this error we just wrap `describe-mode' to defeat the\nHelm hack." (interactive) (call-interactively (quote describe-mode))))) (define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-h") (quote counsel-up-directory)) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key (quote counsel-M-x) "ff" (quote counsel-find-file) "fL" (quote counsel-locate) "?" (quote counsel-descbinds) "hdf" (quote counsel-describe-function) "hdm" (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) "hdv" (quote counsel-describe-variable) "hR" (quote spacemacs/counsel-search-docs) "iu" (quote counsel-unicode-char) "pp" (quote projectile-switch-project) "pv" (quote projectile-vc) "ry" (quote counsel-yank-pop) "sj" (quote counsel-imenu) "Tc" (quote counsel-load-theme) "/" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "*" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "sf" (quote spacemacs/search-auto) "sF" (quote spacemacs/search-auto-region-or-symbol) "sp" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "sP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "saf" (quote spacemacs/search-ag) "saF" (quote spacemacs/search-ag-region-or-symbol) "sap" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag) "saP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag-region-or-symbol) "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command (quote counsel-descbinds)) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI")) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" ":config" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--counsel--post-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" "post-:config hook" (error-message-string err)) :error)))))
  (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--counsel--pre-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" "pre-:config hook" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (progn (condition-case err (progn (defalias (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) (function (lambda nil "Dummy wrapper to prevent an key binding error from helm.\n\nBy default the emacs leader is M-m, turns out that Helm does this:\n\n   (cl-dolist (k (where-is-internal 'describe-mode global-map))\n        (define-key map k 'helm-help))\n\nafter doing this:\n\n   (define-key map (kbd \"M-m\") 'helm-toggle-all-marks)\n\nSo when Helm is loaded we get the error:\n\n   Key sequence M-m h d m starts with non-prefix key M-m\n\nTo prevent this error we just wrap `describe-mode' to defeat the\nHelm hack." (interactive) (call-interactively ...)))) (define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-h") (quote counsel-up-directory)) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key (quote counsel-M-x) "ff" (quote counsel-find-file) "fL" (quote counsel-locate) "?" (quote counsel-descbinds) "hdf" (quote counsel-describe-function) "hdm" (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) "hdv" (quote counsel-describe-variable) "hR" (quote spacemacs/counsel-search-docs) "iu" (quote counsel-unicode-char) "pp" (quote projectile-switch-project) "pv" (quote projectile-vc) "ry" (quote counsel-yank-pop) "sj" (quote counsel-imenu) "Tc" (quote counsel-load-theme) "/" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "*" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "sf" (quote spacemacs/search-auto) "sF" (quote spacemacs/search-auto-region-or-symbol) "sp" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "sP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "saf" (quote spacemacs/search-ag) "saF" (quote spacemacs/search-ag-region-or-symbol) "sap" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag) "saP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag-region-or-symbol) "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command (quote counsel-descbinds)) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI")) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" ":config" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--counsel--post-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" "post-:config hook" (error-message-string err)) :error))))))
  (progn (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--counsel--pre-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" "pre-:config hook" (error-message-string err)) :error)))) (progn (condition-case err (progn (defalias (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) (function (lambda nil "Dummy wrapper to prevent an key binding error from helm.\n\nBy default the emacs leader is M-m, turns out that Helm does this:\n\n   (cl-dolist (k (where-is-internal 'describe-mode global-map))\n        (define-key map k 'helm-help))\n\nafter doing this:\n\n   (define-key map (kbd \"M-m\") 'helm-toggle-all-marks)\n\nSo when Helm is loaded we get the error:\n\n   Key sequence M-m h d m starts with non-prefix key M-m\n\nTo prevent this error we just wrap `describe-mode' to defeat the\nHelm hack." ... ...))) (define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-h") (quote counsel-up-directory)) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key (quote counsel-M-x) "ff" (quote counsel-find-file) "fL" (quote counsel-locate) "?" (quote counsel-descbinds) "hdf" (quote counsel-describe-function) "hdm" (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) "hdv" (quote counsel-describe-variable) "hR" (quote spacemacs/counsel-search-docs) "iu" (quote counsel-unicode-char) "pp" (quote projectile-switch-project) "pv" (quote projectile-vc) "ry" (quote counsel-yank-pop) "sj" (quote counsel-imenu) "Tc" (quote counsel-load-theme) "/" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "*" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "sf" (quote spacemacs/search-auto) "sF" (quote spacemacs/search-auto-region-or-symbol) "sp" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "sP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "saf" (quote spacemacs/search-ag) "saF" (quote spacemacs/search-ag-region-or-symbol) "sap" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag) "saP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag-region-or-symbol) "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command (quote counsel-descbinds)) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI")) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" ":config" ...) :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--counsel--post-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" "post-:config hook" ...) :error)))))) t)
  (prog1 (progn (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--counsel--pre-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning (quote use-package) (format "%s %s: %s" "counsel" "pre-:config hook" ...) :error)))) (progn (condition-case err (progn (defalias (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) (function ...)) (define-key counsel-find-file-map (kbd "C-h") (quote counsel-up-directory)) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key (quote counsel-M-x) "ff" (quote counsel-find-file) "fL" (quote counsel-locate) "?" (quote counsel-descbinds) "hdf" (quote counsel-describe-function) "hdm" (quote spacemacs/describe-mode) "hdv" (quote counsel-describe-variable) "hR" (quote spacemacs/counsel-search-docs) "iu" (quote counsel-unicode-char) "pp" (quote projectile-switch-project) "pv" (quote projectile-vc) "ry" (quote counsel-yank-pop) "sj" (quote counsel-imenu) "Tc" (quote counsel-load-theme) "/" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "*" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "sf" (quote spacemacs/search-auto) "sF" (quote spacemacs/search-auto-region-or-symbol) "sp" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto) "sP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-auto-region-or-symbol) "saf" (quote spacemacs/search-ag) "saF" (quote spacemacs/search-ag-region-or-symbol) "sap" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag) "saP" (quote spacemacs/search-project-ag-region-or-symbol) "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command (quote counsel-descbinds)) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI")) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning ... ... :error)))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--counsel--post-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning ... ... :error)))))) t) (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) now)))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Configuring package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Configuring package counsel"))))
  (let ((now (current-time))) (message "%s..." "Configuring package counsel") (prog1 (progn (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--counsel--pre-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore (display-warning ... ... :error)))) (progn (condition-case err (progn (defalias ... ...) (define-key counsel-find-file-map ... ...) (spacemacs/set-leader-keys dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key ... "ff" ... "fL" ... "?" ... "hdf" ... "hdm" ... "hdv" ... "hR" ... "iu" ... "pp" ... "pv" ... "ry" ... "sj" ... "Tc" ... "/" ... "*" ... "sf" ... "sF" ... "sp" ... "sP" ... "saf" ... "saF" ... "sap" ... "saP" ... "stf" ...) (counsel-mode 1) (setq prefix-help-command ...) (spacemacs//ivy-command-not-implemented-yet "jI")) ((debug error) (ignore ...))) (condition-case err (run-hooks (quote use-package--counsel--post-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore ...))))) t) (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) now)))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Configuring package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Configuring package counsel")))))
  (if (not (require (quote counsel) nil (quote noerror))) (ignore (message (format "Could not load %s" (quote counsel)))) (let ((now (current-time))) (message "%s..." "Configuring package counsel") (prog1 (progn (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure (quote use-package--counsel--pre-config-hook)) ((debug error) (ignore ...))) (progn (condition-case err (progn ... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ...)) (condition-case err (run-hooks ...) (... ...)))) t) (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract ... now)))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Configuring package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Configuring package counsel"))))))
  (prog1 (if (not (require (quote counsel) nil (quote noerror))) (ignore (message (format "Could not load %s" (quote counsel)))) (let ((now (current-time))) (message "%s..." "Configuring package counsel") (prog1 (progn (if (condition-case err (run-hook-with-args-until-failure ...) (... ...)) (progn (condition-case err ... ...) (condition-case err ... ...))) t) (let ((elapsed (float-time ...))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Configuring package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Configuring package counsel")))))) (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) now)))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Loading package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Loading package counsel"))))
  (let ((now (current-time))) (message "%s..." "Loading package counsel") (prog1 (if (not (require (quote counsel) nil (quote noerror))) (ignore (message (format "Could not load %s" (quote counsel)))) (let ((now (current-time))) (message "%s..." "Configuring package counsel") (prog1 (progn (if (condition-case err ... ...) (progn ... ...)) t) (let ((elapsed ...)) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Configuring package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Configuring package counsel")))))) (let ((elapsed (float-time (time-subtract (current-time) now)))) (if (> elapsed 0.1) (message "%s...done (%.3fs)" "Loading package counsel" elapsed) (message "%s...done" "Loading package counsel")))))
  (let* ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name))) (owner (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (owner-layer (object-assoc owner :name configuration-layer--layers)) (disabled-for-layers (eieio-oref owner-layer (quote :disabled-for)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "Configuring %S..." pkg-name)) (mapc (function (lambda (layer) (if (memq layer disabled-for-layers) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> ignored pre-init (%S)..." layer)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> pre-init (%S)..." layer)) (condition-case err (funcall (intern ...)) ((debug quote error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ...)))))) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :pre-layers))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> init (%S)..." owner)) (funcall (intern (format "%S/init-%S" owner pkg-name))) (mapc (function (lambda (layer) (if (memq layer disabled-for-layers) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> ignored post-init (%S)..." layer)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "  -> post-init (%S)..." layer)) (condition-case err (funcall (intern ...)) ((debug quote error) (configuration-layer//increment-error-count) (spacemacs-buffer/append ...)))))) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :post-layers))))
  configuration-layer//configure-package([object cfgl-package "counsel" counsel spacemacs-ivy nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil])
  (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))
  (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg (quote :protected)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is toggled off." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path)) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Location path for package %S does not exists (value: %s)." pkg location))) ((and (eq (quote local) location) (eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg ...))) (setq load-path (cons (file-name-as-directory ...) load-path))) ((eq (quote local) location) (let* ((owner ...) (dir ...)) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path)))))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)) (quote (local site built-in))) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))
  (let ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name)))) (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg (quote :protected)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is toggled off." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)))) (cond ((stringp location) (if (file-directory-p location) (setq load-path ...) (spacemacs-buffer/warning "Location path for package %S does not exists (value: %s)." pkg location))) ((and (eq ... location) (eq ... ...)) (setq load-path (cons ... load-path))) ((eq (quote local) location) (let* (... ...) (setq load-path ...))))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)) (quote (local site built-in))) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg))))))
  (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg (car --dolist-tail--)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name)))) (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg (quote :protected)))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is toggled off." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location (eieio-oref pkg ...))) (cond ((stringp location) (if ... ... ...)) ((and ... ...) (setq load-path ...)) ((eq ... location) (let* ... ...)))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg (quote :location)) (quote (local site built-in))) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq (quote dotfile) (eieio-oref pkg ...)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is configured in the dotfile." pkg-name))) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
  (let ((--dolist-tail-- packages) pkg) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq pkg (car --dolist-tail--)) (spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation) (let ((pkg-name (eieio-oref pkg (quote :name)))) (cond ((and (eieio-oref pkg (quote :excluded)) (not (eieio-oref pkg ...))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has been excluded." pkg-name))) ((null (eieio-oref pkg (quote :owner))) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S ignored since it has no owner layer." pkg-name))) ((not (cfgl-package-enabledp pkg)) (spacemacs-buffer/message (format "%S is toggled off." pkg-name))) (t (let ((location ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...))) (if (memq (eieio-oref pkg ...) (quote ...)) nil (configuration-layer//activate-package pkg-name)) (cond ((eq ... ...) (spacemacs-buffer/message ...)) (t (configuration-layer//configure-package pkg)))))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
  configuration-layer//configure-packages-2(([object cfgl-package "4clojure" 4clojure guanghui nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ac-ispell" ac-ispell auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-jump-helm-line" ace-jump-helm-line spacemacs-helm nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-link" ace-link spacemacs-ui nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-window" ace-window spacemacs-ui nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adaptive-wrap" adaptive-wrap spacemacs-editing-visual nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "aggressive-indent" aggressive-indent spacemacs-editing nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "anaconda-mode" anaconda-mode python nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-compile" auto-compile emacs-lisp nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-complete" auto-complete auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-dictionary" auto-dictionary spell-checking nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-highlight-symbol" auto-highlight-symbol spacemacs-editing-visual nil (spacemacs-ivy) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-yasnippet" auto-yasnippet auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "avy" avy spacemacs-editing nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "beacon" beacon zilongshanren nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-key" bind-key spacemacs-base nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bookmark" bookmark spacemacs-base nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bracketed-paste" bracketed-paste spacemacs-editing nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "buffer-move" buffer-move spacemacs-ui nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cc-mode" cc-mode c-c++ nil (guanghui) built-in t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "centered-cursor" centered-cursor spacemacs-ui nil nil local t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "chinese-pyim" chinese-pyim nil nil nil elpa t nil nil nil t] [object cfgl-package "chinese-wbim" chinese-wbim nil nil nil elpa t nil nil nil t] [object cfgl-package "cider" cider clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider-eval-sexp-fu" cider-eval-sexp-fu clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clang-format" clang-format c-c++ nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clean-aindent-mode" clean-aindent-mode spacemacs-editing nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clj-refactor" clj-refactor clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-mode" clojure-mode clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-snippets" clojure-snippets clojure nil nil elpa (configuration-layer/layer-usedp (quote auto-completion)) nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-font-lock" cmake-font-lock zilongshanren nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-mode" cmake-mode c-c++ nil (zilongshanren) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "coffee-mode" coffee-mode javascript nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comint" comint shell nil nil built-in t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log" command-log nil nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log-mode" command-log-mode command-log nil nil (recipe :fetcher github :repo "bmag/command-log-mode" :branch "color") t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company" company auto-completion (shell) (zilongshanren c-c++ clojure emacs-lisp javascript html c-c++ go lua python yaml org markdown) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-anaconda" company-anaconda python nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-c-headers" company-c-headers c-c++ nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-emoji" company-emoji nil nil (org markdown) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-go" company-go go nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-quickhelp" company-quickhelp auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-statistics" company-statistics auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-tern" company-tern javascript nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-web" company-web html nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-ycmd" company-ycmd nil nil (c-c++ c-c++) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "counsel" counsel spacemacs-ivy nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "css-mode" css-mode html nil (zilongshanren) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ctags-update" ctags-update zilongshanren nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cython-mode" cython-mode python nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] ...))
  configuration-layer//configure-packages(([object cfgl-package "4clojure" 4clojure guanghui nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ac-ispell" ac-ispell auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-jump-helm-line" ace-jump-helm-line spacemacs-helm nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-link" ace-link spacemacs-ui nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ace-window" ace-window spacemacs-ui nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "adaptive-wrap" adaptive-wrap spacemacs-editing-visual nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "aggressive-indent" aggressive-indent spacemacs-editing nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "anaconda-mode" anaconda-mode python nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-compile" auto-compile emacs-lisp nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-complete" auto-complete auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-dictionary" auto-dictionary spell-checking nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-highlight-symbol" auto-highlight-symbol spacemacs-editing-visual nil (spacemacs-ivy) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "auto-yasnippet" auto-yasnippet auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "avy" avy spacemacs-editing nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "beacon" beacon zilongshanren nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-key" bind-key spacemacs-base nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bind-map" bind-map spacemacs-base nil nil elpa t pre nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bookmark" bookmark spacemacs-base nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "bracketed-paste" bracketed-paste spacemacs-editing nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "buffer-move" buffer-move spacemacs-ui nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cc-mode" cc-mode c-c++ nil (guanghui) built-in t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "centered-cursor" centered-cursor spacemacs-ui nil nil local t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "chinese-pyim" chinese-pyim nil nil nil elpa t nil nil nil t] [object cfgl-package "chinese-wbim" chinese-wbim nil nil nil elpa t nil nil nil t] [object cfgl-package "cider" cider clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cider-eval-sexp-fu" cider-eval-sexp-fu clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clang-format" clang-format c-c++ nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clean-aindent-mode" clean-aindent-mode spacemacs-editing nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clj-refactor" clj-refactor clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-mode" clojure-mode clojure nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "clojure-snippets" clojure-snippets clojure nil nil elpa (configuration-layer/layer-usedp (quote auto-completion)) nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-font-lock" cmake-font-lock zilongshanren nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "cmake-mode" cmake-mode c-c++ nil (zilongshanren) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "coffee-mode" coffee-mode javascript nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "comint" comint shell nil nil built-in t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log" command-log nil nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "command-log-mode" command-log-mode command-log nil nil (recipe :fetcher github :repo "bmag/command-log-mode" :branch "color") t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company" company auto-completion (shell) (zilongshanren c-c++ clojure emacs-lisp javascript html c-c++ go lua python yaml org markdown) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-anaconda" company-anaconda python nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-c-headers" company-c-headers c-c++ nil (guanghui) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-emoji" company-emoji nil nil (org markdown) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-go" company-go go nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-quickhelp" company-quickhelp auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-statistics" company-statistics auto-completion nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-tern" company-tern javascript nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-web" company-web html nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "company-ycmd" company-ycmd nil nil (c-c++ c-c++) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "counsel" counsel spacemacs-ivy nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "css-mode" css-mode html nil (zilongshanren) elpa t nil nil nil nil] [object cfgl-package "ctags-update" ctags-update zilongshanren nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil] ...))
  (if (not (version<= spacemacs-emacs-min-version emacs-version)) (message (concat "Your version of Emacs (%s) is too old. " "Spacemacs requires Emacs version %d or above.") emacs-version spacemacs-emacs-min-version) (load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "core/core-load-paths.el")) (require (quote core-spacemacs)) (spacemacs/init) (spacemacs/maybe-install-dotfile) (configuration-layer/sync) (spacemacs/setup-startup-hook) (require (quote server)) (if (server-running-p) nil (server-start)))
  eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/song/.emacs.d/init.el" nil t)  ; Reading at buffer position 1076
  load-with-code-conversion("/home/song/.emacs.d/init.el" "/home/song/.emacs.d/init.el" t t)
  load("/home/song/.emacs.d/init" t t)
  #[0 "\205\262   \306=\203\307\310Q\202; \311=\204\307\312Q\202;\313\307\314\315#\203*\316\202;\313\307\314\317#\203:\320\nB\321\202;\316\322\323\322\211#\210\322=\203a\324\325\326\307\327Q!\"\323\322\211#\210\322=\203`\210\203\243\330!\331\232\203\243\332!\211\333P\334!\203}\211\202\210\334!\203\207\202\210\314\262\203\241\335\"\203\237\336\337#\210\340\341!\210\266\f?\205\260\314\323\342\322\211#)\262\207" [init-file-user system-type delayed-warnings-list user-init-file inhibit-default-init inhibit-startup-screen ms-dos "~" "/_emacs" windows-nt "/.emacs" directory-files nil "^\\.emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" "~/.emacs" "^_emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" (initialization "`_emacs' init file is deprecated, please use `.emacs'") "~/_emacs" t load expand-file-name "init" file-name-as-directory "/.emacs.d" file-name-extension "elc" file-name-sans-extension ".el" file-exists-p file-newer-than-file-p message "Warning: %s is newer than %s" sit-for 1 "default"] 7 "\n\n(fn)"]()
TheBB commented 8 years ago

You've probably forgotten to update your packages. counsel-mode was added four days ago.

bobsongplus commented 8 years ago

@TheBB thanks, delete counsel-20160229.22, and recompiled,then work for me