Closed JordanFaust closed 8 years ago
Please post profiling results.
I am assuming you want the info gathered when running "emacs --profile"?
I didn't know how expanded you wanted things so here is what I have with the things taking the largest expanded out
- normal-top-level 143,712,312 84%
- command-line 103,070,780 60%
- #<compiled 0x400c2a19> 101,958,386 60%
- load 101,789,426 59%
- load-with-code-conversion 101,788,402 59%
- eval-buffer 101,758,618 59%
- if 101,758,618 59%
- configuration-layer/sync 64,819,070 38%
- configuration-layer//configure-packages 45,438,673 26%
- configuration-layer//configure-packages-2 45,438,673 26%
- let 45,425,113 26%
- while 45,425,113 26%
- let 45,231,161 26%
- cond 45,231,161 26%
- cond 27,979,338 16%
- configuration-layer//configure-package 27,979,338 16%
- let* 27,979,338 16%
- funcall 27,604,398 16%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-evil 9,293,747 5%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-spaceline 3,300,428 1%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-volatile-highlights 2,657,336 1%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-lisp-state 1,390,148 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-flx-ido 1,026,352 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-eval-sexp-fu 939,034 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-hybrid-mode 854,161 0%
+ spacemacs-layouts/init-persp-mode 668,763 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-info+ 640,218 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-evil-evilified-state 478,733 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-anzu 379,031 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-savehist 373,249 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-smartparens 330,669 0%
intern 308,860 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-which-key 281,364 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-image-mode 280,876 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package 274,694 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-unimpaired 267,342 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-surround 259,410 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-winner 235,468 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-ediff 226,395 0%
+ spacemacs-layouts/init-eyebrowse 217,833 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-saveplace 192,424 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-popwin 172,095 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-hydra 171,367 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup 138,596 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-window-numbering 130,459 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-bind-map 127,835 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-exec-path-from-shell 103,167 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-ws-butler 98,956 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-vi-tilde-fringe 94,002 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-evil-escape 89,758 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-search-highlight-persist 85,174 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-indent-plus 80,563 0%
+ spacemacs-completion/init-ido-vertical-mode 77,548 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-clean-aindent-mode 72,328 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-exchange 66,822 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-args 55,568 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-numbers 53,237 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-hexl 49,632 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-elisp-slime-nav 43,292 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-adaptive-wrap 42,016 0%
+ helm/init-helm 34,340 0%
+ helm/init-helm-ag 32,156 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-emacs-lisp 29,132 0%
+ helm/init-helm-spacemacs-help 27,956 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-ielm 24,952 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-zoom-frm 24,756 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-package-menu 23,920 0%
+ helm/init-helm-themes 22,684 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-projectile 22,120 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-occur-mode 21,820 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-pcre2el 21,816 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-undo-tree 20,860 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-lorem-ipsum 18,664 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-paradox 17,656 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-linum-relative 16,608 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-neotree 16,608 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-iedit-state 16,600 0%
+ helm/init-helm-swoop 16,568 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-uuidgen 16,560 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-highlight-indentation 15,580 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-expand-region 15,552 0%
+ spacemacs-language/init-google-translate 15,552 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-macrostep 15,544 0%
+ spacemacs-language/init-define-word 14,496 0%
+ helm/init-helm-make 14,496 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-nerd-commenter 14,488 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-evil-visualstar 14,488 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-help-fns+ 14,488 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-highlight-parentheses 14,488 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-open-junk-file 14,488 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-restart-emacs 14,488 0%
+ helm/init-helm-mode-manager 14,456 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-desktop 13,460 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-tutor 13,440 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-ace-window 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-visual-mark-mode 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-fancy-battery 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-hide-comnt 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-link-hint 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-move-text 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-rainbow-delimiters 13,432 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-centered-cursor 12,592 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-holy-mode 12,412 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-spacemacs-theme 12,404 0%
+ helm/init-helm-descbinds 12,384 0%
+ spacemacs-misc/init-dumb-jump 12,376 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-recentf 11,536 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-doc-view 10,560 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-aggressive-indent 10,472 0%
+ spacemacs-completion/init-ido 8,448 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-auto-highlight-symbol 8,440 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-avy 8,440 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-column-enforce-mode 7,400 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-hungry-delete 7,392 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-indent-guide 7,392 0%
+ helm/init-helm-projectile 7,384 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-subword 6,384 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-whitespace 6,344 0%
+ spacemacs-org/init-default-org-config 6,336 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-ace-link 6,328 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-auto-compile 6,328 0%
+ helm/init-ace-jump-helm-line 5,280 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-tar-mode 5,200 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-fill-column-indicator 4,224 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-golden-ratio 4,224 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-eldoc 4,216 0%
+ spacemacs-org/init-toc-org 4,216 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-mc 3,168 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-imenu 3,168 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-bookmark 3,160 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-highlight-numbers 3,160 0%
+ spacemacs-org/init-org-bullets 3,160 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-dired-x 2,112 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-ediff 2,112 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-hl-todo 2,112 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-archive-mode 1,056 0%
spacemacs-base/init-dired 1,056 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-linum 1,056 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-page-break-lines 1,056 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-process-menu 1,056 0%
spacemacs-buffer/message 314,100 0%
+ mapc 60,840 0%
- if 17,174,359 10%
- configuration-layer//activate-package 17,174,359 10%
- if 17,174,359 10%
- package-activate 17,174,359 10%
- package-activate-1 17,169,079 10%
- package--load-files-for-activation 12,981,607 7%
- package--activate-autoloads-and-load-path 11,101,872 6%
- load 10,855,736 6%
- load-with-code-conversion 10,772,696 6%
+ eval-buffer 3,185,960 1%
+ file-readable-p 2,989,129 1%
+ insert-file-contents 1,818,921 1%
+ do-after-load-evaluation 690,316 0%
+ #<compiled 0x40084957> 3,168 0%
+ substitute-env-in-file-name 83,040 0%
package--autoloads-file-name 26,660 0%
+ file-truename 1,814,851 1%
package--autoloads-file-name 58,580 0%
+ package-activate 3,189,227 1%
+ require 559,070 0%
+ file-exists-p 302,815 0%
+ info-initialize 22,304 0%
+ package-built-in-p 4,224 0%
+ not 65,464 0%
+ let 9,000 0%
spacemacs-buffer/message 3,000 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation 193,952 0%
+ configuration-layer/filter-objects 13,560 0%
+ if 5,386,177 3%
+ configuration-layer//configure-layers 4,733,702 2%
+ configuration-layer/discover-layers 3,781,196 2%
+ configuration-layer//load-layers-files 2,422,853 1%
+ configuration-layer//declare-used-packages 1,498,160 0%
+ configuration-layer//declare-used-layers 1,346,764 0%
+ configuration-layer/load-auto-layer-file 166,857 0%
+ setq 44,688 0%
+ spacemacs/init 36,310,083 21%
+ require 214,794 0%
+ if 164,194 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer/display-info-box 132,923 0%
+ spacemacs/maybe-install-dotfile 3,134 0%
+ do-after-load-evaluation 29,784 0%
+ substitute-env-in-file-name 1,024 0%
+ file-name-extension 7,168 0%
+ text-mode 314,834 0%
+ file-exists-p 143,681 0%
+ expand-file-name 82,076 0%
+ command-line-1 1,550 0%
- #<compiled 0x416a0977> 40,638,428 23%
- run-hooks 40,633,212 23%
- spacemacs-buffer//startup-hook 35,320,199 20%
- save-current-buffer 35,320,199 20%
- if 35,280,883 20%
- progn 35,081,963 20%
- spacemacs-buffer/insert-startupify-lists 35,081,963 20%
- save-current-buffer 35,081,963 20%
- let 35,081,963 20%
- save-restriction 35,081,963 20%
- spacemacs-buffer//do-insert-startupify-lists 35,081,963 20%
- let 35,081,963 20%
- mapc 35,081,963 20%
- #<lambda 0x1086b61815dc4> 35,081,963 20%
- let 35,081,963 20%
- cond 35,081,963 20%
- projectile-mode 33,964,851 20%
- file-truename 30,520,851 17%
- file-truename 30,515,490 17%
- file-truename 30,504,090 17%
- file-truename 30,500,947 17%
- file-truename 30,495,715 17%
- file-truename 30,493,574 17%
- tramp-completion-file-name-handler 30,493,574 17%
- let 30,493,574 17%
- if 30,493,574 17%
- tramp-completion-run-real-handler 30,493,574 17%
- let* 30,493,574 17%
- apply 30,493,574 17%
- file-truename 30,493,574 17%
- file-symlink-p 30,262,334 17%
- tramp-completion-file-name-handler 30,262,334 17%
- let 30,262,334 17%
- if 30,262,334 17%
- tramp-completion-run-real-handler 30,262,334 17%
- let* 30,262,334 17%
- apply 30,213,758 17%
- file-symlink-p 22,574,884 13%
+ ucs-normalize-hfs-nfd-pre-write-conversion 22,235,424 13%
+ tramp-completion-file-name-handler 177,504 0%
+ save-place-to-alist 75,044 0%
+ spacemacs/useful-buffer-p 58,400 0%
replace-buffer-in-windows 8,448 0%
+ expand-file-name 7,458,100 4%
+ cons 34,848 0%
+ file-name-nondirectory 128,756 0%
+ file-name-directory 60,348 0%
+ directory-file-name 42,136 0%
+ file-symlink-p 2,101 0%
+ file-symlink-p 5,174 0%
+ file-symlink-p 3,075 0%
+ file-symlink-p 3,098 0%
+ file-symlink-p 3,113 0%
+ byte-code 2,461,568 1%
+ do-after-load-evaluation 343,142 0%
+ projectile-load-known-projects 147,888 0%
+ ad-activate 78,214 0%
defvar 24,864 0%
+ ad-add-advice 4,144 0%
projectile-commander-bindings 2,112 0%
+ substitute-env-in-file-name 1,024 0%
+ recentf-mode 763,917 0%
+ if 199,683 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer-mode 198,920 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer//insert-footer 37,748 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer/goto-link-line 1,568 0%
+ #<lambda 0x199664d0cdfbb4cd> 5,311,957 3%
+ #<lambda 0x5561f121a2> 1,056 0%
abbreviate-file-name 3,104 0%
font-menu-add-default 2,112 0%
+ setenv 2,048 0%
- timer-event-handler 25,547,576 15%
- apply 25,545,464 15%
- require 19,659,869 11%
- do-after-load-evaluation 17,528,513 10%
- run-hook-with-args 17,500,841 10%
- eval-after-load-helper 17,166,273 10%
- #<lambda 0x2555b973> 17,166,273 10%
- progn 17,166,273 10%
- when 17,166,273 10%
- if 17,166,273 10%
- progn 16,872,842 9%
- condition-case-unless-debug 16,872,842 9%
- condition-case 16,872,842 9%
+ progn 16,872,842 9%
+ condition-case-unless-debug 293,431 0%
+ eval-after-load-helper 322,216 0%
+ eval-after-load-helper 10,240 0%
+ evil-define-key-in-ert-results-mode-map 1,056 0%
+ eval-after-load-helper 1,056 0%
+ byte-code 1,514,303 0%
+ defvar 78,648 0%
+ file-truename 27,251 0%
+ defalias 15,138 0%
+ substitute-env-in-file-name 1,024 0%
+ #<lambda 0x36da37e8> 5,682,451 3%
+ sp-show--pair-function 116,500 0%
+ timer-activate-when-idle 1,056 0%
+ timer-activate 1,056 0%
+ redisplay_internal (C function) 393,644 0%
+ ... 2,112 0%
+ global-hl-line-highlight 1,760 0%
+ global-font-lock-mode-check-buffers 1,056 0%
+ global-evil-search-highlight-persist-check-buffers 1,056 0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations 1,056 0%
- normal-top-level 1284 74%
- command-line 1149 66%
- #<compiled 0x400c2a19> 1138 65%
- load 1132 65%
- load-with-code-conversion 1132 65%
- eval-buffer 1131 65%
- if 1131 65%
- configuration-layer/sync 879 50%
- configuration-layer//configure-packages 667 38%
- configuration-layer//configure-packages-2 667 38%
- let 667 38%
- while 667 38%
- let 653 37%
- cond 653 37%
- cond 426 24%
- configuration-layer//configure-package 426 24%
- let* 426 24%
- funcall 423 24%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-evil 135 7%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-spaceline 46 2%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-volatile-highlights 34 1%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-lisp-state 22 1%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-info+ 19 1%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-eval-sexp-fu 18 1%
+ spacemacs-base/init-exec-path-from-shell 13 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-flx-ido 12 0%
+ spacemacs-layouts/init-persp-mode 11 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-saveplace 9 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-smartparens 8 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-image-mode 7 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-winner 7 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-which-key 6 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-savehist 6 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-use-package 5 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-unimpaired 5 0%
+ spacemacs-layouts/init-eyebrowse 5 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-hybrid-mode 4 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-hydra 4 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-ediff 4 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-emacs-lisp 4 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-anzu 4 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-popwin 3 0%
+ spacemacs-bootstrap/init-bind-map 2 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-evil-evilified-state 2 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-args 2 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-indent-plus 2 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-search-highlight-persist 2 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-surround 2 0%
+ helm/init-ace-jump-helm-line 1 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-ace-window 1 0%
+ spacemacs-editing-visual/init-adaptive-wrap 1 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-archive-mode 1 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-doc-view 1 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-eldoc 1 0%
+ spacemacs-base/init-evil-escape 1 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-exchange 1 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-iedit-state 1 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-evil-numbers 1 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-golden-ratio 1 0%
+ helm/init-helm 1 0%
+ helm/init-helm-ag 1 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-hl-todo 1 0%
+ spacemacs-completion/init-ido-vertical-mode 1 0%
+ emacs-lisp/init-macrostep 1 0%
+ spacemacs-evil/init-vi-tilde-fringe 1 0%
+ spacemacs-ui/init-window-numbering 1 0%
+ spacemacs-editing/init-ws-butler 1 0%
+ spacemacs-ui-visual/init-zoom-frm 1 0%
+ mapc 2 0%
spacemacs-buffer/message 1 0%
- if 226 13%
- configuration-layer//activate-package 223 12%
- if 223 12%
- package-activate 223 12%
- package-activate-1 223 12%
- package--load-files-for-activation 192 11%
- file-truename 109 6%
+ file-truename 107 6%
+ file-symlink-p 1 0%
- package--activate-autoloads-and-load-path 83 4%
+ load 67 3%
package--autoloads-file-name 1 0%
+ package-activate 19 1%
+ require 10 0%
+ file-exists-p 1 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer//insert-file-list 3 0%
spacemacs-buffer/message 1 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer/loading-animation 14 0%
+ configuration-layer//load-layers-files 87 5%
+ if 64 3%
+ configuration-layer/discover-layers 27 1%
+ configuration-layer//configure-layers 18 1%
+ configuration-layer//declare-used-packages 11 0%
+ configuration-layer//declare-used-layers 2 0%
+ setq 2 0%
+ configuration-layer/load-auto-layer-file 1 0%
- spacemacs/init 238 13%
- configuration-layer/initialize 104 6%
- if 104 6%
- package-initialize 104 6%
+ package-load-all-descriptors 60 3%
+ package-read-all-archive-contents 37 2%
+ package--build-compatibility-table 7 0%
+ require 54 3%
+ spacemacs-buffer/goto-buffer 36 2%
+ let 23 1%
+ spacemacs//removes-gui-elements 16 0%
+ if 3 0%
+ dotspacemacs/load-file 1 0%
+ require 5 0%
+ spacemacs-buffer/display-info-box 3 0%
+ text-mode 4 0%
+ expand-file-name 1 0%
+ #<compiled 0x416a0977> 135 7%
- timer-event-handler 442 25%
- apply 442 25%
- require 429 24%
- do-after-load-evaluation 379 21%
- run-hook-with-args 379 21%
- eval-after-load-helper 357 20%
- #<lambda 0x2555b973> 357 20%
- progn 357 20%
- when 357 20%
- if 357 20%
- progn 345 19%
- condition-case-unless-debug 345 19%
- condition-case 345 19%
- progn 344 19%
- helm-mode 340 19%
- byte-code 333 19%
- require 330 19%
- byte-code 318 18%
- require 256 14%
- byte-code 201 11%
- require 136 7%
- byte-code 121 6%
- require 76 4%
+ byte-code 57 3%
+ load-with-code-conversion 9 0%
+ do-after-load-evaluation 2 0%
+ file-truename 2 0%
+ custom-declare-variable 14 0%
+ eieio-defclass-internal 2 0%
+ file-truename 2 0%
+ custom-declare-variable 24 1%
+ eieio-defclass-internal 5 0%
+ custom-declare-face 1 0%
custom-declare-group 1 0%
+ defvar 11 0%
+ file-truename 3 0%
+ do-after-load-evaluation 3 0%
+ eval-after-load 1 0%
+ custom-declare-variable 8 0%
+ eieio-defclass-internal 2 0%
custom-declare-group 1 0%
eieio-make-class-predicate 1 0%
+ defvar 1 0%
+ do-after-load-evaluation 1 0%
+ run-hooks 4 0%
+ file-truename 1 0%
+ spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 1 0%
+ clean-aindent-mode 1 0%
+ eval 9 0%
+ condition-case-unless-debug 3 0%
+ eval-after-load-helper 22 1%
+ byte-code 33 1%
+ defvar 4 0%
+ file-truename 1 0%
+ #<lambda 0x36da37e8> 5 0%
+ sp-show--pair-function 2 0%
auto-revert-buffers 1 0%
+ redisplay_internal (C function) 4 0%
+ ... 2 0%
Well, I was more interested in timed requires.
What is your dotspacemacs-startup-lists
Ran "emacs --timed-requires" and got the following:
Threshold set at 0.150 seconds
File /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-mode.elc: Required helm-files: 0.454 sec
File nil: Required helm: 0.544 sec
My startup list is as follows:
dotspacemacs-startup-lists '((recents . 5)
(projects . 7))
Ran "emacs --adv-timers 0.05" and got the following:
Measured times greater than 0.050 sec:
[0.152] (0.067) Load or require
Feature: core-configuration-layer
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[0.228] (0.076) Function call
Function: package-intialize
Args: (noactivate)
[0.487] (0.064) Load or require
Feature: package-build
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[0.625] (0.091) Load or require
Feature: evil
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[0.662] (0.128) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package evil nil (spacemacs-bootstrap) nil (emacs-lisp) elpa t bootstrap nil t nil])
[13.220] (12.534) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package exec-path-from-shell nil (spacemacs-base) nil nil elpa t pre nil nil nil])
[13.406] (13.091) Function call
Function: configuration-layer/sync
Args: nil
[13.422] Spacemacs finished initializing
[14.834] (0.254) Load or require
Feature: helm-files
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-mode.elc
[14.838] (0.304) Load or require
Feature: helm
In file: nil
This was with using the spacemacs-base distribution as well:
63 packages loaded in 13.442s (e:29 r:0 l:5 b:29)
Comparing this with my actually setup it appears to be getting stuck on configuring specific layers. In my cause it is the osx layer and the go layer.
In my actual configuration I have the following configuration layers:
;; Customized Distribution
;; spacemacs-completion
:packages (not hexl hungry-delete lorem-ipsum move-text))
:packages highlight-indentation highlight-numbers highlight-parentheses)
(spacemacs-evil :packages not (vi-tilde-fringe))
:packages info+ restart-emacs)
:packages fill-column-indicator golden-ration hl-todo (smooth-scrolling :location built-in) (not spaceline))
;; Additional Layers
;; Base
;; Modes
(shell :variables
shell-default-height 30
shell-default-position 'bottom)
;; Version Control
;; Language layers
:packages (not skewer-mode livid-mode web-beautify json-snatcher))
(ruby :variables
ruby-enable-enh-ruby-mode t
ruby-rest-runner `rspec
ruby-version-manager 'chruby)
;; Completion
;; Tools
;; Misc
;; Custom Layers
;; Doom Layers
;; General Language Layers
and the output of " emacs --adv-timers 0.05" is:
Measured times greater than 0.050 sec:
[0.155] (0.069) Load or require
Feature: core-configuration-layer
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[0.356] (0.200) Function call
Function: package-intialize
Args: (noactivate)
[0.741] (0.067) Load or require
Feature: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/layers/+distributions/spacemacs-base/config.el
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[0.835] (0.054) Load or require
Feature: package-build
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[0.982] (0.095) Load or require
Feature: evil
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[1.021] (0.134) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package evil nil (spacemacs-bootstrap) nil (emacs-lisp) elpa t bootstrap nil t nil])
[14.229] (13.174) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package exec-path-from-shell nil (spacemacs-base) nil (osx) elpa t pre nil nil nil])
[14.640] (0.083) Load or require
Feature: flyspell-correct-helm
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[14.641] (0.083) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package flyspell-correct-helm nil (spell-checking) nil nil elpa (configuration-layer/layer-usedp (quote helm)) nil nil nil nil])
[27.766] (13.047) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package go-mode nil (go) nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil])
[27.930] (0.067) Load or require
Feature: url
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-net.elc
[27.952] (0.093) Load or require
Feature: helm-net
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-external.elc
[27.953] (0.098) Load or require
Feature: helm-external
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-files.elc
[28.049] (0.062) Load or require
Feature: helm-bookmark
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-files.elc
[28.212] (0.072) Load or require
Feature: tramp
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-files.elc
[28.248] (0.467) Load or require
Feature: helm-files
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/elpa/helm-20161026.2154/helm-mode.elc
[28.250] (0.475) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package helm nil (helm) (shell osx) nil elpa t nil nil nil nil])
[28.555] (0.067) Load or require
Feature: ruby-test-mode
In file: /Users/jf019013/.emacs.d/init.el
[28.555] (0.067) Function call
Function: configuration-layer//configure-package
Args: ([eieio-class-tag--cfgl-package ruby-test-mode nil (ruby) nil nil elpa t nil nil nil nil])
[28.687] (28.233) Function call
Function: configuration-layer/sync
Args: nil
[28.714] Spacemacs finished initializing
I'm up to 30 seconds in my usual config in startup times now.
Yes, it looks like anything that invokes the shell takes a long time. Both exec-path-from-shell
and go-mode
do this. Do you have an excessively expensive shell configuration?
which config file(s) is it loading? is it trying to fully start the shell as I would from the terminal? It does take some time yes. If thats the cause i will focus there.
See exec-path-from-shell-arguments
for how it launches. If you are sure that Emacs launches in an appropriate environment (not always the case on OSX) you can try to exclude it. It's used by Spacemacs to get the PATH and a few other variables from your shell config instead of the environment in which Emacs launches (outside the shell).
Could be there's a variable set to indicate it's being launched this way that you can use to selectively switch off your expensive setup. I'm not sure.
Here is upstream:
Awesome well that can certainly be done thanks for the help!
For anyone that runs into this issue I set a variable in .bashrc that I use within my .bash_profile to limit what is included. This way emacs gets everything path related it needs without a performance cost to using something like bash_it or other things not relevant to emacs.
Sounds like a sensible solution. :-)
im having the same problem since the same update and this solution didn't work for me so i did increase the
emacs --adv-timers 0.05
until i isolsted what is taking so long and i have this :
Measured times greater than 2.000 sec:
[23.481] (22.712) Function call
Function: configuration-layer/sync
Args: nil
[23.634] Spacemacs finished initializing
any idea how could i fix it ? i cant even use daemon anymore as it takes to long and systemd just crashes
Description :octocat:
On a fresh install of spacemacs startup time is now around 14 seconds. This is a dramatic increase from the pre 0.200 startup time.
Reproduction guide :beetle:
From here I followed the instruction on setting up. I took all of the defaults and waited for all of the packages to be installed. There were several hundered byte compile warnings while packages were being installed but I know that is not on spacemacs. Aftewards I restarted spacemacs.
Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: I can consistently restart spacemacs with no warning and it will take 14s.
Expected behaviour: :heart: :smile:
A much lower startup time. Others I work with also use spacemacs and their startup time is much lower then mine
System Info :computer: