Closed josiah14 closed 7 years ago
Typescript layer isn't working when I open .ts files.
Observed behaviour: There's no syntax highlighting, and pressing SPC m yields the error message "SPC m is undefined".
Expected behaviour: There should be syntax highlighting when a typescript file is opened. SPC m should contain a menu with the hotkeys listed in the documentation here:
((git :variables git-gutter-use-fringe t) github themes-megapack tmux navigator (ruby :variables ruby-version-manager 'rvm ruby-enable-ruby-on-rails-support t) javascript (typescript :variables typescript-fmt-tool 'typescript-formatter) react html erlang elm gtags elixir extra-langs docker dockerfile lua php ocaml go ess nixos (haskell :variables haskell-enable-ghci-ng-support t) (clojure :variables clojure-enable-fancy-symbols t) python scala yaml markdown racket shell-scripts make (c-c :variables c-c -enable-clang-support t) semantic restclient auto-completion syntax-checking company-layer)
Upgrading Spacemacs fixed the problem.
Typescript layer isn't working when I open .ts files.
Reproduction guide
Observed behaviour: There's no syntax highlighting, and pressing SPC m yields the error message "SPC m is undefined".
Expected behaviour: There should be syntax highlighting when a typescript file is opened. SPC m should contain a menu with the hotkeys listed in the documentation here:
System Info