syl20bnr / spacemacs

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emacs eats cpu 100% frequently #9409

Open freereaper opened 7 years ago

freereaper commented 7 years ago

Description :octocat:

emacs hoge cpu 100% frequently even It is idle.

Reproduction guide :beetle:

Observed behaviour: :eyes: :broken_heart: emacs got freeze, can not input or move。Both happened on terminal emacs and graphic.


Backtrace :paw_prints:

- timer-event-handler                                            8765  73%
 - apply                                                         8761  73%
  + savehist-autosave                                            7504  63%
  + linum-update-current                                         1153   9%
  + which-key--update                                              60   0%
  + #<compiled 0x285199>                                           36   0%
  + auto-revert-buffers                                             5   0%
  + show-paren-function                                             2   0%
  + which-func-update                                               1   0%
   cancel-timer-internal                                            4   0%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                1548  13%
+ ...                                                             894   7%
+ command-execute                                                 625   5%
+ which-key--hide-popup                                            15   0%
+ evil--jump-hook                                                  11   0%
+ evil-repeat-pre-hook                                             10   0%
+ evil-repeat-post-hook                                             7   0%
+ hl-paren-initiate-highlight                                       7   0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations                                    4   0%
  company-post-command                                              4   0%
  internal-timer-start-idle                                         3   0%
+ yas--post-command-handler                                         3   0%

And I have repeated using the profiler to track the cpu usage, the main reason leading this is savehist-autosave.

ivangrozni commented 7 years ago

Same problem here. CPU goes to 100% even when idle. (I think it started after system update - acrh linux parabola, although I've configured my spacemacs a little bit also - I've enabled gnus) Spacemacs lags so frequently I can not even scroll 20 lines - I have to wait a few seconds.

My emacs version is 25.2.1 and spacemacs is 0.200.9 I have quite many layers enabled: nginx, php, clojure, html, emacs-lisp, git, markdown, org, gnus, python, javascript, scheme.

- timer-event-handler                                           27369  87%`
  - apply                                                        27369  87%`
    - savehist-autosave                                           27124  86%
      - savehist-save                                              27054  86%
        #<compiled 0x15e2f07>                                        19   0%
+ sp-show--pair-function                                        110   0%
+ which-key--update                                              45   0%
+ #<compiled 0x2874cb>                                           41   0%
+ hl-paren-highlight                                             28   0%
jit-lock-context-fontify                                        3   0%
+ ...                                                            2545   8%
+ command-execute                                                1001   3%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                 230   0%
+ eldoc-pre-command-refresh-echo-area                              33   0%
+ evil-repeat-post-hook                                             7   0%
+ sp--save-pre-command-state                                        6   0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations                                    4   0%
+ which-key--hide-popup                                             4   0%
company-post-command                                              3   0%
+ evil-repeat-pre-hook                                              2   0%`
stormpat commented 7 years ago

Having similar issues. It seems to getting worse as time goes on. For smaller edits i have been forced to fallback to vim. 😢

freereaper commented 7 years ago

to let emacs work normally, have to disable the savehist-mode.

ivangrozni commented 7 years ago

I also had to disable savehist-mode although it was hard, since my spacemacs starts lagging extensively before it even loads everything. And if I put (savehist-mode nil) into .spacemacs nothing happens.

After some searching I found this topic o n stackexchange: I ran > grep -E -b -o -a '^\(setq [[:lower:][:digit:]]+[-[:lower:][:digit:]]*' ~/.emacs.d/.cache savehist.bak and I got 120:(setq savehist-minibuffer-history-variables 747:(setq read-expression-history 827:(setq w3m-input-url-history 1235:(setq org-refile-history 1409:(setq search-ring 1547:(setq cider-minibuffer-history 1614:(setq query-replace-history 1665:(setq magit-revision-history 1714:(setq file-name-history 8041:(setq cider-host-history 8082:(setq helm-ag--helm-history 8137:(setq rudel-tcp-ask-connect-info-host-history 8199:(setq rudel-read-user-name-history 8244:(setq rudel-tls-ask-connect-info-host-history 8332:(setq org-read-date-history 8370:(setq extended-command-history 9413:(setq ido-file-history 9734:(setq org-tags-history 10332:(setq shell-command-history 10416:(setq helm- 15313:(setq minibuffer-history 287896440:(setq ido-buffer-history 287900083:(setq evil-jumps-history 287900430:(setq mark-ring 287900452:(setq global-mark-ring 287900481:(setq search-ring 287900619:(setq regexp-search-ring 287900650:(setq extended-command-history

So it is definetly something with savehist ... This is from the savehist file:

(face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t font-lock-fontified t wrap-prefix #(" " 0 6 (wrap-prefix #(" " 0 6 (wrap-prefix #(" " 0 6 (wrap-prefix " " fontified t)) fontified t)) fontified t)) fontified t) 6 7 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) fontified t) 6 7 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t wrap-prefix #(" #" 0 6 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t font-lock-fontified t wrap-prefix #(" " 0 6 (wrap-prefix #(" " 0 6 (wrap-prefix #(" " 0 6 (wrap-prefix " " fontified t)) fontified t)) fontified t)) fontified t) 6 7 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) font-lock-fontified t fontified t)) fontified t) 6 7 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t wrap-prefix #(" #" 0 6 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t font-lock-fontified t wrap-prefix #(" #" 0 6 (face org-block-begin-line font-lock-multiline t font-lock-fontified t wrap-prefix #("

There are patterns here ...

freereaper commented 7 years ago

so can anyone help figure out what happens with the savehist-mode. @ivangrozni

sdwolfz commented 7 years ago

Does the fix from the emacs stackexchange page work for you?

(setq history-length 100)
(put 'minibuffer-history 'history-length 50)
(put 'evil-ex-history 'history-length 50)
(put 'kill-ring 'history-length 25)

Maybe savehist is just missing a limit.

ivangrozni commented 7 years ago

It (probably) solves my issue. I pasted these lines into my userconfig in dotspacemacs and now I don't have to disable savehist-mode. Not sure why it happened in the first place.

freereaper commented 7 years ago

sorry for the late reply, I have tried too, however it does not work, emacs got freeze when savehist-mode being enabled.

vineeshvs commented 5 years ago

Hi, What is the final suggested solutions for this issue?

Is this the following solution suggested by @sdwolfz ?

(setq history-length 100)
(put 'minibuffer-history 'history-length 50)
(put 'evil-ex-history 'history-length 50)
(put 'kill-ring 'history-length 25)
philn commented 5 years ago

That workaround doesn't work here.

duianto commented 5 years ago

@philn "here" isn't much to go by 😄

Could anyone that has this issue include your system info (press SPC h d s to copy it to your clipboard). That might help with finding a common configuration where the issue occurs.

philn commented 5 years ago

Yeah, sorry :) My issue is a bit different actually, it's a racy infinite loop starving the CPU when I use the kill-ring... Unfortunately I don't know how to debug this myself. When it happens I have to kill -9 the unresponsive emacs process.

chrissound commented 4 years ago


- timer-event-handler                                   8,556,775,181  99%
 - apply                                                8,556,775,181  99%
  - savehist-autosave                                   8,556,743,095  99%
   - savehist-save                                      8,556,426,575  99%
    + savehist-printable                                       27,360   0%
      called-interactively-p                                    1,461   0%
      read                                                      1,449   0%
      prin1                                                     1,449   0%
      generate-new-buffer                                       1,061   0%
    + run-hooks                                                   298   0%
  + #<compiled 0x1ffec3>                                       25,984   0%
  + auto-revert-buffers                                         6,102   0%
+ command-execute                                          53,507,069   0%
- linum-update-current                                     12,719,958   0%
 + linum-update                                            12,714,678   0%
+ flyspell-post-command-hook                                1,886,745   0%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                           1,367,747   0%
+ direnv--maybe-update-environment                            276,508   0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations                               80,960   0%
+ evil-escape-pre-command-hook                                 54,272   0%
+ xselect-convert-to-string                                    43,938   0%
+ evil-mode-check-buffers                                      40,948   0%
+ xselect-convert-to-targets                                   16,544   0%
+ evil-repeat-pre-hook                                          4,136   0%
+ global-linum-mode-check-buffers                               4,096   0%
  ...                                                               0   0%
- timer-event-handler                                           19105  76%
 - apply                                                        19105  76%
  - savehist-autosave                                           19095  76%
   + savehist-save                                              19010  76%
  + #<compiled 0x1ffec3>                                            3   0%
+ ...                                                            4908  19%
+ linum-update-current                                            535   2%
- command-execute                                                 200   0%
 + call-interactively                                             200   0%
+ redisplay_internal (C function)                                 110   0%
+ flyspell-post-command-hook                                      104   0%
+ evil-repeat-post-hook                                             3   0%
- global-hl-line-maybe-unhighlight                                  2   0%
 + mapc                                                             1   0%
- direnv--maybe-update-environment                                  1   0%
   direnv--directory                                                1   0%
+ evil--jump-hook                                                   1   0%
  global-visual-line-mode-check-buffers                             1   0%
+ global-hl-line-highlight                                          1   0%
+ evil-mode-check-buffers                                           1   0%
+ evil-repeat-pre-hook                                              1   0%

System Info :computer:

chrissound commented 4 years ago

Here is something potentially worth investigating:

This issue occurred for me "seemingly" out of nowhere - but once it started it remained persistent.

chrissound commented 4 years ago

After deleting the ~/.emacs.d/.cache/savehist file all my issues have gone away, infact I've noticed an huge difference in general responsiveness.

Indeed this file was over 500mb in my case.

Hopefully this solves the issue for others!

peterhoeg commented 4 years ago

This is what I have to deal with it:

;; ;; the issue could be that save-interprogram-paste-before-kill means a large clipboard which becomes part of savehist: ;; (setq history-length 100) (put 'minibuffer-history 'history-length 50) (put 'evil-ex-history 'history-length 50) (put 'kill-ring 'history-length 25) (savehist-mode -1)

krizex commented 2 years ago

@chrissound Thanks! It works for me also, my savehist file is ~170mb. Have to exit emacs before deleting the ~/.emacs.d/.cache/savehist file.

bertiebaggio commented 1 year ago

In my case my savehist ballooned to 1.6GB from 80kB as PNG data somehow got into the kill ring while editing an org file:


I am not sure why. I don't believe there are any images linked from the file, I may have had image data in the clipboard from GIMP, however. I can dig further if is likely to prove fruitful!

System info, although I have since updated since the issue occurred:

System Info :computer:

transducer commented 1 year ago

@bertiebaggio same issue here. A ~/.emacs.d/.cache/savehist file of 80 MB. Seemingly after working in org-mode, but not 100 % sure.

transducer commented 1 year ago

After working for a while in a 20k words document in org-mode I see the savehist growing quickly. It is full of lines with 10k characters containing nested statements with parts of text and nested yank-handler, isearch-open-invisible-temporary, org-fold-core--isearch-show-temporary and others. Like ("zijn " 0 1 (ws-butler-chg delete isearch-open-invisible-temporary org-fold-core--isearch-show-temporary isearch-open-invisible org-fold-core--isearch-show fontified t) 1 5 (isearch-open-invisible-temporary org-fold-core--isearch-show-temporary isearch-open-invisible org-fold-core--isearch-show fontified t)), but then going on for 10k characters... This quickly increases the file size of the savehist file.

real-or-random commented 1 year ago

Interesting piece of history: kill-ring was removed earlier from save-hist due to performance issues ( but it was re-added a while ago ( Maybe #14324 should be reverted.

Or better: We should try removing font properties from kill-ring:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Please let us know if this issue is still valid!