Closed JAremko closed 6 years ago
I will fix the convention of Features
to Features:
I started looking into fixing the bibtex layer link in the org layers readme, and discovered an issue with %2B
in links.
I posted it as a separate issue: org-mode link with %2B, becomes %252B #9484
One thing I noticed while fixing documentation was an inconsistency in the Install
header. about half the layers have a sub header call Layer
that includes installation instruction for the layer. The other half don't (which is how it is show in the template). I think it could be useful to standardize this.
In other words, you should only have the sub-header Layer
if your Install
header has multiple sub-headers.
For example
* Install
** Layer
** External Tool
would be okay. But
* Install
** Layer
would not.
Just some food for thought @JAremko
I updated the links list.
updated list
Grabbed a few more of these in #9525
Fixed some in #9536, also noticed that the html generation for the plantuml layer seems to be broken, I have opened a separate issue for this #9537
@smile13241324 The here
link is pointing back to this issue.
the correct issue id 9537
became a fragment identifier #
for this issue.
The correct url is:
Generating plantuml layer documentation fails #9537
@duianto thanks, fixed the link
Fixed elisp, color, ibuffer and windows-scripts layer.
Fixed parinfer, pdf-tools, yaml, csv and salt layer documentations.
I grabbed syntax-checking, games, xkcd, keyboard-layout, and osx layers
I grabbed typescript layer documentation
I am grabbing theming, typography, and mu4e.
"/layers/+themes/theming/" doesn't have "Features:"(With a colon) list in the top level "Description" headline
"/layers/+emacs/typography/" doesn't have "Features:"(With a colon) list in the top level "Description" headline
"/layers/+email/mu4e/" doesn't have top level "Description" headline
"/layers/+email/mu4e/" doesn't have "Features:"(With a colon) list in the top level "Description" headline
Grabbed java, major-modes and purescript layer.
Fixed speed-reading, restclient and pandoc layer.
Fixed selectric, imenu-list and vimscript layers.
Fixed sphinx, confluence, helm and ivy layer.
Does the master list of fixes need to be updated?
@CeleritasCelery I update it after each merge.
Fixed some more documentation.
@JAremko could you update the list again? Just noticed that the "purescript" layer is fixed but is still listed as "to be changed".
@smile13241324 Done.
Sorry. I'll try to be even more vigilant from now on :shipit:
@smile13241324 The list is almost down to a single page of issues :heart:
Fixed my first documentations this year :)
Fixed documentation for nim, fsharp, forth, dash and fasd layer.
@smile13241324 2 more and we'll be *down to one page :scream_cat:
*on my screen :smile:
Fixed documentation for common-lisp, bibtex, cfengine and gnus layer. @JAremko Lets hope so :), on my screen it is still more then one page ^^.
@smile13241324 Yeah looks like I can see the whole list now. :+1:
Fixed documentation for erlang, gpu, ess and vim-empty-lines layers.
@JAremko can you have a look at the list of layers to fix, it seems to contain non existing files and some files which should already been fixed:
has been removed in this commit:
Move evil-cleverparens to spacemacs-evil with major mode toggle
The change was mentioned in this PR, so it might also be relevant: use evil-smartparens-mode for smartparens-strict mode #9899
@duianto @smile13241324 I updated the list (reacreated it)
@JAremko Wuhahahahahh the list is finally down to one page, even on my screen :)))))
Fixed the documentation for chinese, transmission, d, command-log and idris layer.
Fixed the documentation for the tmux, faust, node, and docker layers. Also fixed a wrong "source block" in the of the c-c++ layer.
Fixed the missing features block for the django, scala, sml, floobits, puppet and evernote layers.
Fixed the missing features block for coq, semantic-web, source-control, evil-commentary and spotify layer.
Fixed the missing features block for graphviz, deft and finance layer. Also revised the documentation for the plantuml layer to make installation and configuration a bit easier.
Fixed the missing features block for nginx, jr, nlinum and systemd layers.
Fixed the missing features block for octave and sql layer. Also added some additional remarks to the go layer.
@JAremko I think we are through, the only layers left are the internal spacemacs
layers now. I had a short look into them and most of them have just a TODO tag for adding documentation.
Should I do anything with them?
Fixed the documentation for the last two non internal spacemacs
layers, spell-checking and ansible layer.
I had a short look into them and most of them have just a TODO tag for adding documentation. Should I do anything with them?
@smile13241324 Some basic explanation of what those layers are for may be useful :thinking:
I have fixed the first bunch of documentations for those internal layers.
I have fixed the spacemacs-completion and spacemacs-editing-visual layers documentation.
I have fixed spacemacs-bootstrap, spacemacs-navigation, spacemacs-visual and spacemacs-org. Only two to go :).
I have fixed the documentation for the last two layers, spacemacs-misc and spacemacs-editing.
@JAremko I think we are finally through :)
@syl20bnr I think @smile13241324 deserves a medal :1st_place_medal:
@smile13241324 great job! 💜
Let's see what achievement we can give you :-)
What we still need to fix:
~So how about.... We all gab some? :shipit:~ we are done! :shipit:
Proper example
post here a list of errors that you are going to fix
Check other people's lists
thx! :heart: