sylefeb / Silice

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Use Edalize to interface EDA tools #59

Open olofk opened 3 years ago

olofk commented 3 years ago

Edalize is an abstraction library for interfacing EDA tools. Edalize uses language-agnostic yaml for configuration and support 20+ EDA tools.

To make use of Edalize, Silice would only need to generate an EDAM file to go with the generated HDL (+constraints and what else uou need) and pass it to Edalize

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Hi Olofk, thanks! Definitely on my todo (I actually started looking a bit into Edalize already, looks great). I am hoping this will greatly simplify the frameworks/build scripts.

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Hi - so I started to look into this and was able to run a few Edalize python scripts successfully. This is looking very promising.

Ideally, I would like to come up with a system where the user can launch a build script with a command looking like: <> <framework>

The framework will typically select a target FPGA board as well as the specific EDA toolchain. The build script would then generate a python script setting up the EDAM structure and making the appropriate calls to edalize, and then run this python script. Would that seem the right approach?

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Well, I might as well directly make the build script in python! Will give this approach a try.

rob-ng15 commented 3 years ago

Looks like a good plan.

On Wed, 23 Sep 2020, 17:51 sylefeb, wrote:

Well, I might as well directly make the build script in python! Will give this approach a try.

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olofk commented 3 years ago

I think that would make sense as well.

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I started work on a new build system, basically a python script and a set of folders per boards with specifications in json files. For each board there will be different possible build systems (edalize and/or script). This is happening in draft branch.


sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Investigating how this could interact with (or be replaced by) fusesoc

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

I now see a much nicer plan, where the current silice-make tool (in draft) would be entirely replaced by fusesoc. A new tool (reusing the folder / json structure) would be used to create a new core, let us call it silice-new-core.

silice-new-core would create a new fusesoc core, and take as parameters a list of targets (e.g. ulx3s,de10nano) as well as a list of io pins layouts (e.g. sdram,hdmi). The pin layouts have to exist in the Silice frameworks definitions (the json files) for all selected target boards.

This would then produce a fusesoc core structure with all targets properly setup. Then fusesoc is used for building, and each of these projets could be then easily integrated as fusesoc libraries.

So for instance, in a current directory, calling silice-new-core my_cool_project --targets ulx3s,de10nano --io sdram,hdmi would create a fusesoc ready core 'my_cool_project'.

I'll be running a few tests in this direction!

olofk commented 3 years ago

This all sounds super interesting. I don't have much time to help out but I'm cheering from the sidelines. I would like to bring up one thing related to this that I have thought about for many years. It would be fantastic if all new HDLs (e.g. Silice, (n)migen, SpinalHDL etc) could collaborate on some kind of pinout/board definition format. Over the years I have seen everyone just reimplementing this time and time again and I believe their could already be hundreds of boards described in different formats. Perhaps we could host some discussion around this from FOSSi Foundation if there's interest in this. Same thing really goes with tools for loading FPGA binaries (OpenFPGALoader, openocd, impact, quartus_pgm, iceprog...etc) where I would love to see an abstraction library that everyone could use. That one could potentially go into Edalize, or be a stand-alone thing that Edalize uses.

Slightly off-topic. Sorry for that. Will stop ranting now :)

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Hi Olofk, thanks for the encouragements! The build system is shaping up nicely. With the help of @trabucayre we have a first Edalize integration. Very impressed with Edalize and Fusesoc ; once the build system is stabilized the next step will be to make it easy to turn a Silice project into a fusesoc library.

I fully agree on the need for a shared pinout/board definition. I don't feel I have enough experience to propose one but I'd be happy to contribute and make sure Silice would integrate such a system. It seems there are many shared things between vendors for pin configurations, but of course there will likely be specific options to expose. Btw, Icestudio has an interesting tool to generate json files from existing pcf / lpf 's pin definition.

A common tool for loading binaries would be fantastic as well. This is an area I have little knowledge about, but I think @trabucayre is the author of OpenFPGALoader?

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Tons of progress on this. For a usage example see A simple makefile, type in make de10nano or make ulx3s or make orangecrab and boom, blinky runs on your board :-)

Makes full use of Edalize (default) and then possibly a user script. Edalize works like a charm, and is a huge progress when dealing with e.g. Quartus.

I am in the process of standardizing as much as possible the sets of pins (leds, vga, sdram, oled, etc.) so that designs can share the same 'main' signature across many boards. Of course some boards may have unique options. It will take time to update all designs, but that's well worth it I think.

Some missing features / points to address:

(probably forgetting a few more!)

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Well, while a fancy system is possible, for now I simply added an option to (--root or -r for short) to specify a different 'frameworks' directory, that will be used in place of the standard one.

The silice compilation script will install python dependencies ; also I'll update the documentation accordingly.

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Encountered one (minor) difficulty with Edalize: some ulx3s designs with tight timing benefit from using the following yosys command line: scratchpad -copy abc9.script.flow3 abc9.script; synth_ecp5 -abc9 -json build.json. I could not find a way to add the scratchpad part before the synth_ecp5 command. Did I miss something? (for these designs the Makefile can simply resort on the shell script, -t shell option to

olofk commented 3 years ago

There is supposed to be a way to do this, but I checked the code and noticed it wasn't implemented in the yosys backend. I pushed a branch with a fixed version.

With this, you can create a TCL file, add it to the EDAM with file_type : tclSource and it will be source by yosys before synthesis. This is how most of the other (vivado, ise, quartus, modelsim...etc) backends work. I think that should work for your use case, but let me know if I have missed something

olofk commented 3 years ago

FYI, I pushed it to the main branch now, so it should be available if you just pull latest edalize

sylefeb commented 3 years ago

Great thanks! I'll look into it asap.