sylhare / Type-on-Strap

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Possibility to add legend with the image_aligner #436

Closed sylhare closed 1 month ago

sylhare commented 5 months ago

The image aligner is used to align images within an article:

{% include aligner.html images="path/to/img1.png,path/to/img2.png,path/to/img3.png" column=3 %}

It would be nice to be able to also add a legend or a title under the images. Maybe using:

{% include aligner.html images="path/to/img1.png,path/to/img2.png,path/to/img3.png" legends="picture 1|picture 2|picture 3" column=3 %}

Then using the | separator with the same order as the image to set them in the HTML. The legend should be in italic, and of a weaker tone from the main one.