sylvanaar / wow-instant-messenger

WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) is a World of Warcraft addon which brings an instant messenger feel to communication in game.
MIT License
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Looks like UIDropDownMenu_StopCounting and UIDropDownMenu_StartCounting were removed in 8.3 #32

Open dartraiden opened 3 years ago

dartraiden commented 3 years ago

so throws an error on new message sound drop-down menu opening in addon settings

MysticalOS commented 3 years ago

I don't really mess with dropdowns, maybe @sylvanaar or @Pazza can look at that one.

Pazza commented 3 years ago

I haven't been keeping up over the years with the changes they have been making. Could you test and see what happens if you comment out that line? From looking at the diff quickly I can't see a replacement of that call, just its removal. Let me know if it things still behave.

dartraiden commented 3 years ago

I removed these 2 lines (because the second gives an error too)

    f.scroll:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) _G.UIDropDownMenu_StopCounting(self:GetParent()) end);
    f.scroll:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) _G.UIDropDownMenu_StartCounting(self:GetParent()) end);

Errors are gone, drop-down menu still works perfectly...

Pazza commented 3 years ago

Thanks for confirming that. Can I assume this was only removed in Retail?

MysticalOS commented 3 years ago

That's possibly been broken for a long time, so it'd affect classic too since it's based off retail 8.1.5. it needs testing, so don't assume

EDIT, oh op saays it's an 8.3 change so maybe not broken in classic YET. but eventually classic is supposed to migrate to 9.0 so it's probably better to rework

Pazza commented 3 years ago

Thanks @MysticalOS ... I think better to check for existence of _G.UIDropDownMenu_StopCounting, if so, then it'll keep executing that code. It was too long ago to remember why I had to put it in there.

dartraiden commented 3 years ago

Hmmm, I don't know why... but this menu looks like this on my main character (retail) - many items + scrollbars


and like this on all other characters (Retail + Classic) - only few items, so no scrollbar


Errors appear only when using menu scrollbar