symbench / spice-completion

Exploratory code for learning to autocomplete spice netlists
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Analytics Workflow and API #2

Open umesh-timalsina opened 3 years ago

umesh-timalsina commented 3 years ago

Related to It might be nice to define/standardize and analytics workflow and API and what it would look like. Here's what I think of the analytics API Should provide:

  1. A command that can take in a netlist, I think should be implemented in this repo.
$ spice-completer --configure config.json 
$ spice-completer --start-analytics-process
$ spice-completer --predict-next path_to_incomplete_netlist/incomplete_netlist_string
  1. Any client application then can invoke the above command to get the analytics.

This basic workflow makes sense to me. @brollb thoughts?

brollb commented 3 years ago

It's honestly pretty hard to know where this should exist for now. I lean away from this because I have also been exploring tools like GraphGym for training (but using this library for creating the dataset from the netlists). This certainly would have implications on deployment as the training wouldn't even happen here.

In my opinion, we should start with just creating models here and then providing the required wrappers for inference in the electric-circuits repo. It would be nice to be able to have a standardized API for use with electric-circuits but I think it will be hard this early in the process as there are possibly many different types of analytics to include.

umesh-timalsina commented 3 years ago

Is it safe to close this now @brollb ?