symbol / mobile-wallet

Symbol Mobile Wallet
Apache License 2.0
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Sending: Pre-validation of restricted accounts #110

Open Peersyst opened 3 years ago

Peersyst commented 3 years ago

Right now when a user is trying to send a transaction to an account that has account restrictions, a message is presented saying "Failure_RestrictionAccount_Address_Interaction_Prohibited"

Would be nice to notify the user before sending, not after

cryptoBeliever commented 3 years ago

@AdriaCarrera In my opinion in general when there is an error from REST we should notify the user and not present a success view. I believe doing a lot of checks before sending a transaction is suboptimal and will slow down sending on a client-side. And after all we don't cover all cases. Is possible to do it synchronously and present announce error/success depends on API answer?

coiki commented 3 years ago

User Story

As a user that is sending out mosaics, I want to be warned if I'm sending to an address that I have marked as restricted, so I can understand my wallet settings and act on it if needed.

Acceptance Criteria

AC1. When selecting/typing an address that has been restricted, the user will be properly warned. AC2. Despite the frontend message, we will still continue to attempt the transaction if the user clicks send, to avoid any issues with the source of truth on restricted accounts/addresses.