symedley / ProgramManagementTasksForWWCode

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QA: agree on a an approach for QA to take when they discover a discrepency like the passwd length or the FE submit button #21

Open symedley opened 3 years ago

symedley commented 3 years ago

write a bug for password length?

Supriya 5:41 PM According to my understanding, we will not raise any bug unless they have something in the QA column and we have tested that. 5:42 For example, the BE team had the send email in QA column so we tested that and raised a bug. 5:43 But these are just clarifications that we wanted. So not sure if we can raise a bug. 5:44 Please correct me if I'm wrong. (edited)

If an inconsistency is found, better to get it in the system early, right?

If QA finds such a problem while writing a test, what should they do?

symedley commented 3 years ago

I wrote in slack:

Susannah M < 1 minute ago The bigger procedural question is : What should QA do when they find a problem or potential problem while they're writing a test? The feature won't yet be in QA. I think we'll need to be able to have bugs found in development and bugs found in QA, yes? So if a problem with requirements was found before a feature enters QA, should we say that whoever finds it (even if it's QA) contacts the people who worked on the feature so far, and if it can't be addressed right away then writes a bug against it and marks it as found-in-dev. Does that make sense? I know the password length thing is a very minor issue. I'm just trying to use it as an example to establish a work flow.