symedley / ProgramManagementTasksForWWCode

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AI from 9pm QA meeting: Susannah will check on status of the Staging branch and how Heroku can be set up for QA. #39

Open symedley opened 3 years ago

symedley commented 3 years ago

and when it will be available.

symedley commented 3 years ago

as of today, no branch named Staging exists. sprint1FEFeatures is way out of sync with master (BE uses master as their dev branch and FE uses sprint1FEFeatures )

symedley commented 3 years ago

posted this question on slack eng-leaders

symedley commented 3 years ago

as of 10/20, got no answer...

symedley commented 3 years ago

Divya posted 10/18 2:47 PM

@here Login api is deployed at and is ready for QA and FE integration. :meow_party: I created a user with username/email: and password: password. The email does not exist, I only created it for a sample user. Thanks to @blithe and @Swati for getting this done :slightly_smiling_face: @Vi Bansal - Frontend can use this to integrate the end point and test. If any questions, please feel free to post in this channel. @Priya - Feel free to QA the end point. If any questions, please feel free to post in this channel. (edited)

So, if i understand this, BE will deploy on Heroku and FE will deploy separately on Heroku and the two things will talk to one another over the API as if they were not on the same server but actually a client and server?

Still an open question: when QA tests a sprint, which branch are they testing against? Seems like there should be a Sprint1_QA branch that has the FE and BE code for sprint 1 and is deployed on Heroku. That way QA knows exactly which snapshot of the code they are testing against and can write bugs against that branch.

I DO NOT SEE ANY BRANCH THAT INDICATES THAT IT CONTAINS COMPLETED BE FEATURES READY FOR TEST. What we got was a URL to Heroku, but not info about what branch it was built from.

Are all engineering sprint 1 items done?

symedley commented 3 years ago

I asked the QA channel:

@channel Please help me to check my understanding of how release management is supposed to work with regards to QA. This is what I have learned as the "standard" way for doing release management for testing for a project of this type. But I could be totally wrong, in which case I want you to tell me! When

symedley commented 3 years ago

Unknowns/problems, more detail:

Right now, BE has said that Login feature is ready to test, but they didn't tell us what branch they built it off of, so I assume it was master.

There are just a few too many unknowns here. And I'm not sure if these questions have been dealt with and I was just out of the loop or if they still need to be addressed.

symedley commented 3 years ago

Oct-20-2020 Discussion Items Release Management: Branches for QA testing added this to leadership agenda for today's meeting

Right now, QA doesn’t know what to test against. Let’s discuss what our process is around branches and handoffs to QA. And who is responsible for setting up and maintaining these branches ?