Closed JaieParker closed 9 months ago
Hey Guys I worked out that this was due to the way I installed Composer and have changed that to use the way it's done in . I have now updated and validated that I can now install it correctly. Hope this helps someone. Cheers
Hey Guys,
I am very new to PHP and trying to get Symfony running, so if it's my fault sorry :)
I am using docker to avoid installation on Windows by using with the following vars: PHP_VERSION=8.3.2 MYSQL_VERSION=8.0 APACHE_VERSION=2.4.58
Running the following in the PHP container, I tried using the CLI here and got Failed to extract doctrine/instantiator: (1) '/usr/bin/unzip' -qq '/var/www/html/symfonyApp/vendor/composer/'
Running the following in the PHP container, I deleted the previous folder and tried composer and got a similar error
Can you advise why this is not working please?