symfony-cmf / create-bundle

UNMAINTAINED - Integrates create.js and createphp into Symfony2
29 stars 31 forks source link

see about integration with "php-schema" generator lib #131

Open lsmith77 opened 9 years ago

lsmith77 commented 9 years ago


/cc @dunglas

dunglas commented 9 years ago

You can probably add a config file generator like I've done for Doctrine RTE mapping:

I'm also working on an API generator exposing JSON-LD+Hydra resources (something similar to @lanthaler HydraBundle but requiring less work for the developer, supporting serialization and validation groups, leveraging Symfony Serializer new features and automatically registering routes - like SonataAdmin). It will integrate with PHP Schema.

I don't know enough CreateBundle but it can maybe rely on this library to create in place editing with a client-side script populating and extracting RDFa enabled HTML structures from JSON-LD?

lsmith77 commented 9 years ago

CreateBundle is a bit all over the place. It provides a bunch of thing: 1) a twig function to generate RDFa from an entity using a mapping definition (ie. what tags to use and what etc definition to reference) 2) it also helps with rendering out the necessary create.js files and RDFa enabled editors in templates 3) it provides a JSON-LD end point to modify entities on the server based on their modified RDFa representation in the browser