symfony-cmf / media-bundle

UNMAINTAINED - Minimalistic interfaces to handle media in the context of the CMF
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the future of this bundle #160

Open ElectricMaxxx opened 7 years ago

ElectricMaxxx commented 7 years ago

For the current CMF release this bundle was abendoned. But i and @binhle410 still see a future of this bundle. Future is seen and wanted by all of the @symfony-cmf/contributors but we are not enough. But with some help of @binhle410 we can get this bundle on the road again.

Future lives in visions

And my visions for this bundles are:

Easy usage

To get that i would like add (more) example documents instead of interfaces only. Someone using different behavior can simply extend and replace a specific method instead of implementing a complete class. This would also mean to update the documentation and add uscases. One of the other example would be a file/image/media which is simple a reference to the file/image/media by path and name to not persist the content itself. With usecases in the docs i also mean, how to attach a file/image/media to a document. Cause here the phpcr tree will be used first. So i would suggest to introduce some kind of AttachedFile/Image/MediaInterface (maybe in read and write mode) to mark a docuemnt as one with attached files/images/media.

Own Admin Support

Instead of the hard dependency on sonata-media i would suggest to add own simple admins to sonata-phpcr-admin-integration-bundle. The current form type can help with some extra love. For sure we still need sonata, but only for gallery then, who would need a gallery, when there would be an extra preview onHover in treebrowser?

CKeditor support

Not sure if the current controller does it but it would be nice if he would enable upload for ckEditor.

Hierarchy vs. Hierarchy

On my own fork i replaced the bundle own HierachyInterface by the one of phpcr-odm, but it feels wrong as the first means a file system hierarchy and the second means a hierarchy in a tree of documents.

Hook into image template helper

Like we do with content, which is able to be passed into symfony router, i would like to pass an image/file object into the twig image helper, pass some options and get the images rendered.

Symfony 3.0, FileStructure

.... Just the stuff we also did in the other bundles.