symfony-cmf / search-bundle

UNMAINTAINED - search Bundle for the Symfony CMF project integrating with LiipSearchBundle
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Make search-bundle installable with Symfony 3 #36

Open maity-kgz opened 8 years ago

maity-kgz commented 8 years ago

Currently search-bundle only installs(depends) on symfony ^2.3 Could someone make it installable with Symfony 3 ? Is there any issues that make search-bundle not work with Symfony 3 ? Or in other word how to install search-bundle to current latest sandbox which is Symfony 3 based? Thx.

dbu commented 8 years ago

afaik its mostly lack of resources. we focus on the core bundle of the cmf. if you want to give it a go, please do a pull request.

note that the LiipSearchBundle we use here only supports symfony 3 in version 2 but there are only beta releases. there is not much activity on that bundle either - if you can try it in a symfony 3 project and confirm it works fine, i am happy to tag 2.0.0 of LiipSearchBundle.

maity-kgz commented 8 years ago

Dear @dbu could you then tag LiipSearchBundle 2.0.0 and also do a pull request and merge with corresponding/right requirements on symfony-cmf/SearchBundle yourself. So I could try to use and test SearchBundle on Symfony 3 project.

dbu commented 8 years ago

i tagged and created #37

please try with symfony-cmf/search-bundle dev-symfony-3 to see if this works and do pull requests against symfony-3 if you need to fix things for symfony 3 support.

maity-kgz commented 8 years ago

Tried to install symfony-cmf/search-bundle dev-symfony-3 on top of latest sandbox composer problem:

Need to require symfony/framework-bundle": "^2.8|^3.0 i suppose

dbu commented 8 years ago

routing bundle 2.0 is not yet released. try using minimum-stability: dev in your project.

there is some effort still required to get the 2.0 releases of the cmf out of the door for full symfony 3 support.

maity-kgz commented 8 years ago

As i mentioned i tried on top of latest sandbox which is already on minimum-stability:dev ((((

dbu commented 8 years ago

you need to use routing-bundle 2.0 (unreleased)

maity-kgz commented 8 years ago

so waiting for routing-bundle 2.0 to be released...