Closed ElectricMaxxx closed 8 years ago
@WouterJ is there a chance to get deeper into the deprication warnings then:
Accessing type "text" by its string name is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the fully-qualified type class name "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType" instead: 44x
14x in SeoContentAdminExtensionTest::testExtraPropertyEditView from Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SeoBundle\Tests\WebTest\Admin
8x in SeoContentAdminExtensionTest::testItemEditView from Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SeoBundle\Tests\WebTest\Admin
8x in SeoContentAdminExtensionTest::testItemCreate from Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SeoBundle\Tests\WebTest\Admin
6x in SeoMetadataTypeTest::testDataClassCreationForNonPhpcr
6x in SeoMetadataTypeTest::testDataClassCreationForPhpcr
2x in SeoContentAdminExtensionTest::testAdminExtensionExists from Symfony\Cmf\Bundle\SeoBundle\Tests\WebTest\Admin
I can't see any issue in seo-bundle in that example.
You can set the env variable to a regex to match the exception message IIRC. If you check the symfony docs about the phpunit bridge, you can read more info
Thx. I will have a look at it tonight.
Fixed some more things. Most of the todo items in your PR description relate to SonataAdminBundle. At the moment, this PR won't pass as we can't install a Symfony 3 supporting SonataAdminBundle version (see
@WouterJ Defining the initRuntime() method in the "sonata_doctrine_phpcr_admin" extension is deprecated since version 1.23. Use the
needs_environmentoption to get the Twig_Environment instance in filters, functions, or tests; or explicitly implement Twig_Extension_InitRuntimeInterface if needed (not recommended): 19x
this one seems to be ours too, or?
@ElectricMaxxx no, it's of the SonataDoctrinePhpcrAdmin and fixed in 2.0 (2.8 deps still use the 1.x version).
I've a working version locally, just need to fix somethings in the BurgovKeyValueFormBundle and I'll push.
Shall we do a PR on burgovKeyValue of is something on it's way?
Once is merged, the tests should pass.
I think they have a parallel and almost equal PR to yours. Will Look for a Link After the current meeting.
@WouterJ see
Both PRs on BurgovKeyValue are still open.
This PR should enable symfony 3 support.
requirement removedgetRequest
call in Controller