symfony / monolog-bundle

Symfony Monolog Bundle
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Existence of a custom log handler causes sending of extra email #405

Open pauljura opened 3 years ago

pauljura commented 3 years ago

I am following instructions here to email critical errors.

This by itself works just fine.

But when I add a custom log handler, any error that triggers the mailer will cause a second email to be delivered as well. This second email has 2 messages in it:

  1. DEBUG Email transport "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Smtp\SmtpTransport" stopping
  2. DEBUG Email transport "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Smtp\SmtpTransport" stopped

The custom log handler is defined at the bottom of my monolog.yaml file like so :

            level: critical
            type: service
            id: Shared\Symfony\LogHandler\NewRelicNotifier

It extends from AbstractProcessingHandler. The exact details of the custom error handler are not important. It has nothing to do with the mailer. I could define it with an empty write() method that does nothing. I'm actually using multiple custom log handlers, but the bug occurs if any one of them are registered.

If I remove the custom handler, an error will trigger one email as expected. If one or more custom handlers exist, I get 2 emails.

This only started happening for me since Symfony 5.2.6, previously I was on 5.2.3 and it worked as expected.

quentint commented 3 years ago

Experiencing the same issue.
Here's my Monolog configuration (no custom handler in my case):

# config/packages/prod/monolog.yaml
            type:         fingers_crossed
            action_level: error
            handler:      grouped
            excluded_http_codes: [404, 405]
            type:    group
            members: [streamed, deduplicated]
            type:  stream
            path:  '%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log'
            level: debug
            type:    deduplication
            handler: symfony_mailer
            type:         symfony_mailer
            from_email:   ''
            to_email:     ''
            subject:      '🐾 %%message%%'
            level:        debug
            formatter:    monolog.formatter.html
            content_type: text/html
            type: console
            process_psr_3_messages: false
            channels: [ "!event", "!doctrine" ]
            type: filter
            handler: deprecation
            max_level: info
            channels: [ "php" ]
            type: stream
            path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.deprecations.log"


# config/packages/sentry.yaml

# (...)

            type: sentry
            level: !php/const Monolog\Logger::ERROR
            hub_id: Sentry\State\HubInterface

# (...)
virtualize commented 3 years ago

The extra mail with this content is even sent if you apply the default configuration from the docs to a newly created symfony demo (symfony new --demo) in production mode.

# config/packages/prod/monolog.yaml
            type:         fingers_crossed
            action_level: critical
            handler:      deduplicated
            type:    deduplication
            handler: symfony_mailer
            type:       symfony_mailer
            from_email: ''
            to_email:   ''
            subject:    'An Error Occurred! %%message%%'
            level:      debug

First mail contains the error message as usual, the second mail contains only this:

[2021-05-26T10:49:47.683298+02:00] app.DEBUG: Email transport "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Smtp\SmtpTransport" stopping [] []
[2021-05-26T10:49:47.722980+02:00] app.DEBUG: Email transport "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Smtp\SmtpTransport" stopped [] []

Tried Symfony Versions 5.2.1 / 5.2.9 / 5.3.0-RC1, running PHP 7.4.13

EDIT: I've created a corresponding Stackoverflow question

AlexeyKosov commented 2 years ago

Still no solution?

jonathantullett commented 2 years ago

I still see this happening for the latest and greatest, and causes double the noise/traffic when these alerts fire.

raziel057 commented 2 years ago

I also encounter the exact same issue using Symfony 5.4.6, running on PHP 8.0.x. I don't have the issue using SwiftMailer rather than Symfony Mailer.

raziel057 commented 2 years ago

The issue comes from the debug log used in stop method.

As this log is generated after sending of first email containig the stack trace, a second email is sent.

raziel057 commented 2 years ago

Please note that with same config in "dev" env, I receive only one email, which is not the case in "prod" env.

As a workaround I exclude the "mailer" channel:

            type:         fingers_crossed
            action_level: critical
            handler:      grouped
            channels:     ["!mailer"]
            type:    group
            members: [streamed, deduplicated]
            type:  stream
            path:  "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log"
            level: debug
            type:    deduplication
            handler: symfony_mailer
            type:       symfony_mailer
            from_email: "%mailer_app_sender%"
            to_email:   "%mailer_team_receiver%"
            subject:    "An Error Occurred!"
            level:      debug
YoukeZhang commented 2 years ago

If the error occurred in Command or email send async, the extra email is not sent.

gponty commented 2 years ago

Same issue here

geoffroyp commented 2 years ago

same issue!

mpoiriert commented 1 year ago

Workaround doesn't work for me because I am doing a query to the database in the email sending flow.

So I am getting this line:

{"message":"Disconnecting","context":{},"level":200,"level_name":"INFO","channel":"doctrine","datetime":"2023-09-25T16:37:22.465597+00:00","extra":{"token":null,"delay":"0.20","uid":"55a1d86","memory_usage":"24 MB","memory_peak_usage":"28.58 MB"}}

I cannot ignore the "doctrine" channel since error can come from there.

CITjakob commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue even without a custom log handler. For some reason the workaround channels: ["!mailer"] does not work for me. I still get two emails, one of them clearly from the mailer channel.

gremo commented 8 months ago

Same problem here, workaround not working... any update?

n-valverde commented 4 months ago

Hey there, as a workaround try setting stop_buffering: false to your fingers_crossed handler definition. By default, fingers_crossed turns into a stream handler once action_level has been reached. Since the SmtpTransport is generating additional log records below activation_level, keeping the buffer on should prevent those additional records to reach the handler unless they reach activation_level again. That's not ideal but should work.

Seldaek commented 4 months ago

Yes IMO stop_buffering:false is good, or alternatively you can add a buffering handler before the mailer, so that the mailer handler receives all the log entries at the end of the request when the buffer handler flushes.