symfony / panther

A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony
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Trying to upload a file to a form input field and upload file to website. #489

Open MOSRob opened 2 years ago

MOSRob commented 2 years ago


having some trouble uploading a file to a website. after creating a new instance and calling the form on the page i can not seem add the document to the form and then submit.

example of the code i am running.

$client = Client::createFirefoxClient();

$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'website_that_has_the_form');

$form = $crawler->selectButton('submit_button')->form();

$form['file'] = 'C:/location_of_file_i_want_to_upload'; $form['Password'] = 'anypass';

$crawler = $client->submit($form);

i get error of not finding the file input that's within the form tags.

when checking what the form brings back with


the file upload field is not in the list.

some other things i have tried are

$myInput = $crawler->filterXPath('.//input[@type="file"]'); $myInput->click(); // this returns saying it not clickable $myInput->sendKeys(C:/location_of_file_i_want_to_upload); // this returns doesn't accept multiple files

russkibrazil commented 2 years ago

If I am not mistaken, you should use $form->getFiles() to check what files were submitted. $form->getValues() returns values that are not binaries: strings, numbers...