symfony / panther

A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony
MIT License
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Do you plan to update panther product till Symfony 6.2? #585

Closed Mepcuk closed 1 year ago

Mepcuk commented 1 year ago

Do you plan to update panther product till Symfony 6.2?

dunglas commented 1 year ago

Yes. We don't plan to deprecate Panther.

wouterj commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what you mean. As far as I can see, this package supports Symfony 6.2. If you find anything to not work, please share details about it (ideally a reproducer or a bugfix).

arderyp commented 1 year ago

I suspect OP may have simply been concerned by the fact that there hasn't been a release in over a year, or a commit to main in 4 months, and there aren't any upgrade/feature branches being developed. At least, that's the thought I had when I saw those numbers while contemplating phpunit 10 compatibility

dunglas commented 1 year ago

The library is pretty stable is doesn't require much work. However we indeed have work for PHPUnit 10 compatibility.

arderyp commented 1 year ago

That's fair enough. I hope I didn't come off as judgemental, that's wasn't my intent. I think it actually extremely commendable when packages become stable enough to not need frequent updates (and aren't endlessly chasing features that lead to a complexity spiral). My reaction was just the knee jerk default these days when nearly every popular package is pushing updates with incredible frequency)

You all are doing great work, and it's an awesome package :)

arderyp commented 1 year ago

The library is pretty stable is doesn't require much work. However we indeed have work for PHPUnit 10 compatibility.

@dunglas @wouterj while the package is stable, it does still need some regular maintenance. Can we please merge to PHPUnit 10 compatibility PR to keep it stable and up to date?

This issue is about whether the package is wait until 6.2 to update, but 6.2 has been out for some time now. I don't think the PR above should need to wait on 6.4 or any future Symfony release, and should be compatible and ready to go now.