symfony / panther

A browser testing and web crawling library for PHP and Symfony
MIT License
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createAdditionalPantherClient() with firefox driver not working. #597

Open yedprior opened 1 year ago

yedprior commented 1 year ago

Opening secondary client when createPantherClient use firefox driver send "Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\SessionNotCreatedException: Session is already started" exception when $client2->request('GET', '/chat'); is called in this example :

        $client1 = self::createPantherClient(['browser' => static::FIREFOX]);
        $client1->request('GET', '/chat'); 

        // Connect a 2nd user using an isolated browser and say hi!
        $client2 = self::createAdditionalPantherClient();
        $client2->request('GET', '/chat');
        $client2->submitForm('Post message', ['message' => 'Hi folks 👋😻']);

        // Wait for the message to be received by the first client

        // Symfony Assertions are always executed in the **primary** browser
        $this->assertSelectorTextContains('.message', 'Hi folks 👋😻');

It works fine with chrome driver (open 2 windows with navigator).

halfer commented 12 months ago

I suspect this is by design: