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There is no way to use PHP 7.2 or 7.3 #35934

Closed andchir closed 4 years ago

andchir commented 4 years ago

Symfony version(s) affected: ALL

Symfony depends on "ocramius/proxy-manager", proxy-manager 2.2 depends on "zendframework/zend-code", but "zendframework/zend-code" abandoned Newer versions of "proxy-manager" use "laminas/laminas-code", but they require PHP 7.4 only.

How to reproduce
Try using PHP 7.2 or 7.3. I got error:

Attempted to load class "ClassGenerator" from namespace "Zend\Code\Generator". Did you forget a "use" statement for "Laminas\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator"? - /vendor/ocramius/proxy-manager/src/ProxyManager/Generator/ClassGenerator.php (15)

Because the package "zendframework/zend-code" abandoned.

Possible Solution
Refuse to use "proxy-manager" because he is always in a hurry to use only the latest versions of PHP. Look for another replacement or develop your own solution. Or ask the author not to rush to use the latest versions of PHP.

andchir commented 4 years ago

Possible Solution: add depending "laminas/laminas-code".

stof commented 4 years ago

I'm not getting any error on PHP 7.3 (I'm getting a composer warning about zendframework/zend-code being abandoned though). Have you done something special that you haven't explained in your issue ?

andchir commented 4 years ago

Perhaps this is my local problem. It does not install "zendframework/zend-code" and I do not see a warning. But it is installed if I install new Symfony project and then I see a warning about "zend-code". I tried to delete "vendor" folder and run composer install --no-dev, but it does not install "zendframework/zend-code" for some reason.

While I do not know how you can reproduce it.

xabbuh commented 4 years ago

What is the exact error that you get locally?

andchir commented 4 years ago


[2020-03-04 07:49:37] php.CRITICAL: Class 'Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator' not found {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Class 'Zend\\Code\\Generator\\ClassGenerator' not found at /var/www/symfony_project/vendor/ocramius/proxy-manager/src/ProxyManager/Generator/ClassGenerator.php:15)"} []

I think a dependency is written somewhere as a dev, so it is not installed with the flag --no-dev. Until I not found, maybe doctrine mongodb.

andchir commented 4 years ago

My composer.json:

    "name": "andchir/project",
    "type": "project",
    "license": "proprietary",
    "require": {
        "ext-ctype": "*",
        "ext-iconv": "*",
        "ext-json": "*",
        "ext-zip": "*",
        "alcaeus/mongo-php-adapter": "^1.1",
        "andchir/omnipay-bundle": "^1.0",
        "andchir/shopkeeper4-comments": "^1.0",
        "behat/transliterator": "^1.3",
        "composer/composer": "^1.8",
        "doctrine/cache": "^1.8",
        "doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle": "^1.3",
        "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "^3.2",
        "doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle": "^4.0",
        "gregwar/captcha-bundle": "^2.0",
        "liip/imagine-bundle": "^2.1",
        "mongodb/mongodb": "^1.4",
        "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.10",
        "ralouphie/mimey": "^2.0",
        "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^5.2",
        "symfony/asset": "*",
        "symfony/console": "*",
        "symfony/dotenv": "*",
        "symfony/expression-language": "*",
        "symfony/flex": "^1.1",
        "symfony/form": "*",
        "symfony/framework-bundle": "*",
        "symfony/monolog-bundle": "^3.1",
        "symfony/orm-pack": "*",
        "symfony/process": "*",
        "symfony/requirements-checker": "^1.1",
        "symfony/security-bundle": "*",
        "symfony/serializer": "*",
        "symfony/serializer-pack": "*",
        "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "^3.1",
        "symfony/translation": "*",
        "symfony/twig-bundle": "*",
        "symfony/validator": "*",
        "symfony/web-link": "*",
        "symfony/yaml": "*"
    "require-dev": {
        "symfony/debug-pack": "*",
        "symfony/maker-bundle": "^1.7",
        "symfony/profiler-pack": "*",
        "symfony/test-pack": "*",
        "symfony/web-server-bundle": "*"
    "config": {
        "preferred-install": {
            "*": "dist"
        "sort-packages": true,
        "platform": {
            "ext-mongo": "1.6.16",
            "php": "7.3.0"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "src/App/"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\Tests\\": "tests/"
    "replace": {
        "paragonie/random_compat": "2.*",
        "symfony/polyfill-ctype": "*",
        "symfony/polyfill-iconv": "*",
        "symfony/polyfill-php71": "*",
        "symfony/polyfill-php70": "*",
        "symfony/polyfill-php56": "*"
    "scripts": {
        "auto-scripts": {
            "cache:clear": "symfony-cmd",
            "assets:install %PUBLIC_DIR%": "symfony-cmd",
            "requirements-checker": "script"
        "post-install-cmd": [
        "post-update-cmd": [
    "conflict": {
        "symfony/symfony": "*"
    "extra": {
        "symfony": {
            "allow-contrib": true,
            "require": "4.4.*"
xabbuh commented 4 years ago

What is the output of composer show?

andchir commented 4 years ago


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psr/http-message                     1.0.1   Common interface for HTTP messages
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psr/log                              1.1.2   Common interface for logging libraries
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symfony/cache-contracts              v2.0.1  Generic abstractions related to caching
symfony/config                       v4.4.5  Symfony Config Component
symfony/console                      v4.4.5  Symfony Console Component
symfony/debug                        v4.4.5  Symfony Debug Component
symfony/dependency-injection         v4.4.5  Symfony DependencyInjection Component
symfony/doctrine-bridge              v4.4.5  Symfony Doctrine Bridge
symfony/dotenv                       v4.4.5  Registers environment variables from a .env file
symfony/error-handler                v4.4.5  Symfony ErrorHandler Component
symfony/event-dispatcher             v4.4.5  Symfony EventDispatcher Component
symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts   v1.1.7  Generic abstractions related to dispatching event
symfony/expression-language          v4.4.5  Symfony ExpressionLanguage Component
symfony/filesystem                   v4.4.5  Symfony Filesystem Component
symfony/finder                       v4.4.5  Symfony Finder Component
symfony/flex                         v1.6.2  Composer plugin for Symfony
symfony/form                         v4.4.5  Symfony Form Component
symfony/framework-bundle             v4.4.5  Symfony FrameworkBundle
symfony/http-foundation              v4.4.5  Symfony HttpFoundation Component
symfony/http-kernel                  v4.4.5  Symfony HttpKernel Component
symfony/inflector                    v4.4.5  Symfony Inflector Component
symfony/intl                         v4.4.5  A PHP replacement layer for the C intl extension that includ...
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symfony/monolog-bridge               v4.4.5  Symfony Monolog Bridge
symfony/monolog-bundle               v3.5.0  Symfony MonologBundle
symfony/options-resolver             v4.4.5  Symfony OptionsResolver Component
symfony/orm-pack                     v1.0.8  A pack for the Doctrine ORM
symfony/polyfill-intl-icu            v1.14.0 Symfony polyfill for intl's ICU-related data and classes
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symfony/property-access              v4.4.5  Symfony PropertyAccess Component
symfony/property-info                v4.4.5  Symfony Property Info Component
symfony/requirements-checker         v1.1.5  Check Symfony requirements and give recommendations
symfony/routing                      v4.4.5  Symfony Routing Component
symfony/security-bundle              v4.4.5  Symfony SecurityBundle
symfony/security-core                v4.4.5  Symfony Security Component - Core Library
symfony/security-csrf                v4.4.5  Symfony Security Component - CSRF Library
symfony/security-guard               v4.4.5  Symfony Security Component - Guard
symfony/security-http                v4.4.5  Symfony Security Component - HTTP Integration
symfony/serializer                   v4.4.5  Symfony Serializer Component
symfony/serializer-pack              v1.0.2  A pack for the Symfony serializer
symfony/service-contracts            v2.0.1  Generic abstractions related to writing services
symfony/stopwatch                    v4.4.5  Symfony Stopwatch Component
symfony/swiftmailer-bundle           v3.4.0  Symfony SwiftmailerBundle
symfony/templating                   v4.4.5  Symfony Templating Component
symfony/translation                  v4.4.5  Symfony Translation Component
symfony/translation-contracts        v2.0.1  Generic abstractions related to translation
symfony/twig-bridge                  v4.4.5  Symfony Twig Bridge
symfony/twig-bundle                  v4.4.5  Symfony TwigBundle
symfony/validator                    v4.4.5  Symfony Validator Component
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symfony/web-link                     v4.4.5  Symfony WebLink Component
symfony/yaml                         v4.4.5  Symfony Yaml Component
twig/twig                            v3.0.3  Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP
webmozart/assert                     1.7.0   Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error m...

If I add requirement

"laminas/laminas-code": "^3.4",

this solves the problem for me.

xabbuh commented 4 years ago

I fail to see how you ended up with zendframework/zend-code not being installed as it is a requirement of ocramius/proxy-manager 2.2.3.

Taluu commented 4 years ago

Try composer why-not zendframework/zend-code ?

andchir commented 4 years ago

Now I have always installed laminas/laminas-code, but it is not in my composer.json. Perhaps this was somehow related to the composer cache. I think this issue can be closed.

goetas commented 4 years ago

In my opinion the problem is that laminas repositories declare themselves as replacement for zend packages, but that is not true since they have different namespaces... Cc @Ocramius @weierophinney

It should be possible to install zend and laminas packages together

Ocramius commented 4 years ago

There's a bridge library that aliases package classes for this purpose:

goetas commented 4 years ago

Similar error report

weierophinney commented 4 years ago

@goetas They actually are replacements. Here's why.

Every single Laminas package release includes the package laminas/laminas-zendframework-bridge as a dependency. This package includes two autoloaders:

There's more on this on a blog post we just released today:

goetas commented 4 years ago

Quite unfortunate decision, but I guess that other options were considered... Thanks for the feedback @Ocramius

weierophinney commented 4 years ago

@goetas Yes — but note the first thing I said: every Laminas package adds the bridge package as a dependency. You cannot install any of them without it.

I'd love to hear why you feel it's an "unfortunate decision". Feel free to contact me directly (matthew [at] weierophinney [dot] net), so we don't pollute this issue. That said, please be aware we did extensive testing, particularly with a variety of 3rd party libraries, before going with this approach. It was not an arbitrary decision.

mmarton commented 4 years ago

Sounds good, doesn't work (in all circumstances). Like using authoritive classmap (composer install -a --no-dev aka production mode) because it skips the autoload functions.

Ocramius commented 4 years ago

Does it also skip files:?

mmarton commented 4 years ago

Further investigating, and I'm not sure it's the authoritive flag:

$ rm -rf var/cache/prod/ vendor/
# no optimisation
$ php ../composer-stable.phar install --no-dev
# you need to have at least 1 migration to run
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration

# PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator' not found in .../vendor/ocramius/proxy-manager/src/ProxyManager/Generator/ClassGenerator.php on line 15
# 11:22:56 CRITICAL  [php] Fatal Error: Class 'Zend\Code\Generator\ClassGenerator' not found ["exception" => Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError^ { …}]

$ php ../composer-stable.phar dump-autoload
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration
# finished in 261.3ms
#  ++ used 16M memory
#  ++ 1 migrations executed
#  ++ 1 sql queries
stof commented 4 years ago

@mmarton @andchir according to this might be an issue in the composer autoload generation for Composer < 1.10. Can you confirm whether using Composer 1.10+ fixes it ? You could post the answer directly to the laminas issue.

dennisameling commented 4 years ago

@stof can confirm that updating to Composer 1.10+ fixes this issue, we were having the exact same issue with Mautic:

Thanks a lot for the info 🚀