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[LiveComponent] Uuid are not natively (de)hydrated #1846

Open Wait4Code opened 4 months ago

Wait4Code commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure if it is covered by the "Future H)" item of issue but I've noticed that LiveComponent crash when trying to (de)hydrate Uuid.

More precisely, in LiveComponentHydrator#dehydrateObjectValue() method, line 507, (new PropertyInfoExtractor([new ReflectionExtractor()]))->getProperties($classType) returns null which makes the foreach loop crash.

This is quite annoying when using Uuid in a DTO class that mixed entities and simple DTOs. I could use useSerializerForHydration option on LineProp but then I would need to manage serialization in my entity which can be a burden. I will try to get through this by creating an Hydration Extension for Uuid but I think this would be a nice addition if it could be managed by Live Component natively.

smnandre commented 3 months ago

Is this UUID writable ? If not, maybe you could not make it a live prop ?

Wait4Code commented 3 months ago

Well, as it is a dehydration of the Uuid object (from symfony/uid package), I don't think I would change anything. In fact, my UuidHydrationExtension workaround works pretty well :

use Symfony\Component\Uid\AbstractUid;
use Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Hydration\HydrationExtensionInterface;

class UuidHydrationExtension implements HydrationExtensionInterface

    public function supports(string $className): bool
        return is_a($className, AbstractUid::class, true);

    public function hydrate(mixed $value, string $className): ?object
        return new $className($value);

    public function dehydrate(object $object): mixed
        return $object->toRfc4122();

I am not sure which package should have the responsibility to handle this compatibility problem between symfony/ux-live-component and symfony/uid packages ? Probably symfony/ux-live-component but for some reason it is not obvious to me :/

axel37 commented 1 month ago

I just encountered the same issue.

I recently moved from php8.0 to 8.3 and did a composer update. Before then, the issue did not appear. I'm on Symfony 5.4.41 and symfony/ux-live-component 2.18.1.

Indeed, the error occurs in LiveComponentHydrator, line 504 :

 foreach ((new PropertyInfoExtractor([new ReflectionExtractor()]))->getProperties($classType) as $property) {
           // ...

Which throws :

Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given

Here's a screenshot of the variables shown in the debugger :

a list of variables including $classType, $value and an Exception

smnandre commented 1 month ago

You only updated LiveComponent ? Do you know what version you used ?

axel37 commented 1 month ago

You only updated LiveComponent ?

No, but after downgrading to the previous version, the error went away.

Do you know what version you used ?

I went back to 2.7.1.

smnandre commented 1 month ago

2.7.1 is sadly a pretty old version so many many things may have changed since (LiveComponent is only 'stable' since 2.14 earlier this year)

The only that i can think of immediately is that symfony/serializer is not required anymore.... so you may have more success if you install it manually ?

I also can see you're using the DoctrineEntityHydration here, so maybe something to digg there ?