symfony / ux

Symfony UX initiative: a JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony
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Symfony Ecosystem #701

Open excitedbox opened 1 year ago

excitedbox commented 1 year ago

Javascript is not the best programming language. Nor is Wordpress the best CMS and React is not the best framework, The reason they became the most popular is the massive ecosystem that they offer. The flex recipe database was one of the biggest value contributors to Symfony in my opinion because it gave you large pieces of reusable functionality.

I think adding a new ecosystem section to the Symfony website should be a much bigger focus than it has been in the past. It would give users not just a place to save time, but also promote collaboration, sharing, community participation, and allow people to accomplish things that they may not be able to do on their own due to lack of skill or required effort. It would serve as a showcase of things that can be done with Symfony and how to do them. Furthermore, it will increase adoption for Symfony projects (Twig, SymfonyUX, etc.) and help Symfony grow.

I think the Symfony ecosystem should be a multipart approach with separate sections/categories for Symfony, Symfony UX, and Twig and would make it easier to find what you are looking for covering very different use cases.

We all know it could be put together pretty quickly, after all :)

All you need is a display page with filtering and a page with submit/edit form. It could use Symfony Connect login for authenticating ownership. For an experienced Symfony dev that is a few hours of work tops but is an investment that brings huge dividends for years to come.

Not to mention when an ecosystem database is great for your SEO as it expands the number of search terms Symfony will come up for.

weaverryan commented 1 year ago

Quick reply: just thinking about UX specifically, there is currently no place to "showcase" the other tools from the ecosystem - e.g. other UX bundles, libraries like stimulus-use or Stimulus components

So yes, I tend to agree :)

excitedbox commented 1 year ago

I think showcasing is just a small part but flex recipes used to let you integrate large components into your symfony application. Kind of like having a plugin repository that lets you import things like a user profile system, comment system, or tinyMCE without being forced to integrate everything that comes with one of the Symfony based CMS projects like Bolt or Sonata.

Lets say I want to build a Twitter or Ebay or Paypal or Shopify, none of those projects based on symfony would be a good fit. A repository of components like a newsletter system, that offers an editor, letter template and scheduling, would save many hours without having to start from scratch with Symfony's mail component. Someone else might use that same component for a support ticket system by removing the scheduling.

Depending on what the community adds, there may be even more granular pieces. Going by my previous example, Maybe the repository would offer a "mail" section with subcomponents for different features (editor, scheduling, templates, user selection, inbox etc.). For a Newsletter system you may use the letter template for premade emails and not need the inbox component. But for a support system you would want an inbox and use the template component to send premade replies.

Offering this kind of ecosystem would be impossible for the Symfony team to do on their own, but with a large community of active members over time it is feasible that many such components could be built. Think of systems like QT and .Net which have hundreds of libraries and components that add functionality. In my experience the ones that are the most active and developed are the ones that are the most organized.

Many times the whole reason to use one system over another is precisely the community support and ecosystem built around it. I think it would be a massive advantage for Symfony to at least offer a section on the website for listing them. I have used Prestashop over others because of specific plugins I found on their marketplace.

This could also become a big revenue source for Symfony (OpenCart earns over $250k a year). Adding an Ecosystem repository along with a marketplace would give community members a place to sell Symfony add-ons. Symfony could in turn charge a commission on sales made through the marketplace. With millions of visitors to the Symfony website, it would offer a valuable and targeted advertising opportunity for developers being able to list their products and it would also make it easier for customers to find them.

I think we need a/an:

carsonbot commented 2 months ago

Thank you for this issue. There has not been a lot of activity here for a while. Has this been resolved?

carsonbot commented 1 month ago

Could I get an answer? If I do not hear anything I will assume this issue is resolved or abandoned. Please get back to me <3

carsonbot commented 1 month ago


I didn't hear anything so I'm going to close it. Feel free to comment if this is still relevant, I can always reopen!