symfony / webpack-encore

A simple but powerful API for processing & compiling assets built around Webpack
MIT License
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Replace Chalk by Picocolors #1333

Closed Kocal closed 3 weeks ago

Kocal commented 3 weeks ago

Picocolors is one of the smaller library to output colors in the terminal, and it has no sub-dependencies. It can reduce the Encore package size a lot.

Package size report

Package info for "chalk@4.1.2": 100 kB
  Released: 2021-07-30 12:02:52.839 +0000 UTC (162w1d ago)
  Downloads last week: 233,169,927 (56.55%)
  Estimated traffic last week: 23 TB
  Subdependencies: 5
  Latest version: 5.3.0 (62w2d ago)

Added dependencies:
  + picocolors@1.1.0: 12 kB (11.81%)
    Downloads last week: 8,949,572 (N/A% from 1.1.0)
    Estimated traffic last week: N/A
    Subdependencies: 0 (0%)

Estimated new statistics:
  Package size: 100 kB → 76 kB (76.16%)
  Subdependencies: 5 → 6 (1)
  Traffic with last week's downloads:
    For current version: 23 TB → 18 TB (5.6 TB saved)
    For all versions: 41 TB → 31 TB (9.8 TB saved)

Migrating from chalk to picocolors is pretty simple, the API is nearly identical except whan you want to color both text and background.

When running encore --help:


When running encore dev:

stof commented 3 weeks ago

This does not actually reduce dependencies, because chalk is still a transitive dependency of css-minimizer-webpack-plugin. So this PR doesn't actually change the size of downloaded dependencies (picocolors was already a transitive dependency, from css-minimizer-webpack-plugin > cssnano as well as other places)

Kocal commented 3 weeks ago

In reality yes, but that's a first step, I believe someone (or me) will open this kind of PR on css-minimizer-webpack-plugin etc, and only at this time we will be able to reduce the package size.

stof commented 3 weeks ago

Looking at the npm graph, the only non-dev transitive dependencies we have are those:

Kocal commented 2 weeks ago