symfony2admingenerator / AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle

(old-legacy) Symfony2 form extensions for Admingenerator project (also working standalone!)
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Assetic filter #11

Open bobvandevijver opened 11 years ago

bobvandevijver commented 11 years ago

You use the yui comprosser, but as stated in the symfony doc ( is the yui compressor going through a deprecation process.

Maybe an idea to switch to the uglifyjs and uglifycss compressors (

ioleo commented 11 years ago

@bobvandevijver i wasn't aware that YUI is deprecated, I will look into this and search/replace it with alternatives

pvgnd commented 11 years ago

@loostro An other good alternative is Google Closure Compiler : However, Symfony seems to recommend UglifyJS as @bobvandevijver says, so maybe it is a better choice.

ioleo commented 11 years ago

Since this is not breaking the bundle I'll get on this after I finish my current job and after I tag stable Admingenerator release.