symfony2admingenerator / AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle

(old-legacy) Symfony2 form extensions for Admingenerator project (also working standalone!)
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uglifyjs, uglifycss #110

Closed Raffaello closed 9 years ago

Raffaello commented 10 years ago

related to isssue #11.

fabienpomerol commented 9 years ago


Raffaello commented 9 years ago

updated composer.json

Raffaello commented 9 years ago

removed gedit backup file

ioleo commented 9 years ago

@sescandell im :+1: what do you think?

@Raffaello maybe we should add a note to documentation linking to symfony2 doc explaining how to set it up?

Raffaello commented 9 years ago

Well, I think the link to the symfony2 doc it will be sufficient.

It's just to bring some attention to the assetic filter's name: they are slightly different if someone follow blindly the symfony2 doc.

here are: uglifyjs and uglifycss In the doc are: uglifyjs2 and uglifycss

Well, at least we can change the uglifyjs assetic filter's name to match the symfony2 doc.

ioleo commented 9 years ago

@Raffaello I did not notice that. What the diffrence between uglifyjs and uglifyjs2? Both require sudo npm install -g uglify-js? I mean, following the symfony2 installation docs will be good to get uglifyjs working?

(i must admit, so far i've used yui for symfony2 & assetic)

Raffaello commented 9 years ago

Here's the assetic repo and all the supported filters:

here's the uglifyjs filter:

and here uglifyjs2 filter:

Here uglifyJS repo:

The first one is specifically designed for the version 1 of uglifyjs and the other for uglifyjs version 2.

So the differences are on no-default parameters to call the bin.

Maybe it's better match with uglifyjs2.

But if it's used with no parameter, the assetic filter just run the binary with no (default) option like a command-line. So there's no difference at all if someone use it with no particular configuration. The difference is the binary itself installed on the system.

But well, maybe it's better use uglifyjs2, just to match the symfony doc and I think the version 1 is not supported anymore.

Raffaello commented 9 years ago

I changed to uglifyjs2 filter instead of uglifyjs filter.

sescandell commented 9 years ago

@loostro looks good for me. We just take care that this imply BC Break for people using yui compressor. I know we don't have any tagged version on that bundle for now, but we should add a notification (like for the AdminGeneratorBundle) in the update doc.

Otherwise, thanks @Raffaello :+1:

ioleo commented 9 years ago

This has been taken into account in my recent PR. There are many other changes in there. You can browse them by looking at develop branch. Once I'm sure there are no bugs in that code, these will be merged into master and tagged as v2.0.