symfony2admingenerator / AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle

(old-legacy) Symfony2 form extensions for Admingenerator project (also working standalone!)
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Bootstrap3 migration #136

Open sescandell opened 9 years ago

sescandell commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to start a discussion around FormExtensions and Bootstrap3. I think we need to identify how will the migration will be done. IMO, we cannot "change all forms" and break BS2 compatibility.

Actually, I think we should be able to handle both: BS2 and BS3 at the same time. Difference is mainly based on "rendering" and views. Not on components/Javascripts themselves (well, not always, I agree). But FormTypes will almost not be different.

So, I see two ways to handle that:

At least, if we just say "let's go for BS3, forget BS2), we should create different tags (for BC).

Discussion is open, please comment, tell what you think, ...

ioleo commented 9 years ago

@sescandell I prefer the first way. I personally am switching to BS3, and I will continue working on the BS3 branch. I do not have time to develop BS2 branch, BUT if there are active contributors to that branch I won't stop them. Haveing seperate branches makes it easier for me (I don't have to worry about configuration/compability with BS2) and for anyone interested in BS2 branch (they don't have to worry about configuration/compability with BS3).

I am finishing major update for this bundle, which I planned to push to master and BS3 branches (ofcourse, creating a seperate BS2 branch before merging anything to master).

The update I'm working on contains several BC breaks (but easy to upgrade):

sescandell commented 9 years ago

Okay... let's see so...