symfony2admingenerator / AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle

(old-legacy) Symfony2 form extensions for Admingenerator project (also working standalone!)
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Select2 not working when editing #169

Closed vkosachev closed 8 years ago

vkosachev commented 8 years ago

Seems that select2 is not triggered to be rendered when I edit an entity with afe_select2_entity type. JS and CSS are present on page, but it renders like a simple select.

vkosachev commented 8 years ago

Found a solution, it seems that if you use something else than word "form" in your template.. it will not render.

bobvandevijver commented 8 years ago

Do you mean that you do not use form as the form variable? If you want to do that, you will have to include the following somewhere in your header tag:

{{ form_css(form_variable) }}
{{ form_js(form_variable) }}