symfony2admingenerator / AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle

(old-legacy) Symfony2 form extensions for Admingenerator project (also working standalone!)
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[Feature] Single upload hide input name #67

Closed denys281 closed 10 years ago

denys281 commented 11 years ago

Option nameble is required for single_upload widget. Without it file did not upload or upload but in strange way (sometimes all ok, sometimes we can upload only first time, and than we can not replace it). So when I upload image, I have input where user can store own name for file, but I use namer, so I don't want allow user edit file name (after submit name change). So maybe we can make one option that just hide input? It is very simple remake it in preview.html.twig

sescandell commented 10 years ago

Hi @denys281

I think this is obsolete now.

Please, could you confirm?

denys281 commented 10 years ago

@sescandell no, I have same problem, I still need use nameble option for file upload.

sescandell commented 10 years ago

OK, I'll check that issue in coming days.

sescandell commented 10 years ago

Hi @denys281

Could you please copy/paste code you are using and not working? Just to know what you're trying (and wich configuration you're using in order to be sure I use the same one).

Thank you,

denys281 commented 10 years ago



     * @Assert\File(
     *     maxSize="10M",
     *     mimeTypes={"image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg"}
     * )
     * @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="news", fileNameProperty="photoFirst")
    public $fileFirst;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="photo_first", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
    private $photoFirst;

     * Set photoFirst
     * @param string $photoFirst
     * @return News
    public function setPhotoFirst($photoFirst)
        $this->photoFirst = $photoFirst;

        return $this;

     * Get photoFirst
     * @return string 
    public function getPhotoFirst()
        return $this->photoFirst;

In admingenerator config:

        label:                Firs photo
        formType:         single_upload
        dbType:           string
         nameable:       photoFirst
         data_class:     Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File 
            title: Новини
            display: [fileFirst]
                save: ~
                list: ~

My config:

    db_driver: orm   
    gaufrette:  false
            uri_prefix:           /uploads/news
            upload_destination:   %kernel.root_dir%/../web/uploads/news
            namer:                vich_uploader.namer_uniqid
            inject_on_load:       true
            delete_on_remove:     true
            delete_on_update:     true

    cache_prefix: media
            thumbnail: { size: [276, 226], mode: outbound}   

So, sometimes it works with nameable option and sometimes no :)

sescandell commented 10 years ago

We'll check that.

Thank you,

sescandell commented 10 years ago

Hi @denys281

There is something I don't understand your configuration. It's like there is something "wrong". You say:

* @Vich\UploadableField(mapping="news", fileNameProperty="photoFirst")

meaning that "photoFirst" class member will be used to stock the file name to be stored in the DB

But in your generator you write:

         nameable:       photoFirst

you se the same field... This cannot work (IMO).

Could you please first fix that, and see after if your problem persist.

Thank you,

denys281 commented 10 years ago

@sescandell without nameable options my image don't upload on server, or upload only first time, and then I can't replace it. I don't need nameable options, but I must use it.

sescandell commented 10 years ago

Hi @denys281 ,

I really think you have an error on your configuration. You use the same field for different things.

photoFirst cannot be the name input and the fileNameProperty of your file.

You can see an example of ade_single_upload here: and see that it is working (without nameable option and with replacement).

Full project here:

Use the URI: admin/acme_demo_bundle/Product/new

Could you please also to try without the option delete_on_update from vich?

satiricon commented 10 years ago

@denys281 I had to deal with a similar behavior before and the problem was that I had forgotten to add the @Vich\Uploadable notation at the top of the class (entity) definition. I am using the type now, and it's working flawlessly.

denys281 commented 10 years ago

@satiricon in my case I have @Vich\Uploadable

@sescandell I tested your example and I find what was wrong in my case.

I have no any setters and getters for public $fileFirst. I add next like in your example

    * @return File
    public function getFileFirst()
        return $this->fileFirst;

    * Set picture file as $file
    * @param  File    $file
    * @return Product
    public function setFileFirst(File $file = null)
        $this->file = $fileFirst;

        if ($file) {
            $this->photoFirst = uniqid();

        return $this;

And all works :) thank you!

sescandell commented 10 years ago


Good to know ;)

I think we should propose to VichUploader to use PropertyAccessor whereas guessing setters and getters.

denys281 commented 10 years ago

@sescandell and it will be cool create new demo site for avocode form extension and admingenerator, with all features :)

sescandell commented 10 years ago

I'll try to do something :

denys281 commented 10 years ago

@sescandell if you need help with coding or hosting I can help.

denys281 commented 10 years ago

@sescandell issue in Vich The file is not updated if there are not other changes in the entity