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Jx9: how use "this" in json object? #169

Closed Berleoka closed 5 months ago

Berleoka commented 5 months ago

Is there support "this" in json object in Jx9 (v1.7.2)? When i try use object field in functioin its "empty" Test on this script:

function PersonCreate(string $aname)                                
   $person = {
     name : $aname,
     age : 21,
     PrintName : function()
       print $name;        //i try  $$this[\"name\"]/$this[0]
     PrintAge : function()
       print $age;
  return $person;

$p = PersonCreate(\"vasya\");
print $p                          //{"name":"vasya","age":21,"PrintName":"[lambda_1]","PrintAge":"[lambda_2]"}
print $;               //vasya
print $p.age;                  //21
$p.PrintName();             //doesn't work!
$p.PrintAge();               //doesn't work!


symisc commented 5 months ago

There is no $this concept. Under Jx9, all member fields of a given object are publicly available. Just call the target member directly. Refer to the Jx9 Language Reference Manual at: for additional information.