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Unable to drag-select in MS Office #3044

Closed nbolton closed 8 years ago

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Imported issue:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click and drag no longer works when using 1.4.6 or 1.4.7. Using a Logitech Performance Mouse MX and in applications such as Chrome address bar, Photoshop, Microsoft Word, I can double-click to select/highlight a word, but cannot click & hold to select/highlight text. In Photoshop, I can not draw a selection box by clicking and dragging.

Expected: should be able to select, highlight text
Actual: unable to create a selection box and/or highlight text

Versions (Synergy, OS):

Server: 1.4.7 Windows 7 x64 both as a service and just running normally
Client 1: 1.4.7 Mac OS X 10.7.3


Disable server


log shows no errors, is there a debug version?

Also applies to, Photoshop, and other applications

nbolton commented 9 years ago

also, unrelated, but autoupdater request ?

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Which platform does the problem occur on? I'm guessing Mac client?

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Jaspreet Sidhu wrote:

also, unrelated, but autoupdater request ?


nbolton commented 9 years ago

Nick Bolton wrote:

Which platform does the problem occur on? I'm guessing Mac client?

No, on the Windows server... that's the interesting part. For example, (on the Windows x64 server), I can double click and highlight words or text whether it's in the address bar and/or in a word document, but I cannot "left click, hold, and drag" to select text.

I need to check to see if this also is a problem on the Mac client or not. Will check back today and update.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have the same problem, 2x Win7 x64 and click/hold/drag doesn't work in chrome or photoshop; it works in other applications though and also works fine on the client

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This issue occurs on my 1.4.7 Server running on Windows 7 32 bit.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm using this on two 64-bit Windows 7 machines. I have this issue, but it appears to me that what is actually happening is that additional mouse clicks are being sent. When you try to drag something it will often start to drag then stop dragging. Sometimes when I single click on something, it double clicks instead. For example, in NetBeans I go to click on a tab, but it double clicks instead, causing the tab to be selected and the side panels on the left to be hidden. So I think the nature of the bug is that perhaps an extra phantom click is being transmitted, like maybe a deprecated function call is still being called in addition to the new function, causing things to appear to work normally when they both execute close enough together, but when one is delayed, having the clicks separated more causes strange behavior when clicking or trying to drag a window or icon. Just speculating, I really have no idea what I am talking about as far as the internals, just trying to describe what I observe.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I can verify this as well, though I can't give anymore details than have already been given.
Windows 7 64 bit, server. Can not drag in photoshop or word. Comes and goes though. If I stop synergy server, the problems go away. And never happen until I start the server.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I am using windows 7 64-bit. I can't select with the mouse (as others indicate). I am not seeing the irratic bahvior that Robert Murphy indicates. It acts like there is a meta key pressed. If I kill Synergy, the problem goes away.

  1. Using synergy as the host to two other windows 7 machines
  2. once everything is connected and working, open word and either triple click or try to select a word with with right mouse click-drag

Result: the selection highlight does not move.

Quit Synergy on the host and the problem goes away.

A possible related problem is I'm having trouble launching new tabs in IE9. Sometimes when I click a link, I don't get a new tab and IE is in some in-between state. I'm still troubleshooting this but did notice that the problem disappeared when I killed synergy.

Again, could be some sort of meta key but I tried pressing alt, ctl, shift, windows etc but selection capability does not return until I quit synergy.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Also, when it gets into this state (which I haven't figured out yet), the scroll mouse also stops functioning on the host (server) only. Still works on the clients.

Also, select in notepad works but select in winword (2010) does not.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

In Photoshop no brush stroke is possible due to this bug. Every stroke is just a dot as the mouse-down is interupted immediately.
I cannot confirm any problem in chrome's adress bar, works fine here.
I do not have MS Office installed here so I cannot confirm this bug there neither.

The bug only happens on the server. It is there since I started to use Synergy (v 1.3)

2x Win7-64bit. Photoshop CS5. Wacom Cintiq.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I can also replicate not being able to open new tabs in IE8 when the server is running. It is intermittent though

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Running Windows 7 x64, with Synergy 1.4.8
Same issue on Windows Vista x32, with Synergy 1.4.8

I only get the error when running the server in Service mode, but not desktop mode. Client does not exhibit these issues.

Chrome 18.0.1025.168 m:

Open fresh application
Must manually type an address or search term, this will stop click and drag from working in all address bars in tabs and new windows until restart of Chrome.
Will not break if using a link from the "Most Visited" or "Apps"
Stopping the service while "click and drag" is broken in Chrome will instantly correct the problem and "Click and Drag" returns.

I found this is also affecting ViaCad Pro v7, to replicate the server has to be running. To start the issue the user must click the "space bar" to pan the model view. This causes the issue to not allow for any additional moves. As is with Chrome, stopping the service will instantly correct the issue.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I can confirm the same Problem. Using a WIN7 64bit as server and a MACBOOk Pro 10.7.4 as a client. Trying to move a picture in Lightroom it only accepts the first click but doesn't recognize that I'm holding the button. I'm using the latest Beta 1.4.8.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Just found out it only happens during draging a foto, when i paint on a picture its recognized the right way.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I experience this issue as well. It is consistent within Photoshop CS6, whereas some applications like Microsoft Word are intermittent. In that case, I was able to correct the dragging issue by restarting the Synergy service.

I am running version 1.4.8 in Service mode on a Windows 7 Pro x64 machine. I have not yet tested to see if this still occurs when in Desktop mode as Joshua suggests.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Same problem here. Running Synergy 1.4.8 in server mode as a service on a Win7 64bit machine, controlling 3 clients : a Win7, a Vista and an OSX 10.6. I get the same problem of not being able to drag some of the time. As other people have reported, dragging in Photoshop doesn't work (though strangely, drawing lines which requires a mouse drag does). Same in several other applications. Selecting text by dragging in the Chrome address bar doesn't work, but does in the body of the application.

I've discovered that double tapping the Windows key will allow me to drag one time, but then it happens again. So, I have to double tap the Windows key every time...

Problem only occurs on the server, no problems on any of my host machines.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

These bugs are likely all duplicates of each other. There are probably more but I only looked through about 12 pages of issues:

437 #3264 #3113 #2751 #3060

Currently the best fix seems to be to not run Synergy as a service.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Verified on Windows 8 Professional 64-bit using both 32 and 64 bit versions of applications.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Same problem on Windows 8 x64, server side, with Word 2010. If you do not type first, you can click and drag to select. If you type anything, you can no longer click and drag. Wow, this seems like a strange bug to me. Good luck.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

more info. also occurs in google chrome. no client is attached. shutting down the Synergy server immediately solves the problem without having to even restart word.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Confirm the same problems with Chrome on Win7 x64 running 1.4.10 as a service, elevated privileges. Client doesn't have the same problem, only the server. Word 2010 does the same thing.

NOTE: Turning off elevated privileges makes the problem go away. I think I turned it on for UAC, but I'll see how it goes. Far more convenient than not running as a service.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Confirm the same problem running Synergy v1.4.10 in server mode on Win 7 x64 Enterprise SP1.

Additional information: I only see the loss of click/drag (highlight) functionality in certain applications and the loss of functionality is intermittent. It seems to routinely disappear when switching to a Mac client and back to Windows server (but not always).

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I am confirming the same problem running Synergy v1.4.10 in server mode on Win 7 x64 Enterprise SP1. I cannot select the text by click and drag in Microsoft Office 2013 applications. I can repro it in Outlook 2013 & Word 2013.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This bug should be a higher priority. I've noticed historical iterations of this bug that show up through google have been marked as invalid. As in, synergy has known about this since 2009 but can't replicate it. Oh well. Guess we'll just have to deal with buggy software.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have this problem in Windows 7 32bit without Synergy even running. Uninstalling synergy fixes it. Another workaround is to click into an MS Lync window and back to Word/Outlook (Word editor) and it will allow you to select and highlight text again.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I am experiencing this same bug in Windows 8 x64 with photoshop CS6 x64. No dragging even in the menus before opening a file. Sometimes works ok for a while after ctrl+shift+alt Photoshop startup, but most of times when you trigger something like curves etc dragging is gone. disabling the server fixes it with no need to restart photoshop.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have this issue also, on Windows 8 64-bit.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Confirmed for Windows 8 64bit, tested on two different installs. Word 2010, Chrome

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm not even sure what Synergy is. I found this thread because I was having a problem clicking and dragging, as well as double-clicking to select text. Mainly in Internet Explorer. Some windows will allow it, others will not. Sometimes quadruple clicking will select text, sometimes triple clicking will do it, and sometimes no number of clicks will do it. No matter what, I cannot click and drag to select text. Some text boxes will not operate properly. I have a Logitech M215 mouse, and a wired keyboard. Also, Alt-Tab will not function. If I hold down Alt-Tab for a while I can see the program selection overlay appear for a short time, and other times it will not appear at all but the focus of the window changes. Not sure what is causing this problem but it does not appear to be related to Synergy, or Adobe CS software. First noticed it after a Flash update today.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Synergy 1.4.10 on Vista Home Premium (32), in use for a about week. Clic and drag becomes impossible in MS Word 2010 once you've hit a key. It's also impossible to move margins, indents and tabs. Restarting the Synergy service or typing text in another app (even Windows Run... dialog box) makes C&D working again as long as you do not hit any key. I didn't want to give any money before an evaluation of the tool. I think I'll still wait, though Synergy is a very good idea. JMB

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have fixed this error. This whole system of errors and bugs was due to Java being installed. I uninstalled Java and EVERYTHING WORKS GREAT!!!!

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This has nothing to do with Java. Here is what I know, and it's pretty encouraging. I have a 64bit Windows8 (pro) as server (elevated) and a Mac OSX 10.7.5 client (BTW This Mac will not allow the client to insert text on the clipboard, but the Win machine will take text from the Mac. That's OK for me.) I just tested after Java uninstall and the problem still exists. I had both JRE and JDK and took them both off. I scanned the bugs for which one to vote for and saw that there are a few that are related to clipboard, cut/paste and sticky keys between consoles. The sticky keys problem was completely new to me so I decided to research that as a possible reason for this problem.

PROBLEM REVIEW: On restart and doing some normal work most Windows applications will no longer select text with the mouse. You can select with the shift arrow keys. When you do get something selected you cannot drag it anywhere.

I can go to the Mac and select with the mouse and use the right-click context to copy. Then go the Win machine and paste using the right-click context menu. From this point on the problem exists on the Win machine. Some fixes, I found just now, are:

  1. Type an uppercase letter into this data entry textarea, here, as I am typing these words. (but not by typing into the original document.) WEIRD!
  2. Hold down the shift key while sliding over to the Mac and click or double-click and release the shift key, then return to the Windows server and the problem is gone.

I am very happy to learn all this myself and will now deploy this work-around whenever I see the problem occur. It is far better than shutting down the Synergy service in disgust.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

POOP! The preceding "work-around" did NOT work in the Outlook editor. Still working to isolate the work around.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

If I open up another one of these textarea data entry controls (on this web page in Chrome) and enter text, then the Outlook email editor will again allow dragging to select etc.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Me again. Apparently the 32bit text editor used by Outlook is somehow more sensitive to whatever this bug is. I can be working completely in the Win machine (Synergy server) and Outlook will stop dragging. Then I can go to some other application, like this web page (32bit Chrome), and do some edits, and come back to Outlook and it will work again. Something associated with Synergy causes the Outlook editor (and other apps) to lose drag functionality and then later some other actions make it come back. None of this entails any access of the Mac, the remote client machine. If I paste from anything into Outlook I will loose the drag funtionality. (If I stop the remote Synergy client he problem is unchanged. If I stop the Synergy server all this weirdness goes away.)

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I started having this problem after upgrading to 1.4.12 (Windows 8 Pro x64). It seems to happen mostly in Office apps (Outlook, Word, etc.).

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same problem. Been having it a little while, but only recently came across this thread, and hadn't even considered Synergy as the cause. But sure enough, if I stop the Synergy server, clicking and dragging in apps like Photoshop immediately starts working. Start Synergy again, and it stops working. Consistently and easily reproducible. Using Synergy 1.4.12 on Windows 7 SP1 x64.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have been searching for a while as to what my problem is and this is the only thing like it. It has been occurring since I have been using photoshop in the last couple of days and, even with photoshop not running, the mouse pauses whenever I click (writing this and navigating this page is a pain in itself) and won't move until I click again and therefore I cannot click and drag. The same thing happens when I scroll. People are saying that it is down to synergy but I searched and couldn't find it so Im pretty sure I don't have it but my brother may have installed some similar software that has the same problem. What should I be looking for? Is this just some simple setting that IM missing. Im on Window 8 btw

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I've had this problem for years, quit using Synergy, then just installed it again hoping it would be fixed by now, but, nope. Acrobat, Photoshop, Word, etc. in Win 8 64-bit ... unusable because I can't drag. I promise to make a big donation when it's finally fixed. Please. :)

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm also having this issue between two Win8 x64 machines. Mark Weisenfeld's work around seemed to work for me when dealing with the address bar for Chrome 26.0.1410.64 m - thanks for that Mark!

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I was also having this issue with selection in Word 2013, disabling the "Elevate" option seemed to fix it for me.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Disabling Elevate seems to have fixed it for me.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have added many comments to help with the fixing of this issue. Now I must let you all know that SUDDENLY EVERYTHING WORKS! I once again, tried a bunch of stuff that did not have any effect, including turning off elevation, and none of those things worked. After trying as many things as I could think of I even emailed Nick to ask if there was a command line switch that could turn off listening for drag/copy/paste events. He said there was none. SO, having thoroughly tested various scenarios, I know nothing I did had any effect and the the problem still existed as recently as last week ... until yesterday.

Yesterday I noticed some UNRELATED things suddenly working like they should. My little popup display of my ShiftLock/NUmLock/ScrollLock status started working again. A little while ago I had installed something to assign an action to the middle mouse button. Pushing the wheel was supposed to invoke the "show desktop" command. It never worked either, something was hijacking the events. I just wrote it off as something weird about the HP mouse driver or Windows 8. Well, it started working at the same time. My USB "LifeChat LX-3000" headset was supposed to bring up an onscreen display of volume level when I hit the +/- buttons on the cord. That suddenly started working as well. I may discover other things later too.

All I can figure is that some update fixed a system problem that was at the root of all of this. As I reproduce the scenario I wrote about above, I see it works properly. I can drag to highlight even in MS Outlook editor windows. I CAN EVEN COPY & PASTE BOTH DIRECTIONS to/from my Mac. I had given up on that.

I will make a brief attempt to diagnose all of this but, as you can imagine, I don't really want to upset whatever it was that is making it work, so I will not work too hard at it. I do recall, I believe on Monday, cussing at Microsoft for their goofy way of forcing my machine to reboot for updates. (I was getting work done and ignoring the warnings that it was going to reboot until it just did it out from under me.) I suspect there in that reboot something was installed that fixed everything.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I just loaded 1.4.12 beta on Windows 7 (from 1.4.7) because of this issue. But I am still having problems with the mouse click-drag not working. The client is OSX 10.8.4, synergy client 1.4.12. I did not have the problem with Windows Synergy server 1.4.7 with OSX 10.6 running SynergyKM.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I am also having the problem of drag-select not working with Synergy.

A fix at the time for me is to press the Windows key twice - drag-select then works again for a short time which could be just a couple of minutes or it could be an hour. I cannot identify the sequence of events that stop it working again but a double press of the Windows key clears the issue again.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Same problem here, along with a few other related key presses in excel, couldnt terminate calc by pressing escape for example. Switching off 'elevate' as suggested by Federico and Guy has fixed this for me.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I also have this problem. Disabling the Elevate option didn't help, but hitting the Windows key twice did resolve the issue.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I am having these issues as well and never had them before. Nothing mentioned in this thread has helped and I'm using version 1.4.15 Is there any chance we're going to see any significant progress on this?

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I just installed version 1.4.16 and can confirm that I am still having the same issue with 'Elevate' enabled. I could click and drag to select text in Microsoft Word 2010 upon opening a document, but once I entered or modified any text, I was no longer able to click and drag to select. However, switching off 'Elevate' as suggested previously seemed to fix the issue.