symless / synergy

Synergy lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux.
GNU General Public License v2.0
10.3k stars 3.65k forks source link

ctrl-alt-break (ctrl-alt-del emulation) doesn't work. #393

Closed nbolton closed 9 years ago

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Imported issue:

ctrl-alt-break (ctrl-alt-del emulation) doesn't work.

Using 1.3.4 on XP

Debug log says:
emulating ctrl+alt+del press
can't open Winlogon desk: 5

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I went back and uinstalled synergy+ and reinstalled synergy 1.3.1 and now the same
thing occurs in it as well. This worked prior to uninstalling 1.3.1 and installing
S+ 1.3.4.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

So you're saying that just running breaks ctrl-alt-del emulation permanently, even when

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Just upgraded from 1.3.3 to 1.3.5 and have the same issue on XP Sp3:

debug log shows:
2010-04-06T18:46:14 DEBUG: emulating ctrl+alt+del press
2010-04-06T18:46:14 DEBUG: can't open Winlogon desk: 5

nbolton commented 9 years ago

On a side note:
Restarting synergy+ on my client didn't seem to help at all, but rebooting the client
machine did. Client appears to be happy again with ctrl+alt+del emulation...

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Even reboot does not solve the problem. I still cannot emulate ctrl+alt+del. Any help?

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Afraid I don't have any advice, I haven't had the problem since I rebooted my client...

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I have only recently stared to use synergy+ (last week) and have just noticed the
same issue. Ctrl-alt-del not sent to client machine using ctrl-alt-pause.
Also having a maybe related issue where I locked the server using ctrl-alt-del and
lock. When I went to unlock it only the first char of my password was accepted.
Eventually had to reboot the server.

Using Win XP (SP3) on both machines, Synergy+ 1.3.5.

Not investigated higher logging levels yet.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This is an ongoing problem which has been in Synergy+ since it was created.
Furthermore, the old version 1.3.3 you could at least hit Control Alt Del on the
second physical keyboard - then mouse in to the area and drop the password in to the
workstation using the normal k/mouse.

Can this please be looked at soon :( I've tried Synergy+ several times over the
past 12 months and the problem still hasn't been fixed.
I am happy to provide more information if need be.

For the record.
Corp environment (on a domain)
No firewall for both machines
XP Pro, SP3

nbolton commented 9 years ago


I'm having the same issue as stated above, with it being broken after a reinstall of
1.3.1, this is probably due to a config left behind that both synergy and synergy+
use, I'm wondering if someone can tell me where to find this config so I can blow it
away and start fresh.


nbolton commented 9 years ago

with a little more investigation, it does not appear that the config is stored in the
install directory, the registry, or ~/Application Data/

Any insight will be much appreciated.


nbolton commented 9 years ago

-Missing comment-

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I don't think there is any client config stored on a Windows PC, other than what is
is the Auto Start command, e.g.

"Synergy Client"="\"C:\Program Files\Synergy+\bin\synergyc.exe\" --no-daemon
--debug WARNING --name DAVEDESK dave-ubu:24800"

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I only get this "DEBUG: can't open Winlogon desk: 5" problem while I use Auto Start
chosen to be "When You Login".

If I instead Auto Start "When Computer Starts" then ctrl-alt-del works.

Perhaps this is to be expected, only when synergc is running as SYSTEM can it emulate
Ctrl-Alt-Del, otherwise it breaks the Windows security model.

Other affected users should first check that this debug log message is what they are
seeing, if so they should ensure they use "When Computer Starts".

Good luck!

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Oh ... & the corresponding config will be:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Synergy Client\Parameters]
"CommandLine"=" --no-daemon --debug WARNING --name DAVEDESK dave-ubu:24800"

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm surprised that with the number of comments, there's only 2 stars.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Just started using 1.4.1, now services works in 7/vista however as I can not send ctrl + alt + pause the gain is not as much as I would like as can not get login on client with out using another keyboard.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Also using 1.4.1 and ctrl+alt+pause does not lock/unlock the client. Have tried when the process "syncergyc.exe" runs as myself or as SYSTEM.

Have also noticed that when it is run as SYSTEM I can not view logs on the client. Nothing shows up.

Both client and server are Windows 7 Ultimate x86

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm running synergy+ 1.4.1 as a server service on winxp x64, where I had to manually edit the service starting command line options set up by the installer to get it to work by removing the "-- relaunch" option.

The synergy+ client 1.4.1 runs on a win7 x64 enterprise machine, as configured by the installer. It was able to finally connect to the server once I modified the service start up options as described previously.

For my final "I fell good to use this now" test, I rebooted both machines. The server xp x64 box rebooted and the service started, and the client in the also restarted win 7 x64 box connected. Very promising.

BUT although I can move the mouse over to the client screen, verifying the client side is running and responding, I cannot generate any CTRL_ALT_DEL sequences for that client machine... so I cannot log in. :-(

Not good. So for now I 'll continue to use "Input Director" which will just become my solution if synergy+ isn't fixed.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Odd that this is a 'medium' priority issue, since it really is a show-stopper preventing this software from being used in any corporate environment or where security is at all a concern.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

@thomas.smailus: that's a good point. I don't use synergy+ at work, but if I did, this would be, as you say, a show-stopper.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Same issue here. XP server, Win7 remote... can't get the ctrl-alt-pause working. Several hours ago, prior to upgrading the Win7 box from XP, this was working. So, XP-XP good using original Synergy, XP-W7 no good using S+ 1.4.1.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Firstly, tried to read why I can't post being a new user and the link to the Support Page is broken.

Secondly, I've been rolling out Synergy (1.3.4 and now 6) to our users, they use 2 to 4 PCs and have between 2 to 8 monitors.

The bugs I've noticed is that if one PC locks due to inactivity, you are unable to get onto that screen by scrolling to the side, the mouse just won't get on there for me to then try and unlock it, I have to VNC remotely to unlock it.

Thirdly I get a problem where the scroll lock gets stuck and does not respond, this is a problem for us in particular as we use switch boxes that require a double tap on the scroll lock and then up on the cursor key, with Synergy this can sometimes (more often then not) fail to work.

I love the software and so do our users, but some of these bugs can be a pain as we have to go to the user to assist each time.

Is there a way to exclude certain keys from Synergy?

Thanks guys and keep up the good work!

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Tengo un Windows 7 que hace de server, y un windows XP que manejo remotamente.
Cuando se bloquean los dos equipos, desbloquear el equipo remoto era imposible.
Para solucionarlo tenia un teclado adicional con el que hacia CTRL + ALT + DELETE. Solo lo usaba para eso.

1.En el lanzador, configurar Hot Keys
2.En el cuadro Hot Keys configurar la combinacion de teclas que queremos usar
3.En el cuadro Actions configurar un keystroke (Cotrol+Alt,equiporemoto)
4.Lanzar synergy, y despues cerrarlo.
5.El fichero synergy.sgc ha sido modificado y esta localizado en users\login\documentos. Se abre con un editor de texto y se modifica la linea como sigue:
mousebutton(Shift+3) = keyDown(Control+Alt+Delete,pcremoto); keyUp(Control+Alt+Delete,pcremoto)
y guardar.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Issue Importer wrote:

Same issue here. XP server, Win7 remote... can't get the ctrl-alt-pause working. Several hours ago, prior to upgrading the Win7 box from XP, this was working. So, XP-XP good using original Synergy, XP-W7 no good using S+ 1.4.1.

Synergy was working great until they updated my client system from XP to Windows 7. Currently running 1.4.2 beta, no Ctrl-Alt-Delete gets sent. Server is Fedora 14 with synergy-1.4.2-1.x86_64.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Ctrl-alt-break doesn't work for me x64-Server2008 SynServer 1.4.3 to x86-Client WindowsXP. Happy to test/help debug if you ask.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

For windows 7/windows vista client issues with ctrl-alt-delete emulation, see 2752 for a patch.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm running an XP/XP setup and disabling the required Ctrl-Alt-Delete on login/unlock screens is what worked for me:

Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\Interactive logon: Do not require CTRL-ALT-DEL

Make sure this is checked and reboot. The 'login' screens will then bypass the 'Press ctrl-alt-delete to start' window. Note: use this only in a trusted environment.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I just found Synergy today and I cant use it to login to my clients because of this bug. I am going to switch to another program so I can login. Bye, bye, synergy.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Solution for Windows 7, see

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I'm running synergy 1.4.16 on Windows8 server, windows 8.1 client and alt-ctrl-break does not work.

On client it logs the following: DEBUG: emulating ctrl+alt+del press DEBUG: can't open Winlogon desk: 5

nbolton commented 9 years ago

I was able to make it work by the following:

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Fyi - The above fix doesn't work on win8.1 client in a standard Active Directory domain with Ubuntu server and Synergy (running as Administrator - service also elevated) with synergy 1.4.17

nbolton commented 9 years ago

My bad - had to change the keymaps - this is working now.

nbolton commented 9 years ago

This worked perfectly. Thanks! Big help.

I was able to make it work by the following:

Activate SAS:

"Run gpedit.msc Go to Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Windows Logon Options Enable software Secure Attention Sequence, enable for services or for both services and Ease-of-Access programs (in the drop down box)." Run client "Elevated".

Restart service > Run services.msc, select Synergy, click Restart

nbolton commented 9 years ago

Michal Pomorski's fix (see comments above) also worked for me (I'm running windows 7 servers and clients). For those of you wondering what he means by "run client elevated," there is a check box option with "Elevate" written next to it on the client side of Synergy's graphical user interface. I.e. you don't need to mess with synergies executable files. Thanks for your help Michal.

nokios commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to drop a line that the post two above (Vince Poil) which deals with enabling Secure Attention Sequence worked for me. Thanks!