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list created by a perl script - problem of no_owner_defined() #26

Closed pascalmaes closed 5 years ago

pascalmaes commented 5 years ago

With Sympa version 6.2.32, I was able to create a list with a perl script which create a folder named as the list, an in this folder an info file and a config file.

After that, I ran with the options --reload_list_config and --sync_list_db

As I have a lot of lists to create each year, this method is very fast but now whith sympa 6.2.36, I get the error : Sympa::List::set_status_error_config#464 The list Sympa::List is set in status error_config: no_owner_defined().

Even if there is a directive "owner_include" in the config file.

What should I do to be able to continue to create my lists with that method ?


ikedas commented 5 years ago

Hi @pascalmaes,

This issue tracker deal with issues about documentation. Please use sympa/issues to ask questions about usage of Sympa or report (probable) bugs of Sympa.