Closed nilshoerrmann closed 12 years ago
Ha, ha, yeah, I know that site and personally I totally agree. But there is a difference between "You can read the content of the site" and "The site looks quite the same in IE". In the first case adding HTML5shiv will almost do the job, in the latter case it's a bit more work.
How do the IE 7 and 8 visitors use the website? And how does the site look now for them? Do they come by accident and leave or do they just come to post some spam? Then just work should be good enough. And how many interact with the site and click around?
:-) I've found that if you add Modernizr, respond.js and Selectivizr 1.0.3b (1.0.2 doesn't work with respond.js), it can turn out that IE7 and 8 aren't too bad.
But I wouldn't imagine it's important for old IEs to have the same layout, and don't see why the same content wouldn't be good enough, especially if it's found that the things Jonas brings up suggest old IE users don't spend much time on the site.
Valid points. Thanks guys.
Regarding the behaviour of users of old IE, I forward this question to @allen who has access to the full stats.
For the Symphony website only 6.44% use IE, and of those IE users, the breakdown is:
The numbers are quite small and when it gets to IE 7 and 6, the numbers become negligible.
On 1.46% use IE
With old browsers I especially mean Internet Explorer prior version 9. Factory uses HTML5 markup and CSS3 features. We already bundle a simple version of Modernizr for feature detection and thus have HTML5shiv in place to support legacy browsers. Still older browser will need a few fixes: