symphonyoss / symphony-java-client

Java client library for Symphony
Apache License 2.0
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Read DataFeed API allows a "maxMessages" query parameter #51

Closed shirleyshan closed 7 years ago

shirleyshan commented 7 years ago

DataFeedClientImpl.getMessagesFromDatafeed method defaults the "maxMessages" to 100. Please allow this value to be passed in instead of being fixed at 100.

ftbb commented 7 years ago

I'm happy to change this, but are you calling DataFeedClientImpl.getMessagesFromDatafeed directly or using Services (ChatService, RoomService) that are underpinned by the MessageService?

ftbb commented 7 years ago

commit 3e23ed251947e93391de03adde1caf38adb83569

-Added method: getMessagesFromDatafeed(Datafeed, MaxMessages) -If you want to change the default number of messages (100) for existing Services, set the system property "datafeed.max.messages"

1.0.2-SNAPSHOT published