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Interpreter: process state update error using replicated external choices #235

Closed beokrt closed 10 years ago

beokrt commented 10 years ago

the process cannot syn on the value 1 on channel ch_a, becouse the other process do not offer to sync on channel ch_a with the value 1.hence we have a livelock

But the tool update the process state var to 1, even that the we have sync on ch_a.3. This is the only event we can sync on. hence the guard of process local_stateliveLock becose true and both processes can now skip, this is not right.

ch_a : int

process local_stateliveLock =
skipValue:int  := 0

loop = (  [] i in set {1,3}  // this do now work, the value 1 are picked and then the guard become true
             @( ch_a.(i)-> (skipValue := i;loop)
               ([skipValue = 1]& ch_stop-> Skip))
      ) //skipvalue can never be 1, since the other process only can send 2n and 3

 loop2 =   // this work, unfolding the set {1,3]
     ( dcl k:int := 1 @( ch_a.(k)-> (skipValue := k;loop2)[] ([skipValue = 1]& ch_stop-> Skip)))
     ( dcl k:int := 3 @( ch_a.(k)-> (skipValue := k;loop2)[] ([skipValue = 1]& ch_stop-> Skip)))  
 @ ch_stop->loop   

process local_sendliveLock =
   loop = (( [] i in set {2,3}@ ch_a.(i)->loop) [] ch_stop->Skip)
 @  ch_stop->loop 

process localdataliveLock_main = local_stateliveLock  [|{|ch_a,ch_stop|}|] local_sendliveLock 
joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

trace: [ ch_stop; ch_a.3 ] Then ch_stop should be refused (i.e. not offered)

lausdahl commented 10 years ago

So it seems that a simpler test that actually crashes the interpreter is (code snippet):

skipValue:int  := 0

loop = (  ([] i in set {1,3}\{skipValue}  
             @( ch_a.(i)-> (skipValue := i;loop))
               ([skipValue = 1]& ch_stop-> Skip))

the result here is:

Waiting for environment on : ch_stop, tock
Executing: ch_stop
Top CML behavior: RUNNING
Waiting for environment on : tau, tau, tock
Waiting for environment on : tau, ch_a.3, tock
Waiting for environment on : ch_a.3, tock, tau, tau
Waiting for environment on : ch_a.3, tau, tock
Waiting for environment on : ch_a.3, ch_a.1, tock
Executing: ch_a.3
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.CommonInspectionVisitor.syncOnTimeAndJoinChildren(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.CommonInspectionVisitor.caseAExternalChoice(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.ActionInspectionVisitor.caseAExternalChoiceAction(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.ActionInspectionVisitor.caseAExternalChoiceAction(
            at eu.compassresearch.ast.actions.AExternalChoiceAction.apply(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.CmlInspectionVisitor.defaultPAction(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.CmlInspectionVisitor.defaultPAction(
            at eu.compassresearch.ast.analysis.QuestionAnswerCMLAdaptor.caseAExternalChoiceAction(
            at eu.compassresearch.ast.actions.AExternalChoiceAction.apply(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.ConcreteCmlBehaviour.performInspection(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.ConcreteCmlBehaviour.inspect(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.VanillaCmlInterpreter.inspect(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.VanillaCmlInterpreter.executeTopProcess(
            at eu.compassresearch.core.interpreter.VanillaCmlInterpreter.execute(
lausdahl commented 10 years ago

I would guess that the initial specification can be changed as follows:

ch_a : int

process local_stateliveLock =
skipValue:int  := 0

loop = (  [] i in set {1,3}\{skipValue}  
             @( ch_a.(i)-> (skipValue := i;loop)
               ([skipValue = 1]& ch_stop-> Skip))

 @ loop   

and then the only valid trace will be (ch_a.3(,ch_a.1)*,ch_stop)|((ch_a.1,)*ch_stop) writting with interpreter test regex

andredidier commented 10 years ago

Maybe the following code is another example of this issue. Note that process ChaosE has a similar construct to a replicated external choice. When I try to run the interpreter for process Lazy_NFTSimple, it crashes (Exception in thread "main" - I couldn't find the stack trace).

Unwanted = nat

   unwanted: Unwanted

-- Fault 1: 1
-- Error 1: 100
-- Failure 1: 10000
E = { 1, 100, 10000 }
F = { 1 }

   Es = {| unwanted.1, unwanted.100, unwanted.10000 |}
   Hs = {| |}

process NFTSimple =
          NOMINAL_NFTSimple = a -> ((b -> NOMINAL_NFTSimple) [] FAULT_NFTSimple)
          FAULT_NFTSimple = unwanted.1 -> (NOMINAL_NFTSimple [] unwanted.100 -> Skip) 
   @ NOMINAL_NFTSimple

process ChaosE = 
    Rec = unwanted?id:(id in set E) -> Decision
    Decision = Stop |~| Rec
@ Decision

process Lazy_NFTSimple = (NFTSimple [| Es |] ChaosE) \\ (Es union Hs)
joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

@andredidier — we'll get you to recheck that after we've fixed this bug; I'm not entirely sure it's related, but I'm not betting against, either.

joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

We'll need to recheck André's example before actually closing (Kenneth didn't close, I did with a merge into development)

andredidier commented 10 years ago

The example still throws an exception. Maybe I should open a new issue.

lausdahl commented 10 years ago

Yes it is not fixed in the current version of the tool. The clone commit is older and was downstream from a re-write of related parts of the interpreter.

joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

Don't open a new issue yet; let Kenneth and I ping soon :)

joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

Appears to be fixed in 3f3f92e, both for Klaus' original example (the provided examples behave as expected and the various modifications to the behaviour to actually allow skipValue to get the value 1 also seem to work) and for André's later post.

@andredidier please verify that the latest build (it'll be number 51 on the build server, building as I write this, or grab commit cc85799) works for your example. I tested it and received an alternating sequence of synchronisations on a then b. If your example doesn't work quite right, create a new bug for it.

andredidier commented 10 years ago

@joey-coleman, this issue is now solved for me, but the behaviour is not yet as expected. I opened a new issue, #273.