symphonytool / symphony

The Symphony IDE
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Interpreter: AInterVOpVarsetExpression not implemented #262

Closed lausdahl closed 10 years ago

lausdahl commented 10 years ago

Yeah, there were a couple of silly mistakes in that.


  b : nat

  range : set of nat = {1,2,3,4,5}

  Just_a = {| a |}              -- { a }
  All_cs = {| a, b |}           -- { a, b.1, b.2, b.3, b.4, b.5, b.6, ... }
  Even_b = {| b.i | i in set range @ i mod 2 = 0 |} -- { b.2, b.4 }
  Odd_b  = {| b.i | i in set range @ i mod 2 = 1 |} -- { b.1, b.3, b.5 }

process A = begin @ a -> Skip end
process B = val i: nat @ begin @ b.i -> Skip end

process B_two = B(1);B(2)
process B_odd = B(1);B(3)

process CSId =
  A [| Just_a |] A              -- { a }

process Union =
  B_two [| Even_b union Odd_b |] B_two -- { b.1, ..., b.5 }

process Inter =
  B_odd [| All_cs inter Odd_b |] B_two -- { b.1, b.3, b.5 }

process Sub =
  B_odd [| All_cs \ Even_b |] B_odd -- { a, b.1, b.3, b.5, b.6, ... }

process Test =
  A ;  Union ;  Inter ; Sub

/* expected trace:
   <a, b.1, b.2, b.1, b.3, b.1, b.3>

At the moment that will do the trace <a, b.1, b.2> then die with AInterVOpVarsetExpression case is not yet implemented at null