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Return statements should not be allowed inside actions #263

Closed pglvdm closed 10 years ago

pglvdm commented 10 years ago

A model such as



process SmartGrid =


  SERVER_COMPUTE = ss : nat @ a -> (
  dcl as : seq of nat @ as := [];
    for all m in set inds as do Skip;
  return as
  ); SERVER_COMPUTE(ss + 1)



is syntax and type correct but naturally it fails when you try to debug it since one should not be allowed to have a return statement inside an action!? right?

joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

That should be an error; I had thought we had a visitor that checked actions for returns and flagged them.

lausdahl commented 10 years ago

So the test case for this is:

process P2 = begin 
@ return  //error, return not allowed outside operations

Please provide the simplest model possible with the error. We need to add it as a test case.

joey-coleman commented 10 years ago

That is about as simple of a test case as you can get, but we should probably also have:

Process P3 = begin
  Ret_action = return
@ Ret_action

just to make sure that we handle both defined actions and "body" actions correctly