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Interpreter: Parallel and map update bug #294

Closed richardpaynea55 closed 9 years ago

richardpaynea55 commented 9 years ago

There appears to be a bug with the map update expression when called in an operation in a parallel process. Given the model below:

  inA :  nat * nat
  outA :  map nat to nat

process p = 
    a: map nat to nat := {1|->3, 3|->4, 5|-> 9, 7|->8}

    updateA :  map nat to nat ==> ()
    updateA(newA) == 
      a := a ++ newA

    PARRACT = ACT1 ||| ACT2
    ACT1 = [] i in set {1,2,3,4,7} @ inA.i?n -> (updateA({i|->n}); outA!a -> Skip)
    ACT2 = test-> (updateA({3|->3});Skip)


When attempting to update the map index 1 or 2, the update fails (inA.1.x, inA2.2.x) however any other (inA.3.x, inA.4.x, inA.7.x) updates the map successfully. However, when removing the parallel operator and ACT2, all map updates work perfectly.

Not sure if this is a map or parallel issue.

joey-coleman commented 9 years ago

I suspect that this and #293 are both actually working per the semantics, but i'll dig into this in the next couple of days. Part of what suggests this is that neither this example nor the one in #293 are using namesets — for values to 'escape' their parallel branch, they must be named in the corresponding nameset, otherwise changes just get thrown away.

richardpaynea55 commented 9 years ago

No worries - I have a larger example which has some very odd behaviour - tried to trim it down in for this simple example - let me know if you want to use that. The odd thing is really the inconsistency in how the assignments to the map change depending on which domain value is updated...

joey-coleman commented 9 years ago

There is something that's not behaving correctly; I will construct an example for this and #293 shortly.

joey-coleman commented 9 years ago

So, simple model for sanity:

  pair : nat * nat

process TEST = begin
  simple : nat := 0
  TOP = A(1) ||| A(2)
  A   = val x : nat @ pair!x!simple -> simple := x; pair!x!simple -> Skip
@ ping -> TOP ; ping!simple!simple -> Skip

This works correctly, giving the traces <ping.0; (pair.1.0,pair.1.1) interleaved with (pair.2.0, pair.2.2); ping.0> (there are four permutations in total).

So I think it may have to do with maps, specifically.

joey-coleman commented 9 years ago

More complex example; this fails. I get the trace:

ping.0, pair.1.0, pair.2.0, pair.2.2, pair.1.1, ping.2

and the last ping.2 should definitely be a ping.0

  ping : nat
  pair : nat * nat

process TEST = begin
  simple : map nat to nat := {1 |-> 0}
  TOP = A(1) ||| A(2)
  A   = val x : nat @ 
          pair!x!(simple(1)) ->
          simple(1) := x;
          pair!x!(simple(1)) ->
@ ping!(simple(1)) ->
  ping!(simple(1)) ->
lausdahl commented 9 years ago

This looks like a problem with the DelayedWriteContext and MapValue + SeqValue. Both of these are non-updatable but can actually be updated using a AMapSeqStateDesignator. Where simple(1) returns an updatable value (from the none updatable map) or if the index doesnt exist it adds it and returns it as updatable.

So I think the above example can be reproduced using a seq too.

joey-coleman commented 9 years ago

ok, confirmed bug; I'm assigning it over to @lausdahl :)