symphonytool / symphony

The Symphony IDE
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Position not reported for specification statement #302

Closed pglvdm closed 9 years ago

pglvdm commented 9 years ago

When having a specification statement the run-time error becomes

The specification statement cannot be executed, refine it something explicit if it should be executed at null

The "at null" should be fixed. The model for which this has been tested is:

    RANGE = nat inv i == i < 60

    tick, time
    out: RANGE*RANGE    

process AChronometer = begin
state sec: RANGE
      min: RANGE


AInit = [frame wr sec, min pre true and true post sec = 0 and min = 0]

incSec = [frame wr sec pre true post sec = (sec~ + 1) mod 60]     

incMin = [frame wr min pre true post min = (min~ + 1) mod 60]

Run = tick -> incSec(); ([sec = 0] & incMin() [] [sec <> 0] & Skip)
      time -> out!min!sec -> Skip

@ AInit; mu X @ (Run; X)

channels inc, minsReq
channels ans: RANGE

process CChronometer = begin
state sec: RANGE
      min: RANGE


SecInit = [frame wr sec pre true post sec = 0]

MinInit = [frame wr min pre true post min = 0]

incSec = [frame wr sec pre true post sec = (sec~ + 1) mod 60]     

incMin = [frame wr min pre true post min = (min~ + 1) mod 60]

RunSec = tick -> incSec(); ([sec = 0] & incMin() [] [sec <> 0] & Skip)
         time -> minsReq -> ans?mins -> out!mins!sec -> Skip

RunMin = inc -> incMin() [] minsReq -> ans!min -> Skip

@ (
    (SecInit(); mu X @ (RunSec; X)) 
        [|{sec}|{|inc, minsReq, ans|}|{min}|]
    (MinInit(); mu X @ (RunMin; X))
)\\{|inc, minsReq, ans|}