sympmarc / SPServices

SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
MIT License
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Does SPServices cater for filling in fields from another list #78

Closed dprivitelli closed 5 years ago

dprivitelli commented 5 years ago


I am currently using SPCascadeDropdowns & SPDisplayRelatedInfo. Is there a way of having something similar to the SPDisplayRelatedInfo which automatically fills in the fields in the current Form from another list based on the selection of the dropdown please?

sympmarc commented 5 years ago

@dprivitelli, that's basically what SPDisplayRelated info does: based on the selection in the dropdown, it shows additional information fro the lookup list.

dprivitelli commented 5 years ago

Yes I agree. However, I need to get that data and use it to fill other fields, because that data will not be stored in the list but just displayed and I need to store it. Can it be done somehow?

sympmarc commented 5 years ago

Your need is a specific requirement that the generic function doesn't provide. It's absolutely possible, but you'll need to write the code for it.