sympodius / org-novelist

Org Novelist is a system for writing novel-length fiction using Emacs Org mode.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot `org-novelist-export-story` anymore #14

Closed kpanic closed 3 months ago

kpanic commented 4 months ago

Hello @sympodius 👋🏾 First of all thanks for the fantastic program.

As the title says I cannot export the story anymore. Or to better say the only thing exported are the export settings without my chapters and so on.

Also, when I do org-novelist-update-references I am getting. 👇🏾 Not sure if that helps.

Thanks for your potential help! I am kinda stuck in this problem. If you know how can I help you to debug it that would be great. Thanks! image

sympodius commented 4 months ago

Hey @kpanic ,

What version of Emacs are you using, and are you using a starter kit (Doom, Spacemacs, Prelude, etc)?

kpanic commented 3 months ago

I am using:

$ emacs --version
GNU Emacs 29.4

with spacemacs

sympodius commented 3 months ago

Can you try launching Emacs from the command line without any customizations:

emacs -Q

Then manually loading Org Novelist by opening a command buffer with M-x and running load-file. Then navigate to org-novelist.el.

I'm hoping those steps will bypass Spacemacs and any of your own customizations to get to a base state to test from. Does the problem still occur?

Also, what version of Org Novelist are you running, and when did the problem start?

kpanic commented 3 months ago

With emacs -Q it works. I did:

I have this version .emacs.d/elpa/29.4/develop/org-novelist-20240522.141250

I don't know when the problem started. I had a break from writing. Sorry I am not able to provide this info

sympodius commented 3 months ago

I'm glad that much is working for you, at least 🙂

These results would suggest the problem is in your configuration somewhere. Did you set org-novelist-language-tag to anything?

kpanic commented 3 months ago

eheh. 🙂

These are my settings

  ;; Org novelist settings
  (setq org-novelist-language-tag "en-GB") 
  (setq org-novelist-author "My Name")
  (setq org-novelist-author-email "")
  (setq org-novelist-automatic-referencing-p nil) 
kpanic commented 3 months ago

I reinstalled spacemacs and it seems to work now. I will figure out what's the setting or package that is causing troubles. Thanks for the support!

sympodius commented 3 months ago

I'm glad you got it sorted! If you learn more, let me know, but I'll close this issue for the moment 🙂