sympy / sympy-bot-old

SymPy pull request helper
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"./sympy-bot review unreviewed" #56

Open asmeurer opened 12 years ago

asmeurer commented 12 years ago

There needs to be an easy way to just review all pull requests that haven't been reviewed before (in the given Python). It would just query the App Engine app and see which pull requests haven't been reviewed since the last push by the author.

Also, I think this should include unmergable requests, since this alerts the author about the unmergability of the request (and they might not otherwise know, especially if they don't have push access). But this should only post once, not once per Python version.

vperic commented 12 years ago

"(and they might not otherwise know, especially if they don't have push access)." -- I actually sent a feature request to the Github team regarding this: if they already have the information (like you said), then they might as well show it, at least to the pull request author. Doesn't mean an extra notification wouldn't be useful too, though.

(I mention this because I get the feeling that if more of us ask for this, we might actually get it)