sympy / sympy-bot

GitHub bot for SymPy
22 stars 11 forks source link

Another PR can cause a PR to be merged #56

Open asmeurer opened 5 years ago

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

See A new PR had all the commits from it and was merged. The PR was old and didn't have release notes, resulting in an error from the bot.

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

Here's the payload for the webhook for closing that PR:


Request URL:
Request method: POST
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asmeurer commented 5 years ago

I guess the way you can tell is that the merge_commit_sha is the same as the head commit (usually it's a new merge commit). This isn't documented here, however.

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

I sent a message to GitHub support asking to confirm that this is indeed the correct way to detect this.

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

I'm actually unsure what the bot behavior here should be. Perhaps in situations where a PR is merged via another PR, you would expect the bot to add the notes from both PRs.

Can anyone suggest what behavior they would expect from the bot when a PR is continued in another PR then automerged when the continuation PR is merged, such as sympy/sympy#9294?

oscargus commented 5 years ago

So, if there were valid release notes in both would be added?

Probably the "simple" solution is to close PRs which are continued elsewhere. There may be some issues if one just picks a few few of the commits, but that should be a rather rare case...

asmeurer commented 5 years ago

Right now both would be added. That's why the bot failed with 🚨. The bot tried to add the release notes, but they didn't exist.

The proposal here was to make the auto-closed one not be added. But I'm not sure which behavior is better.

oscargus commented 5 years ago

Given that the author finalizing the PR should provide valid release notes, I believe that not taking the ones from the auto-closed would be the preferred behavior. The alternative is that the person finalizing it does a "NO ENTRY" and does not get any credits in the release notes. Which I think will meet some resistance... (There is of course also the option that more features are added, but I think just as often someone just wraps up a previous stalled PR.)

So my 2 cents goes to not adding for the auto-closed.