sympy / sympy

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how to solve this equations with sympy? #24500

Open zdlspace0528 opened 1 year ago

zdlspace0528 commented 1 year ago
import sympy

x, y, z, e1, e2, c1, c2, c3, c5, s1, s2, s3, g1, g2 = sympy.symbols("x y z e1 e2  c1 c2 c3  c5 s1 s2 s3 g1 g2")

fx = x*(x - 1)*(c1 + c2*y*z - c2*y - c2*z - e1 - e2*y*z + e2*y + 

e2*z - g1*y - g2*z - s1*y)

fy = y*(y - 1)*(c3 + g1*x - g1 + s1*x)

fz = -z*(z - 1)*(-c5 + s2 + s3)

sympy.solve([fx, fy, fz], [x, y, z])

Why can not the solve finish? I run for long long time, but it can not finish.

oscarbenjamin commented 1 year ago

I think that this is a valid performance issue. It should not be this slow.

oscarbenjamin commented 1 year ago

One problem is that the solvers don't just factorise the polynomials to consider different cases: instead everything is passed to groebner. Since computing Groebner bases has double-exponential complexity every effort should be made to reduce the problem first. Here the different factors of each equation can be considered separately reducing the complexity substantially. In this case there are 27 combinations of factors of which most give very simple linear systems. Only the 3rd factor in fx leads to anything nontrivial. Solving the second two equations for (x,z) and substituting the first gves an equation for y that is easily solvable:

In [21]: sols = solve([fy, fz], [x, z], dict=True)

In [22]: sols
⎡⎧   -c₃ + g₁      ⎫  ⎧   -c₃ + g₁      ⎫⎤
⎢⎨x: ────────, z: 0⎬, ⎨x: ────────, z: 1⎬⎥
⎣⎩   g₁ + s₁       ⎭  ⎩   g₁ + s₁       ⎭⎦

In [23]: fx.subs(sols[0])
           ⎛-c₃ + g₁    ⎞                                      
(-c₃ + g₁)⋅⎜──────── - 1⎟⋅(c₁ - c₂⋅y - e₁ + e₂⋅y - g₁⋅y - s₁⋅y)
           ⎝g₁ + s₁     ⎠                                      
                            g₁ + s₁                            

In [24]: solve(fx.subs(sols[1]), y)
⎡c₁ - c₂ - e₁ + e₂ - g₂⎤
⎣       g₁ + s₁        ⎦

In [25]: solve(fx.subs(sols[0]), y)
⎡     c₁ - e₁     ⎤
⎣c₂ - e₂ + g₁ + s₁⎦

That gives 2 of 10 possible solutions. We can also solve the second two equations for y and z and use those in fx to find x giving:

In [26]: sols = solve([fy, fz], [y, z], dict=True)

In [27]: sols
Out[27]: [{y: 0, z: 0}, {y: 0, z: 1}, {y: 1, z: 0}, {y: 1, z: 1}]

In [28]: solve(fx.subs(sols[0]), x)
Out[28]: [0, 1]

In [29]: solve(fx.subs(sols[1]), x)
Out[29]: [0, 1]

In [30]: solve(fx.subs(sols[2]), x)
Out[30]: [0, 1]

In [31]: solve(fx.subs(sols[3]), x)
Out[31]: [0, 1]

All combinations gives another 8 solutions.

Ways that solve etc can be improved: